'Good girls are bad girls' Mashton Threesome. (Smut)

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'she's a good girl, she's daddy's favourite, he saved for Harvard, he knows she'll make it'.

You were the straight A student, always achieving the highest possible expectations in school, making your parents proud. Being accepted into Harvard this year, you were excited, your father obviously more excited than you. But, you knew that once you were going to become a university student, you could no longer be the bad girl that you were secretly. Your alter ego which you loved.

'But she sneaks out the window to meet with her boyfriend'.

No one knew, but you were dating one your school's biggest bad boys, Michael Clifford. Well known for his image, some people found it annoying, whereas you on the other hand, found it as a major turn on. Your parents now asleep, you were able to lock your bedroom and sneak out the window, to find your boyfriend wearing a white t-shirt and ripped skinny jeans and boots. Walking up to him, you greeted him with a kiss, him obviously wanting to take it further, you not obliging. His hands secure on your waist, yours secured around his neck. 'Let's get out of here'. Michael said, looking at you with lustful eyes. Intertwining his hand with yours, you made your way to his car, driving back to his place.

'Here's what she told me the time that I caught them'

Ashton's P.O.V:

Walking back to my place, it's currently midnight. Throwing my cigarette onto the floor, not being any use to me anymore, i continue to walk home. Expecting not to see anyone, i see a car park up. Seeing Michael, I go up to him, wanting to talk. Being close friends with Michael always had good connotations to it, as he was the one that everyone wanted to be with. Giving him a fist bump and making idle chat, i'm oblivious to other door opening and closing, until I see an unexpected figure: y/n. Seeing her dressed in a crop top and black skinny jeans, i was strangely attracted to her, never expecting to see such a different side. Not taken aback about me spotting her here, she just gave me a smile, asking how I was. She knew what I was thinking, she read me like a book. 'I know what you're thinking'. She said quietly. 'Thinking about the good girl you see every day. Well, guess what? That's not me'. Seeing a grin forming on Michael's face, as well as her own, I smiled back, wanting to get to know her better. Frankly, I may have been too obvious, as Michael and y/n were now looking at my lower half. I feel my face heating up, a smug grin forming on y/n's face, as well as Michael's?

Michael's P.O.V

Looking at Ashton, I knew what he wanted, and looking at y/n as well I could tell that she wanted the same thing. A threesome? I couldn't say no to that. 'Ashton come inside with us', i said, in an inviting manner. Looking at y/n, she had a clear idea as to what was going to happen, and looking back at Ashton, he did too. Sound creepy? Possibly, but that was going to be overridden by tonight's events.

Y/N P.O.V:

Walking into Michael's house, Michael and Ashton both behind me, I lead the way up to his bedroom. Michael's parents were currently away for a few days, therefore allowing us to be as loud, and adventurous as we wanted to. Entering Michael's bedroom, both behind me, and turn to them. Walking up to Ashton, I pull him by his shirt and kiss him deeply. His hands reaching my bum, he cups it in his hands before giving it a playful smack, his tongue running across my bottom lips. Giving him access, his tongue explores my mouth,battling for dominance. Our lips breaking apart, I rid him of his tank top, him getting rid of my crop top. Now in my black lace bra, Ashton groans as he unbuckles his jeans with anticipation of what's going to happen next. Throwing off my jeans, I suddenly feel a pair of hands wrap around my waist;Michael's as his hands slip into my underwear. Rubbing my clit in slow circles, i let out a moan as my head falls back into his shoulder, suddenly picked up by Ashton's hands as he kisses me again. Michael continues to rub me faster, his other hand on my waist, breathing heavily onto my neck, as Ashton cups my breast with his hand. Taking his hand out of my underwear, i'm left a little disappointed until he whispered: 'lay on the bed princess'.

'Yes sir', I said, before lying down on the bed, putting my hands at my sides so my boobs were emphasised slightly. Michael sitting himself down on the chair next to the bed, Ashton climbed on top of me before peppering small kisses down my stomach , before eagerly removing my panties. 'Baby your dripping', he said,with a grin on his face. Michael was now sat down on the chair, pumping himself a few times before coming onto the bed and kneeling next to him, his erection next my mouth. 'Who knew a good girl like you would have a clit piercing?. Ashton spoke with a smug tone in his voice, before licking along my slit, his tongue in contact with my piercing, my body shuddering from the pleasure. 'Good girls are bad girls that haven't been caught, right?', I replied with. 'Until now', he said, before he started to eat me out, as I took in Michael's now throbbing dick into my mouth. Immediately sucking hard, Michael's hands went through my hair, holding with a tight grip as I felt Ashton's mouth on my clit, sucking with great pressure added to it. Moaning into Michael's mouth from the sensation, his grip tightened slightly as his tip hit the back of my throat. Not having a strong gag reflex, I continued to deep throat him as Ashton's tongue was now in between my folds. Using the tip of his tongue, he licked slightly before plunging his tongue into me. My back arching, Ashton's hands pinned me down as he went in further. Feeling Michael's dick twitch and stiffen, he came, and I swallowed all of it.

Allowing my breathing to slow down, it soon sped up again as Ashton's tongue was replaced by two of his long fingers pumping in and out of me, his thumb furiously rubbing circles onto my clit, allowing the piercing to create a new feeling. Sooner, rather than later, i felt my stomach clench, as well as my folds clenching between his fingers. I then came, Ashton's name leaving my mouth in a high pitch as he took his fingers out of me and licked them clean, looking directly at me.

Feeling the bed move, and dip, they swapped: Michael now hovering above you and Ashton kneeling down. Looking up at Ashton, he didn't look like he wanted much. So, as my hand wrapped around his dick, I traced a prominent vein with you thumb, causing his eyes to shut and groan from the slight contact. Smiling to myself, I started to give him a hand job while he leant over and kissed me deeply, making out again. The tip of Michael's dick grazed along my slit, causing me to moan in Ashton's mouth due to being sensitive. And, as mine and Ashton's tongues were fighting for dominance, Michael was being ruthless, and pounded into me at a fast pace. One of his hands cupping my breasts which fit perfectly into his hands, the other on my clit, rubbing it in figure 8's. Continuing to pump Ashton with my hands, his eyes were closed shut, the feeling of euphoria coursing throughout his entire body. Michael then leaned down and kissed me passionately. My orgasm approaching more quickly, I knew that this was going to be strong, and Michael wasn't going to last any longer either. Ashton then came, his cum spilling over my chest as he let out a throaty groan. Cleaning myself by licking him cum off my fingers, Michael then slapped my clit. Even though there was no strong pressure added, my back arched from the sensation as i came again. This was strong, as my mind went black, seeing stars for a second as Michael came, his eyes closing shut as he filled me up.

'Good Girls are bad girls that haven't been caught, I guess. Ashton said, as he looked at me.

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