Chapter Nineteen

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School started back up in January, on the third. I had visited Aiden once while he was in the hospital and had narrowly avoided being spotted by Adam and his friends. If they had seen me, it would have been over. Everything would have been completely out the door. When I saw Aiden laying a little helpless on that hospital bed, my heart hurt and I had pulled up a chair, sitting beside him. I could still remember the surprised look on his face. We both agreed we wouldn't stop hanging out. We'd just have to do it out of sight of the guys. Sneak behind their backs.

I walked onto the school campus and was overwhelmed by the lack of interaction I was getting. The jock types were all the way across the commons and not a single one cared that I was over here, sitting on the bench alone. I smiled a little to myself. It was nice. That feeling of safety came over me in a wave. I wasn't under their long as they didn't catch me talking to Aiden. Or being near Aiden. Or even acknowledging his existence.

Too bad it was all a big fat lie in their faces and it felt so good to be doing something behind their backs. First it had been me standing up to them and that approach hadn't worked. Now it was just us being stealthy. I had never lied like this before but was it really lying if they didn't know? More like keeping a secret.

Aiden came in late to the commons and the bell had already rang so the jocks had already headed off to their class but I was still sitting on the bench. This had been a plan and it worked. I smiled when I saw Aiden. His bruises were fading and he had a couple of cuts scabbed over but altogether he looked much better.

"They're not around?" Aiden asked me, looking around and I shook my head. I pushed myself up off the bench and slung my messenger bag over my shoulder, walking to meet him halfway a little bit.

"Nope. They went off to class." I assured. He smiled down at me and my face got hot and red so I looked away, spinning around and starting down the hallway.

"Have you forgiven me?" He questioned. This was about the tenth time he asked since the day he apologized. Each time I told him no. I wasn't going to forgive him for it. I would always be weary that he would do it again. Still afraid he might just be a very good liar. Sweet talking me to get me hurt again.

"No. So stop asking..." I said and shoved my hands in my pants pockets. He stayed silent for a moment and when we went to go our separate ways down the hall, he caught me by the wrist, spinning me around to face him. I looked up at him, blushing like a fool.

"I won't give up, Jamie." He promised me before letting go and walking down the hall. I watche him go, fascinated and bewildered. He had a way of messing with my emotions. It was ridiculous. I headed towards my first period, which had changed with the new semester. I now had English first and the only one I knew in my class was Michael. He grinned a little at me as I walked in the room and took a natural seat near the back of the class.

A wad of paper hit my face and landed on my desk, I uncrumpled the paper to see god-awful handwriting. I read it slowly and shook my head, ignoring the insult that had quite literally been thrown at me. I spent the period writing. Not really paying attention to the lesson. Aiden and I had an idea of passing note throughout the school day. I was the first to start.


Do you know what classes you have? I wonder if we have any of the same. My schedule is as follows...
1. English
2. Study Hall
3. Algebra
4. World History followed by B Lunch
5. Biology
6. French I
7. Nutrition & Wellness
Do you have any of those? Probably not. I mean you're a Junior, so you don't necessarily have classes with me.


I folded the paper up and wrote his name on the outside, shoving it neatly into my jeans pocket. I watched the clock, eager to pass Aiden in the hallway. That's all it would be. Simple passes. A quick hand off of notes as we went about our day. Hiding our interaction from the guys. The bell rang and I was up and out of the class before anyone else. I walked into the hallway and down the hallway Aiden had went. I pulled the note out and held it at ready. He grabbed it when he passed and I had to refrain from glancing back to him as I walked to Study Hall. This was going to be a wonderful semester.

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