Chapter Twenty-Nine

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I woke up even more miserable than I had been on Saturday, Prom day and I was completely devestated. I was practically chugging Day Quill and watching my temperature every five minutes. It was going down steadily but then it would shoot back up and leave me unhappy and upset. I finally gave it up at like four o'clock in the evening. Mom had left to go grocery shopping and Eve was sitting on the couch, watching the latest episode of Say Yes to the Dress. I had no intentions on watching that with her.

"Hey Jamie! You still going to prom?" She hollered from the living room. I pulled the thermometer out of my mouth for the hundreth time, and examined that temperature. 100.7. I groaned quietly and put it back.

"At this rate, no!" I shouted back to her from the bathroom. I looked at myself in the mirror. I was disgusted with myself. My hair was greasy and my nose was redder than a firetruck. My eyes were dull and all in all I just looked absolutely nasty. Like most people do when they're sick.

"Well...take a nice long shower. That usually works for me." She called back. I shook my head. She thought showers could cure cancer, wash away everything. I knew Even found peace in running water but that wasn't necessarily the same for me. 

"Why? It's not like I'm going anywhere." I murmured as I walked into the living room. I rolled my eyes at her choice of televeision show and took a seat on the arm of the chair.

"Well-" she started and her eyes turned to look at me. "-you should take a shower because you definetely need one." She made a face that looked like she smelled something absolutely nasty. I stuck my tongue out at her and sniffled a little before crossing my arms over my chest.

"I do not." I argued. Her eyes rolled at my words. I stayed in my position though. I was too sick to care about a shower anyways. Usually I let myself go when I got sick.

"Have you seen yourself? You look like a homeless person." Eve scolded and got up from the couch, pusing me back into the bathroom, grabbing a towel, and throwing it in my face. "Take. A. Shower." Her words were spaced out and I sighed, knowing she was serious.

"Fine." I told her. She was even more of a germaphobe than I was so it wasn't surprising she needed me to take a shower.

"Good." She said and shut the door to the bathroom. I grumbled a little and set my towel to the side and slowly stripped out of the clothing I had been wearing the past few days. I shivered at the air, again my fever making it feel colder than it actually was. I turned the water on and let it run, becoming extremely hot, almost instantly fogging up the bathroom but to me it felt warm and nice. I sighed and hopped into the water, letting it shower over me, relaxing my muscles and cleansing me.

I took one of the longest showers I have ever taken and when I finally stepped out I felt renewed and refreshed. I was officially clean shaven, actually clean, and my hair wasn't greasy anymore and I honestly did feel a hundred times better than I had before I stepped in the shower. I quickly dried my hair and wrapped the towel around my waist, picking up my dirty clothes from the floor and walking out of the bathroom.

Eve was on the couch watching Cake Boss now and she turned to glance back at me for a second.

"Feel better?" She questioned. I scowled, not wanting to admit that she had been right but the look on my face must've given it away because she broke into a wide grin. "Told you." She teased before turning to watch the television again. I escaped up to my room and glanced at the time. It was only five thirty, so I had plenty of time to spare before Aiden would come to get me at nine thirty. I pulled on some boxer briefs and sweatpants before blow drying my hair, watching it poof out crazily.

"Stupid hair." I muttered, staring at the mess on top of my head. I took a straightener to it and made sure it was going to stay where I wanted before finally joining my sister downstairs, my stomach rumbling for dinner.

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