Chapter Seven

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The weekend came and went after that and Monday was there faster than I had wanted. I had promised mom I would go to school and I never went back on a promise. So when Eve parked in the school parking lot I took a deep breath and climbed out of the vehicle, and slowly followed her inside, my head bent low as I stared at my feet. I didn't hear any whispers or snide comments when I walked into the commons and I relaxed a little but tensed as my sister went off to find her boyfriend, again. A hand on my shoulder made me wince as I was turned around to face a grinning face. Adam.

"I've missed you, buddy." his grin told me he was up to no good, as usual. I nodded slowly.

"Yeah....sorry I haven't come to school. Wasn't feeling up to it...." I said slowly, my eyes trailed back down to my feet. The only one with him right now was Liam who had this look on his face that made me shudder.

"Now, we're going to leave you least during school today. But you have to meet us at the football field after school." He told me. I could tell I didn't have a choice with this one. Unsurprising since I had managed to avoid him for a whole week. I wasn't too lucky to get off scotch free.

"Why the football field?" I questioned. He rolled his eyes like I should know.

"Football practice, you homo." He told me with a voice that made me feel overly stupid. But how was I supposed to know? I don't know the extracurricular schedules. I nodded again, gripping the strap to my messenger bag. I felt weight suddenly in the bag and laughter.

"He's got himself another diary!" Michael had finally showed up and was waving it. Adam snatched it out of his hands and handed it to me, and then I realized the fact that the boys were under observation of staff. So someone had told them. Probably mom. Crap. I sighed.

"Leave him be, Mike." Adam said visciously. "We can't do anything...they're watching." he easily motioned to the staff and Michael nodded in understanding. They walked off and I relaxed, slumping where I stood. The bell rang and I was off to class.


After school let out, I made sure I had all my homework and stuff then I headed out for the field. It was practically foreign to me. I only ever went out here if the gym teacher had us run around the track. I walked out to the field and the football coach kind of looked at me funny so I said the first thing that came to mind.

"Just here for a friend." I murmure. He nodded and I shuddered. None of these guys were my friends. They all terrified me. Soon enough the guys came out onto the field padded up in there practice uniforms. They looked even scarier with all these shoulder pads and stuff on. Adam walked over to me and I felt small.

"Look, you're basically here to...." he thought. "Hold the football while Darek kicks it in the field goal." I winced. That sounded dangerous. Great. I was going to be kicked in the face.

"And do errands for us. Like water. Make up for lost time." Michael added.

"So do me a favor and go get my mouth guard from the locker room." Liam told me, since he had forgot it. I nodded and started for the locker room. The guys were snickering.

"Just do us all a favor and don't hit on any of the naked guys!" Adam called after me and I bit my lip hard, accidentally making it bleed. I wiped it off with my sleeve and walked into the locker room.

I glanced back as I walked in and just to my luck I bumped into him. He was all padded up and he was holding his helmet in one hand and I went speechless, looking up into his eyes. I thought Adam towered me, but this guy? He was ten time's bigger...and taller. I gulped and found myself looking at my feet.

"Sorry..." I murmured quietly. I heard a soft chuckle come from him and he grinned. I looked up confused. He put a smirk on his face and I could feel him looking me over which made my cheeks get red and hot.

"How is it I know everyone at school, but I've never seen your sexy face before?" He spoke. I blinked, not expecting that to come out of his mouth but then I got a little skeptical.

"I don't know..." I spoke quietly and stepped around. "But you need to get to practice." I said and disappeared into the depths of the boys locker room. He had seen my face before, once, two Fridays ago and he may have seen it Saturday at the roller rink. I sighed. Didn't matter. The guys had probably put him up to it, because face it, who would like a girly guy like me?

I grabbed the mouth guard out of Liam's locker and hurried back to the field. The new guy had disappeared along with the others, well not disappeared more like I couldn't tell the difference because they were all wearing helmets. I chewed on my bottom lip and looked around. Liam hustled over and snatched the mouth piece out of my hands.

"Thanks loser." He said with a grin and hustled back onto the field. I sat on the sidelines and did everything the guys told me to. A couple times I got run over, trampled really and that new guy would help me up. It was weird and it gave me some serious butterflies in my stomach. After the practice was over everyone went back to the lockers and Adam told me to leave. I was gathering my journal and stuff when 'New Guy' came back over.

"Hey you." He said, pulling his helmet off. I stared a little, watching the beads of sweat roll down his face. I turned pink and looked away.

"Hello.." I murmured, slinging my bag over my shoulder. He wiped the sweat off with the back of his hand and offered that sexy smirk of his again. I but my lip harder than before and felt the taste of blood on my tongue, I quickly turned.

"I never got your name." He told me, I could feel his eyes trained on me and it sent a shiver down my spine.

"Jamison...but I go by Jamie." I told him quietly. He grinned in triumph like all he had wanted was my name.

"The name's Aiden, it's a pleasure to meet you, Jamie." He told me. I raised a brow. A pleasure? To meet me? Me? Of all people. Wow...that was new.

"Likewise...." My voice was soft and I turned to face him, momentarily forgetting the blood on my lip. He wipes it away with his thumb and I shrunk back. He watched me and I flushed. "I should get going." I squeaked out and ran off the field.

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