Chapter Five

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I didn't go to school the next week. I was too afraid to go. Too scared to face the student body. I was keeping my grades up though. Messaging my teachers through email to get the assignments. I just couldn't bring myself to go there again. I need to clear my head. To work up my courage. I did the only logical thing I could think off to clear my mind. I packed up my journal and I went to the park. I loved going to the park, not like a children's park, more like a nature park with a long path winding through the woods and park benches scattered around. It was nice. 

It was a nice day too, perfect for me to relax. The sky was clear and the temperature outside was a decent sixty-eight which was fine for a November day. The beautiful red and orange hues of the leaves of the trees, with the golden sunlight barely peaking through to touch the ground. The further in the woods I walked the better I felt. Sheltered from the view of others, no one would find me in here, I knew it.

I took a seat under a tree but in one of the sunny spots where I could absorb the heat from the ray and see my journal clearly. I pulled the slightly broken in book into my lap and grabbed my gel pen to start writing. I had only managed to write the the letter "N" for November when I heard the crunching of leaves under foot and saw someone jogging along the nature trail. I dove behind some bushes, naturally, in case it was someone I knew. A twig snapped from me adjusting myself to get comfortable and the muscular guy stopped jogging, looking around with curiosity. He took a step towards me and I caught a glimpse of his face. I was in awe of how perfect his face was but then it dawned on me. I had seen this face before. That new transfer guy at the school. I shrunk down, willing myself to blend in with the bushes.

"C'mon!" I could hear Darek's voice further down the path, calling to this stranger and he stopped his search and I inwardly sighed in relief. He stretched out his muscles and I bit my lip, watching. He was gorgeous and I was...well me. He started jogging away at another call from Darek and I visibly relaxed, laying my head on my arms and thinking about him. Hell, I didn't know his name. Doubted I ever would. Then I thought even more about it and groaned to myself. He was a part of that group...Adam's posse. It made my heart sink with unexpected disappointment and dread.

I pushed myself back up and crawled over to my sunny spot, pulling my journal back into my lap and taking the pen up in my hand again before scrawling in the journal in my girl-ish cursive handwriting.

November 19, 2010 4:02 pm

Today's Friday, still havent gone to school since last Friday but I've decided I needed to get out of the house finally. You can guess where I am. The park as usual. Might as well go here while it's still warm. Lord knows I won't be here much during Winter. I hate the cold. On an entirely different note, I had forgotten all about it in the hype of Friday. There's a new student in school, must've transferred from a different school since he's starting towards the end of first semester. Sadly, he's with Adam's clique. Which means I've probably got another situation on my hands. I just saw him, jogging here through the trees. He was absolutely gorgeous...weird saying that. I mean sure I think guys are cute sometimes but gorgeous?

A leaf fluttered down and landed in my journal, it was a deep red color and I smiled, closing it within the journal to try and preserve the beautiful leave. I laid back in the grass and laced my arms behind my head, looking up towards the leaves, then past them to the beautiful blue sky. I must've dozed off thought because the next moment I was woken up to the sound of my phone ringing the ringtone I had set for my mom. I yawned, pulling the phone out of my messenger bag and answering.

"Hello?" I questioned yawning again. The sun had evidentally begun to set because the sky I was looking at now was a deep orange with hints of pink. I gathered my stuff and listened to my mom speak to me in a worried voice, wondering where I was and why I wasn't home yet. "I fell asleep. I'm at the park but I'm heading home now." I assured as I hoisted my messenger bag onto my shoulder

"Be home soon mom. Love you." I finished and hung up when she said she loved me too. I checked the time, five twenty-five. I had a good hour and twenty minute nap, nice. I shoved my phone into my black skinny jeans pocket, pulled my hood up, and shoved my hands into the pockets of my oversized hoodie and started walking home.


I got home about thirty minutes later, it was offically dark outside without so much as a hint to sunshine and the temperature had already dropped. I was exhausted, the nap in the park had made me feel more drowsy than I had been originally. Mom hugged me instantly when I walked through the door and I let her while laying my head on her and closed my eyes tiredly.

"You had me worried!" she was hysterical. Usually I sent her a text every thirty minutes to let her know I was okay and not kidnapped. She worried a lot.

"I'm fine mom, I promise." I assured and gave her a smile. "Just tired.." I admitted, rubbing the back of my neck and letting out an involuntary yawn. She looked me over, trying to see if I was lying or not. When she figured I was telling the truth she let me out of her arms.

"Left over dinner is in the fridge if you want to heat it up and eat it." She said calmly and ruffled my hair before walking to the living room where I could hear the TV show Supernatural playing. I chuckled, my mom and aunt's secret obsession with that show made me laugh.

"Thanks mom!" I called into the living room and didn't bother listening for a response as I pulled out leftovers of tonight's dinner to heat up. Macaroni casserole. I smiled. My mother was the best cook and each meal was great, not some easily made thing like Hamburger Helper or Ramen Noodles, which I ate most of the time anyways. I made myself a plate and placed it in the microave to heat up, leaning against the counter as I waited.

When my dinner was heated I grabbed the plate and a fork and escaped up to my bedroom, setting the meal down on my desk and easily put Lilo & Stitch into my DVD player. I was a huge Disney fanatic, one of my secrets. Lilo & Stitch is my favorite. I opened my dresser drawers and pulled out a pair of pajama pants and another plain t-shirt and changed into them then got comfortable on my bed with the door closed and my dinner in my lap. 

When the movie was over it was about seven forty-five and I was even more tired than before. I brought my plate downstairs and rinsed it in the sink. Going and saying goodnight to my family before going back up to my room to do tonight's journal before I went to bed.

Novmber 19, 2010 7:52 pm

I'm going to bed early tonight. I fell asleep at the park earlier and have been exhausted since. Thank god tomorrow is Saturday, it's an actual weekend so I don't have to really do anything. I think my aunt was talking about going roller skating or bowling or something. Sounds like tomorrow's going to be a family fun day. At least I got to watch Lilo and Stitch today, again. What's that now, the millionth time? Can't get over that movie I swear. Today was all and all a good day. So, goodnight.

And with that, I shut the journal and climbed into bed, turning off my lamp in the process. I let my eyes flutter close and I soon found myself in dream land.

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