Chapter Ten

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November 24, 2010 12:55 am
It's nearly one o'clock in the morning and I'm exhausted. I've been sitting in this car since I drove here which would have been around six maybe six thirty I'm not even sure I'm that tired. Either the guys are passed out drunk in this mansion-like house or they're just taking forever to get back out here for me to drive them home. Moms been calling, telling me she can't sleep since I'm not home an I don't blame her. She knows in stuck here, with those guys. Those guys that she knows best up her baby boy. I can't wait any longer. I'll have mom come get me. Oh wait, I see Adam. Finally.

I stopped writing as Adam climbed in the passenger door completely trashed and I could smell the alcohol on him. He also appeared to have just had sex. He had sex hair and his clothes were on weird.

"Letsgo." Adam's words slurred as he sloppily pulled his seat belt on. I yawned and turned the car back on and pulled out of the long roundabout driveway and back onto the road. There were two things wrong about me driving right now. One I was on my Learner's Permit and two I wasn't supposed to drive between the hours of ten at night and five in the morning. So wicked illegal for me.

Thankfully I got Adam home safely without being caught and I had mom come pick me up from his house. She was relieved when I climbed in the blue Civic without a scratch on me. She was concerned with my behavior though as I slouched in the seat, staring out the window sadly especially when we passed the park

"What's the matter honey?" Mom asked me softly in that naturally motherly voice of hers and I sighed softly, actually bringing myself to talk about it.

"I was going to meet someone after school....but my plans were ruined." I admitted. Aiden probably felt betrayed too, assuming he had gone to the park like I had asked. I had been a no show and either he was angry or possibly sad about it. Either way I felt terrible.

"Were you?" She questioned, raising a brow and I nodded slowly. "What's this person'a name?" Mom started being nosey and in for the latest scoop on my life. I told her though, trusting her not to tell a soul

"Aiden. He's a football player but mom....he's way nicer than the rest of them." I said softly, thinking back to football practice when he would help me up if the guys pummeled me to the ground. I saw a smile form on mom's lips as she pulled into the driveway. It was three seventeen in the morning now and I was practically falling asleep as I walked. All I could think about though was his smirk, that was before my head hit the pill and I suddenly remembered I had to be awake in approximately four hours. I groaned but didn't have too much time to think about it because I passed out pretty quickly.


BEEP. BEEP. BEEP. BEEP. I slammed my hand down on my alarm, groaning loudly and rolling back over, pulling my blankets up over my head. Please not today. Not this early.

"Jamie you have to get up!" My sister called from the hallway and I grumbled.

"No!" I yelled back to her and got comfortable, starting to doze off until I got cold, realizing she had come in and stole the blankets off of me. I was still dressed in yesterday's clothing as well. I sighed, trying to push myself up and then half stumbled, half walked to my closet to grab new clothes. It was one of those days. All I did was change my pants. Instead of skinny jeans I pulled on a pair of comfortable soft sweat pants and called it a day as I pulled on my shoes.

"C'mon." She urged me out of the house once I had all my stuff and into her warm, already running car. I curled up in the passenger side after getting buckled and felt myself fall asleep again. Man I was exhausted. I couldn't run on only four hours of sleep. Usually I barely functioned on the required eight. My body was weird like that.

When we got to the school, my sister gently nudged me awake and I swatted her hand away, staying curled up on the passenger seat. She laughed a little at me and got out of the car, walking around then helped pull me out as well. She locked it and we started for the school doors. I was dragging my feet sluggishly and I had my hood up with my hands shoved deep in the folds of the oversized hoodie. I walked right in the front doors and the first person I bumped into, cause I wasn't watching where I was going, was Aiden. I felt my eyes dully look up and I yawned quite loudly.

"Sorry." I murmured, too tired to even get flustered about running into the most handsome man in the school. I could feel his eyes on me and those butterflies started, only faintly though because I was starting to drift off where I stood. His hand caught my shoulder as I started to tip back, really having started to fall asleep.

"Tired?" Aiden's deep but sexy voice asked and I nodded. He chuckled and walked me to the commons, keeping an eye on me so I wouldn't fall over. I sat down on one of the benches. We had about twenty minutes before school actually started so I laid my head on the wall beside the bench and closed my eyes.

"Sorry..." I murmured again, realizing I was practically ignoring him. I heard a bit of movement, assuming he had shrugged his shoulders.

"It's fine." He told me when I turned my attention to look at him. I nodded and resumed my relaxed position. It wasn't very comfortable but I could sleep like this. I drifted to sleep and not even the school bell could wake me. I woke to Adam and his gang, all of which were super hung over but stil being total pricks. Aiden was no where to be seen.

"Loser, get up. You need to help with Math." Adam murmured, holding his head and kicking my foot to get me awake. I stretched and got up, without arguing and nodded.

"Alright." I said. He handed me his Math assignment and we went out separate ways. I went to Study Hall and sat down at my desk. I went to grab my pencil but when I opened my bag a loose paper fluttered out and I stared at it questioningly before picking it up and setting it on my desk. It was a note and the handwriting was nice and neat and my eyes went wide as I read it.


I know that "secret admirer" is you. It was cute though. I was wondering why you weren't at the park though, until Adam was telling me about the party and your sister told me while you were sleeping. Why do you take that from them? I'm sure you have your reasoning. Meet me after school? If you can. I'll give you a ride home.


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