Chapter Twenty-Three

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Everytime I went to hise house the rest of Spring Break, I awkwardly avoided being alone with him in the same room. I always made sure someone was with us. Even when we met up outside of his house, say we went bowling or something, I brought my sister or he brought his siblings. I was almost certain I couldn’t be alone with him. A couple of times we were left alone and my face would melt and I would shuffle to keep myself busy. Then school started back up and it was once more, passing notes through the hall. That was until Michael intercepted one. 

“So, you’ve been associating with Aiden huh gay-boy?” He caught me in the hall, waving a note Aiden had written me in front of my face. It was between classes and everyone had already gotten to class. I was trapped against the wall and I was trying so hard to snatch the note away from him.

“Give it back! It’s none of your business!” I was telling him in a hushed shout. He held it far above my head and I suddenly hated being short. I crossed my arms over my chest and pouted. He rolled his eyes at me and lowered it down so he could read it. Then someone snatched it out of Mike’s hand and spun him around, putting him against the wall instead of me. I squeaked and looked at Aiden who had the bully by the shirt.

“Leave him alone.” Aiden growled, handing me the piece of paper with his spare hand. He glanced at me. “Get to class, Jamison.” He told me. He hardly ever used my name like that and I hesitated to leave even though I knew I should.

“But…” He narrowed his beautiful eyes at me and I looked away, afraid. Afraid he was going to hit me like he had at the park back in November. He sighed, upset that I still didn’t trust him not to do it.

“Jamie…go.” He told me. I nodded and hustled down the hallway not before I heard a yelp of pain coming from Michael and then the clamor of a fight. I winced a little thinking about it but I slipped into class just as the bell rang for the period to start. I was stuck in World History, my fourth period and all I could think about was Aiden was in a fight with Michael. That was not good. We had been spotted. I opened up the note and looked at the lovely handwriting with a small smile.


Do me a huge favor and have your sister drive you to Olive Garden tonight…and you can bring your family. I’m bringing mine. I just thought maybe it’d be nice to go to the place where it kind of all started, if you’d like. If not, just let me know I will understand. Oh and since you’ve seen my poetry…I think I get to see yours. 


I stared at the note. Poetry? Olive Garden? He was just expecting me to hop on board of the uncomfortable train. I hadn’t been to Olive Garden since November. I didn’t want to but I was intrigued. What could be his possible reasoning for wanting to take me to Olive Garden? He knew how I felt about it, he had suggested it before and I had bluntly said no, but now he wanted everyone to be there. Usually he meant it as just a dinner date. Now as for the poem…I sucked at poetry but hey I could try it out and fail in the process. Aiden’s poem had been intricate and it didn’t necessarily rhyme but it was beautiful. Anything I wrote was utter stupidity compared to his.


I can’t write poetry for anything, so don’t be surprised if this, well, sucks. As for Olive Garden, sure I’ll go as long as both of our families are there. You know how I feel about going there. Now, here’s my poem. I call it “A Day in November”….

November skies,
Colorful and mystic.
Covering my lies,
So no one goes ballistic.

Autumn breezes,
Washing over me.
Filling my pieces,
Full of glee.

Soon to be December,
The coldest of them all.
I will always remember,
This beautiful Fall.

Coldness will cover,
This beautiful land.
But it will soon be over,
For the meanwhile we band.

November skies,
And Autumn breezes.
Covering my lies,
And filling in missing pieces

See? I told you I was no good at writing poems! Yours was a hundred times better.


I didn’t see Aiden at Lunch or for the rest of the school day. In fact I didn’t see Michael either and I knew they had gotten sent home for fighting. I shook my head and shoved my little note, labeled AIDEN, in my pants pocket. I took to hanging out with Katherine for the rest of the day.

“So who are you going to prom with?” I asked her as we sat in Nutrition and Wellness, it was the only class aside from Lunch that we had together. I propped my head up lamely on the table in front of me, only half paying to the teacher going on and on in a monotone voice.

“Rachel Ebony.” She told me like I should have already known that. Rachel was Katherine’s other friend, her best girl friend and she was a senior. Rachel was also another one of those people who wasn’t afraid to be her. Her hair was a natural auburn color and her eyes were a brilliant sapphire color. She was taller than most girls in the school and she was curvy, but every guy wanted her. She was a prize to be one. She was strong and intelligent and knew her way with words. Her and Kat were almost completely different, but they were so alike too.

“Ah I see…” I said and shrugged. She eyeballed me with her pretty amber eyes and ran a hand through her lavender hair, the roots of her honey blonde showing at the top.

“What’s the matter?” Katherine asked me and I just shrugged again.

“I wish I could go with you.” I laughed it off and she rolled her eyes at me, giving me a gentle but friendly shove.

“Well, junior year I promise to take you with me.” She teased and I stuck my tongue out at her.

“You know that’s not what I meant.” I told her and she just smirked evilly at me.

“Well it’s as good as you’re going to get.”

“Keep it up and I’ll tell Abel your little secret.” I warned her. I hated when she toyed with my jealousy. It made me irritated. She held her hands up in surrender and then we were split into groups.

As the period continued on, I soon found myself biting my nails and constantly watching the clock. I was growing more anxious and nervous by the second, especially when the last five minutes drew near. I was actually kind of frightened about later. I knew I had somewhere to be and someone to meet there. I wanted to chicken out so badly but I didn’t let myself. So instead, I went to dinner that night. I’ll let you in on a little secret; it was the best decision of my life.

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