Chapter Eighteen

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Eve was mad. Well beyond mad, even beyond where I had been in my raging volcano feeling. She was out to kill. I followed her out of the house quickly, grabbing her arm and trying to get her to stop but she shook me off and I regretted telling her about Adam having my journal.

"It's not right Jamison! I'm getting your journal back and I'm going to give him a swift kick to his teeth." She climbed in her driver's side and pulled out of the driveway, leaving me standing there in the cold with a look of pure horror on my face. This was not good. I chewed my bottom lip and turned on my heel, going back inside. My parents still weren't home and there was nothing I could do. Literally. I was a sitting duck waiting to be hunted.

Hours later, I was sitting on the living room couch with my laptop in my lap. Mom and dad were still gone and so was my sister. The suspense was killing me and giving me major writer's block for my story. I closed the laptop just as I heard the door to the house open. I turned to see who it was and my sister came over triumphant and dropped my journal into my lap.

"Here you go." She said, smiling ear to ear. I raised a brow. How could she possibly have gotten my journal from those dirtbags without so much as a scratch on her?

"How did you..." I started. She clapped a hand over my mouth and leaned in, whispering in my ear.

"I have my ways." She pulled back and winked at me which made me more confused. Eve rolled her eyes and shrugged. "My friends helped. I got a couple of good hits in and told them not to mess with you or....Aiden." She told me. I huffed loudly, crossing my arms over my chest.

"You brought me into your own little rampage? Do you understand how much they're going to bag me for it?" I sounded like a whiny child. I sighed unhappily and opened the journal, it was still all in tact but there was a new entry in it, right after my one about dinner with Aiden.

December 28, 2010 6:28 pm

This here, is the diary of a loser. Hello gay-boy! I'm sure you're reading this, probably getting all cry-baby whiny about someone else writing in your "journal". I must say you've done one good thing by keeping this little diary. You've let us know of the traitor among us ACTUAL men. Aiden has officially lost his position among us and we made sure of that. I can't believe he actually likes....I don't even wanna write it let alone say it. Gross. I suggest you stay out of it Jamison, you are officially relieved of your duties. Us GUYS don't need a little princess to do anything for us anymore. As for Aiden, he's on a hard course of understanding what it takes to be a man. So do us a favor and stay the hell away from all of us before we all catch your....disease.


I screamed out-loud, the frustration of years of torment and pain coming out in a final yell of irritation. I ripped this page out and crumpled it up, imagining it as his face then threw it across the room. My sister popped her head out from the kitchen doorway and I had my head in my hands, rocking back and forth to keep myself from punching a wall. If I did, I probably would have broken my hand instead of the wall.

"Everything okay in there?" She asked. I shook my head back and forth violently then looked over at her like a crazed weasel.

"No! I've had it up to here with Adam and his antics!" I held my hand far above my head and stood up on the couch for emphasis. "He's meddled with my life longer than I care to admit." I told her. I hopped over the back of the couch and walked to stand in front of my older and taller sister. I was a short guy and probably wasn't going to be growing any bigger. She placed a hand gently on my shoulder.

"Jamie, calm down. It's over I promise." I sighed, nodding. After all I highly doubted that Adam could control Aiden like he could so easily control me. Aiden was stronger and I hopped more durable. Images of him bloodied in the hallway and currently in the hospital came to mind. But that was different. He had been unprepared I was certain of it.

"Okay.." I told her and grabbed my things, going back up to my room. My only actual sanctuary where everything could be how I wanted it to be. I opened up my journal, looking at the tattered edge where I had ripped out Adam's little entry. It had been rude and obscene to me. I shook my head, gently folding it so it looked more professional and started writing, something I seriously hadn't done since dinner.

December 28, 2010 8:34 pm

I haven't written since November 25 which was Thanksgiving Day. I apologize for that and I really shouldn't have just stopped writing altogether. But I guess that just means I have lot to talk about, don't I? Let's start with the day after dinner at Olive Garden...

Everything was fine and I had been walking around school with butterflies and after that I had headed to the park. The actual park with swings and slides, not my usual nature trail park. I was swinging on one of the swings, alone and then the guys came up to me, Aiden was amongst them. They accused me of making Aiden go gay and I stood up against them. It was a mistake to do that. Either Aiden's a closet case or it was all a lie to begin with because he punched me in the face. My jaw to be exact. But that's that.

We celebrated Thanksgiving that was the 27. I had some fun with my aunt, my uncle Jeremy came over with her, having finally got some time off of work. My grandparents were there. My cousins. I love my cousins they're loads of fun. It was a big family reunion. We had to extend the dining room table and set up a couple more table to seat everyone. Just a little taste of how big my family is. After all actual family reunions are a hundred times bigger.

My aunt left a couple days after, back to her home and it's been lonely without her around. She always has something to say. I've been sucluded in my room for weeks and refused to come out unless it's to eat. I also started a horrible story. Something that even I'm a little frightened about. You can garuntee it's not going to have a happy ending. Now for the more recent stuff....

Yesterday, I found out my mom had told my dad the things in my journal. That set me off and I went outside, in nothing but a t-shirt. No jacket, nothing. Well I went to the park and apparently, Aiden was there and he took me to the hospital cause I passed out from being so cold. It is not a pleasant feeling just let me tell you that. You shake a lot and you feel like at anymoment you'll just go stiff never to move again. Or like your limbs will fall off. Terrible feeling.

He apologized...for hitting me and I told him I didn't forgive him and I probably never will forgive him. That's just something you do and then expect forgiveness from. But he's the only guy that ever apologized for doing that. Adam got ahold of my journal again though and found out about dinner with Aiden. The guys jumped him and he's currently in the hospital. Adam said he doesn't need me as his errand boy anymore....and to stay away from Aiden. Apparently the guys are going to turn Aiden into a "man" again. Honestly, Aiden is more of a man they ever will be.

I closed the journal and shook my hand out, it had started to cramp up from the vigorous writing I had just done. I sighed and and leaned back in my swivel chair and found myself staring at the ceiling. Then I looked at the journal again and hesitated before taking the pen in my hand again and wrote one last thing.

I won't stay away...I think I love him.

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