Chapter Two

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The next day those bruises looked ugly on my face when I went to the bathroom, wearing my Batman boxers and with bedhead hair. I looked in the mirror and the face staring back startled me. Swollen and different hues from where my face had been pummelled. I groaned softly and left the bathroom, instinctively heading for my sister's bedroom. I knocked three times, each a crisp light knock on the wooden door. I barely got the third knock in before my older sister swung the door open and looked at me with tired eyes, she wasn't as much of a moring person as I was.

"Eve....I need help." I murmured, motioning to my face. Her eyes trailed to the tender bruises and her expression woke right up and she looked at me softly and pulled me into her room, sitting be down on her bed.

 "I'll be right back." She told me then disappeared out of her room, leaving me there twiddling my thumbs, staring at my lap with an expressionless look. I listened for the sound of her footsteps and soon I could hear them, she handed me an ice pack. "Hold that to your bruises, the swelling should go down." Then she went to her vanity, pulling out some pale foundation, one actually light enough to match my barely tanned skin. Eve came back over and had me remove the ice pack from my face, gingerly applying the make-up over the bruises.

 "Thank you..." I murmured quietly. Not that wearing make-up was going to help the guys at school stop picking on me, but I'd rather not explain the bruises to administration. Her unnatural eyes looked up at me and I stared into the one green and one blue eye with a sense of embarrassment and guilt. She tsk-ed me quietly.

 "Jamie, what am I going to do with you?" It was a rhetorical question, I knew but I felt the need to answer it anyways.

 "Love me as usual." I replied and ended up laughing, the morning already getting better. My sister was the best. I couldn't help but be happy around her. Actually happy. Not fake happy like I always tried to be. Besides, Eve has always seen right through my bluff. Once she was finished she let me up, and out of her room so I could get ready for the school day ahead. School...more like my own personal Hell.

 Once I was dressed, the usual skinny jeans and a band t-shirt with some oversized hoodie, I sat at the desk and flipped my journal open and grabbed my pen.

November 12, 2010 7:34 am

Morning off to a good start. Sis made me laugh already, gotta be an omen. Just kidding, but who knows, today could be a good day. I ache though. My body hurts, my face is bruised. She fixed that though, covered it up with make-up. The guys will probably notice but it doesn't matter. I'm coming straight home from school today, not taking the chance.

I closed the journal and shoved the worn out book into my messenger back, hoisting it onto my shoulder and leaving my room, heading outside to where my sister was probably already waiting in her car. She was fast like that. Quick. Me? Slower than a snail some would say.

I climbed into the passenger side and buckled up, already hearing the Blood on the Dance Floor music faintly in the background. I knew the songs by heart, me and my sister would sing along all the time, just never in the mornings. She liked it quiet in the mornings and I didn't blame her. She was a busy body, things were always loud for her so it was nice to slow down and relax every once in a while.

She backed out of the drive and started heading for school and as usual I turned my attention out of the window, looking for a good inspiration to write. Anything really. I wrote most forms of literature, just not usually poetry. I was terrible at poety. Stanzas, rhyme. Not really that great at it.

Eve parked outside of the highschool and we both climbed out. She was an upperclassman, a senior, and I was an underclassman, a freshman. We parted ways when we walked into the building, she ran off to meet up with her friends and I...well I stayed to myself, blended into the wall. The perfect wallflower. Then, I saw them. The jock clique, my bullies. They were walking in my direction where I was sitting on the bench in the commons before school actually started. Thankfully they walked just by me but one man glanced back at me, a new guy I had never seen before. Must be a transfer. I shivered at his gaze but he kept on walking, tall and muscled like the rest of them. I shook my head and twiddled my thumbs again, something I do to pass time and when the bell rang I grabbed my stuff and headed to class, forgetting about the new jock in town.

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