Chapter Twenty-Seven

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I got sick. Overnight I came down with the flu and I was competely and surprisingly devestated. Devestated because usually when I got sick, I was sick for at least a week before it finally went away. I was practically praying that the flu would be gone by Saturday. I didn't want to miss out on prom with the most amazing man in the world. I coughed and rolled out of my bed. I felt utterly horrible but as I usually did I tried to get ready for school, that was until Eve took my temperature.

"101.7." She told me as she turned the pink thermometer off and stuck it bak in it's case. "You can't go to school..." She backed off quickly, holding her two index fingers up as a cross. "Don't give me your sickness." Eve added and I rolled my eyes at her and coughed into my sleeve.

"I won't." I promised and ended up sneezing so hard I thought my lungs would pop out. I moaned in a form of misery and grabbed a box of Kleenex and went back to my room as my older sister left the house to head for school. It was only Thursday but I was still concerned I would be sick during prom. Just my luck. I climbed back into my comfortable, welcoming bed and curled up miserably under the blankets. I shut my eyes and soon found myself asleep again. I didn't wake until around four in the afternoon. I usually found it easier to try and sleep my illnesses away anyways.

I heard gentle rasping on my door and I mumbled sickly for whomever to come in from under my blankets, but peeked out enough to catch a glimpse of man legs and not girl legs. I was surprised by that and at first assumed it to be my dad but when I moved the blankets away I saw it was Aiden instead. He looked at me kindly and I sniffled a little which caused him to have to hold back a laugh.

"What are you doing here?" I asked him. My voice was all raspy and I was doomed to become a mouth breathed for the time being. My nose was clogged up which made it hard to breath. Aiden took a seat in my swivel chair and leaned back, lacing his muscular arms behind his head.

"Your sister told me you were sick...well texted me. I thought I'd come check on you." He explained. I nodded slowly and blinked my grey eyes. They were currently dull from the lack of enthusiasm. Being sick was terrible. I hated it.

"I'm fine." I told him then sighed. "Actually, I'm worried I won't be able to go to prom because I'm sick." Aiden looked at me questioningly and I shivered under his gaze. He flashed me a smile and naturally I offered one back to him.

"Even if you're sick I'd still like for you to come." He said. I shook my head a little and ended sneezing into my blankets. "Bless you." He said like it was a natural reflex. I chuckled and smiled at him.

"Thank you." I replied. He nodded at me and turned to look around my room as I went on. "I can't go if I'm sick though I wouldn't want to get others sick." His brown eyes landed on me and I looked away awkwardly.

"You could purposefully get Adam sick?" He suggested with a wicked grin on his lips. I burst into laughter at the comment but tried to calm my hysterics, which turned the laughter into fits of giggling.

"Yeah, I could." I said, still giggling like a fool. He was looking at me in a way I had never been looked at before and my giggles subsided into oblivion and my cheeks went a cherry blossom pink.

"So you'll still go even if your sick?" He asked. I was watching his eyes and I didn't answer, my mind drew a blank and I didn't come to until Aiden snapped his fingers in front of my face. "Hello? Earth to Jamison." He laughed and I glared in a teasing way but nodded.

"I long as my fever breaks." I told him. "If I still have a fever, I won't." He held up his little finger and my gray eyes scanned it in confusion. He wiggled it a little at me, waiting. "What?" I asked and he rolled those beautiful eyes of his and I crossed my arms, waiting for an explanation.

"It's called a pinky swear. It's a promise." He told me. I looked at his finger again and he took one of my hands in his and then linked his pinky with mine. My gaze went back to his face, thoroughly confused now. "Promise you'll be at prom, even if you're sick." He pleaded quietly. I still couldn't believe that Aiden wanted me to be at prom with him.

"I promise to be at prom as long as my temperature is under one hundred." I promised. He pulled our linked hands to his face and kissed the top of my hand and motioned for me to do the same. I was frozen, having felt his soft lips on my skin. My skin tingled with the sensation and all I could imagine was our lips pressed together. I pushed the thought away and proceeded to follow his example, kissing the top of his hand.

"There." he said smiling as he released my little finger from his. I was a little reluctulant to let go but then I coughed up a little storm and laid back on my bed, groaning miserably.

"Let's just hope the promise was worth making." I murmured. He smiled sweetly at me and I closed my eyes laying my arm over my head.

"No matter what, it was." Aiden said softly. I heard him stand up and I glanced over, wondering where he could be going.

"Where you going?" I asked, not wanting him to leave. I think he realized that and then smiled a little more, rubbing the back of his neck awkwardly.

"I wasn't sure you'd want me to stay." He admitted and I laughed a little, it was a sickly sounding laugh but it was laughter nonetheless. Aiden glanced around my room for a second before his eyes landed back onto me.

"I would love if you stayed." My voice was whispy and he broke into another smile, nodding.

"Then I will." He promised. I pushed myself up into a sitting position again and climbed out of the bed. I was in my sweatpants and a plain t-shirt but my hair was a wreck. My face also gave the impression of how sick I actually was. I shivered a bit, the fever making the air seem cold and I wrapped my blanket around me.

"Why don't we watch some movies?" I suggested. He shrugged and gave me his natural smirk.

"I'd love that." He told me. I smiled and grabbed a selection of my movies before heading downstairs, leading him along behind me.


He spent the entire day with me. We watched practically nothing but Disney or Dreamworks movie and he saw a side of me most people never saw. Needless to say I was actually pretty happy. Aiden had welcomed my weirdness and child-like behavior with open arms and better yet I found out he was quite the cook. He had cooked dinner when both my mom and sister failed to show and Aiden only left when they got home around ten o'clock at night. Eve had spent the day with Nyck and mom went to visit dad at work, finally tired of never seeing him. Both were surprised to find me awake and with Aiden in the house.

I was still sick but it didn't feel like it too much. i had been having too much fun. I went to bed around eleven and sent one text before it was finally lights out and I was passed out, holding my phone.

Had a blast today. Thank you for that. I hope prom is just as amazing. Goodnight, Aiden.

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