He eats you out. (Smut)

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Luke: His large hands trailing up and down your thighs, placing light kisses on your stomach. Keeping solid eye contact with you, he travels lower, slowly pulling down the thin piece of fabric that covered what he wanted. As you became more aroused, your hands went straight to his hair, hands flowing through his blonde locks, as he threw your underwear to the side. Kissing the inside of your thighs, you let out a small groan from his breath near your heat, making you more desperate. Luke sensing that, he placed his hands on your hips, and gave you a chaste kiss on your clit. Letting out a louder moan as he licked up your slit, he started to suck on your clit with more pressure, your hands tugging harder on his hair, urging him to continue. Allowing his lips to do the work, the way his cool lip ring contrasted against your core made your eyes flutter shut from the pleasure it was bringing you. Luke still watching you, he moved his tongue in between your folds, entering slightly. As your orgasm approached, Luke continued to apply more pressure onto your clit, his tongue doing wonders as you became undone, Luke cleaning you up.

Calum: A heated make-out session turning into something more hungry, You and Calum undressed each other, caressing each others bodies as he lays down onto the bed, you on top. Usually, you were on the bottom, sensing that Calum wanted to try something new tonight. Both of your tongues battling for dominance, Calum stops for a moment, his lips swollen and slightly out of breath. 'I want to try something different. I want you sit on my face, and ride my tongue'. Looking deep into his eyes, you didn't object. The thought of riding his tongue turning you on, you pushed him back into the mattress, taking off your underwear and throwing them to the side as you straddled his chest. Calum's eyes turning darker with lust, he moved you so your core was closer to his mouth. He let out a long breath onto your wet heat, causing you to shudder from the pleasure it gave out. Shuffling upwards, holding onto the headboard, you lowered yourself onto Calum's mouth, him holding onto your hips as he started to eat you out. Using both his lips and tongue, You started to rock your hips, riding his tongue as it licked your clit every time his tongue came into contact with hit. Moving your hands from the headboard into his hair, you gripped onto it as he continued to pleasure you immensely. As Calum was using his tongue, you felt yourself start to clench, the familiar feeling in the pit of your stomach. And before you knew it, you released yourself onto Calum's tongue.

Ashton: Ashton was one to tease you when eating you out. He loved being dominant as he wanted to see you writhing under his touch. This time was no different. Your hands handcuffed to the bed, breaths short, Ashton had a cocky attitude this time round, continuously teasing you with his tongue. Placing his mouth at your core, he keeps it there, sucking lightly before pulling away and blowing cool air onto your clit. As your hands were handcuffed, you were left vulnerable to his touch. After what felt like a very long time of teasing, Ashton started to eat you out, sucking with a great amount of pressure on your sensitive clit. Unable to run your hands through his soft hair, you bucked your hips,only to be pushed down by Ashton's large hands. Entering you with his tongue, you let out a small scream from the feeling of both his lips and tongue working on you, Ashton continuing to add more pressure. Even though Ashton is a tease beforehand, when he starts, he doesn't stop. His tongue going in further, all you could do was allow yourself to be submissive. Your walls clenching around his mouth, him having no mercy, your orgasm was powerful. Your whole body shaking as you came into and around his mouth.

Michael: Michael was one to make you orgasm more than once when he ate you out, almost always intentionally. Usually, after he was done with you, you were left very, very sensitive, to his and yours pleasure. Spreading your legs apart, Michael intertwined his fingers with yours, as he wanted it to still be intimate. Still keeping the intimacy, it was joined alongside hunger, as Michael was always desperate for your taste. Licking a long stripe up your slit, your breaths becoming more short, heat rising to your cheeks and core as he didn't waste any time. His plump lips working on your clit as he started to suck harder and harder, knowing that it was your weakness. You were a moaning mess by this time, as profanities and Michael were the only words leaving your mouth, your mind and body clouded by pleasure to comprehend his capabilities. Reaching your high, your grip on his hand tightened as you released, Michael cleaning you, but not stopping. Instead he continued to eat you out, your juices mixing with his tongue causing your body to override with the pleasure it was giving you. Plunging his tongue into you, going deeper as your nails digged deeper into his hands, knuckles turning white. Every time Michael ate you out, it always took you by surprise as to how good he was. The familiar feeling retuning into your stomach, michael moved his tongue deeper, curling it as it grazed over your g-spot. Your back arching from the sudden rush, you orgasmed for the second time, way more powerful than the first

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