Chapter Twenty

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By the end of the day I was estatic. Happy with myself for having made a new friend. That's all Aiden was and that was all I could allow him to be. A friend. My heart couldn't trust him fully. Trust is like paper once it's crinkled it'll never go back to normal. It didn't matter though because I had a new friend. That's really all I could ask for. Sure I had a couple of friends, one being my best friend Katherine, or Kit-Kat as everyone called her but Aiden was my only guy friend. This was a whole new ballpark and I didn't know how to approach this friendship.

I was sitting at my table in Nutrition & Wellness and pulled the last note of the school day out to read it. Katherine was sitting beside me being nosey by leaning over my shoulder, trying to read the neat handwriting of Aiden's.

"Whatcha got there, Jamie?" Kat was saying. I held the paper away from her and gave her a look.

"Nothing miss nosey-pants." I muttered. She huffed, crossing her arms over her C-cup boobs, making them press closer to her. I shook my head and she gave me a pouty look, letting some of her lavender colored hair lean forward to cover her eyes. I groaned quietly and held the note to where she could see.

"Aiden? Isn't he the new guy?" I clapped a hand over her mouth and looked around the room. No one had heard which was good. She looked at my questioningly as she brushed her hair behind her ear. I nodded slowly, chuckling to myself a little as I sat back upright.

"Yeah, he's my friend." The look of pure astonishment made me frown at her. "I'm serious." I added. She chuckled, smirking at me teasingly. I had met Katherine in the third grade when she was a transfer student. She had moved to America from England and she still had this accent but it had dwindled as she got older.

"You're bloody serious, aren't you?" She smiled. "And to think I thought you'd only have girls for company your entire life!" Her voice was a whisper but it was full of excitement and I rolled my eyes easily at her. She shrugged and pulled out her sketchbook, starting to doodle. "Do tell me all the juicy details." She added. I shook my head.

"I'd rather not, until I'm certain he's not just lying." I told her. I reopened his note, so I could actually read it now.


Meet me after school, at my house. The guys have excluded me from tonight's party, saying it's a privledge for "men". I don't mind, means me and you can hang out....and I know you're good at math. This is gonna be weird but, could you help? I'm not the best at mathematics. You teach me math, I teach you football? I don't know, we'll come up with an equal exchange I'm sure. I'd feel bad for being tutored for nothing. Have you been having a good day? Mine's been decent even if Adam keeps bagging on me and you. He's gone and assumed we're together. We're friends. I understand that. My address is 127 East 12th St. I'll be riding the bus, ask your sister for a ride. I'm sure she'd be more than willing.


My face went red, again and I folded the note neatly, putting it in my pocket. I had an idea for all these lovely notes. They were all loose leaf paper so I'd have to by myself a binder and organize them, keep them to look back at them in the future. Kat had been leaning over my shoulder, reading along and I hadn't noticed so when she spoke I jumped and my cheeks burned hotter as they went a deeper shade of crimson.

"Sounds like he's got a thing for you." Katherine laughed, leaning back in her seat and lacing her arms behind her head.

"Dont you have a thing for...what's his face....oh! Abel McKinney?" I shot back at her. Her face flared up in a irritated and embarrassed red and I covered my mouth to keep from laughing.

"Shut your face, Jamison! I'd rather be alone the rest of my life then deal with that bloody arse..." Kat trailed off thinking about it and you could tell she started daydreaming about him. Abel McKinney was the school's biggest drama kid. He had been in theater since he could walk and his parents were pretty big too. His mom was an aspiring actress and his father wrote films and directed. Not only was Abel in a wealthy family but he was dead attractive. Not Aiden attractive though. McKinney was more lean but he had enough muscle that the tight long sleeve shirts he wore showed them off and he was tall with longer brow hair that was kept in a casual fo-hawk. He also had stunning hazel eyes. But again he wasn't Aiden attractive so I didn't think of him like Katherine did.

"My point exactly." I teased her, nudging her which snapped her out of her daydream. She rolled her eyes.

"Besides, he's dating Miss Perfect." She sighed and propped her head up which made me laugh a little. Abel was dating Hillary Price, the best female actress in the school. They were not a perfect couple and Hillary was about as pretty as a Barbie could get. Her natural black hair was bleached blonde and her eyebrows were a dead giveaway. She had the fakest laugh in the world and she had a high pitted voice that didn't match her at all. She was just ridiculously unrealistic. Everyone was sure she had a boob job too.

"What is so perfect about Hillary? Have you seen her?" I questioned Katherine like she was stupid. My best friend here was probably the realest person in school and wasn't afraid to be herself. She dyed her honey blonde hair lavender because it was her favorite color and she had the most brilliant amber colored eyes. Her nails were long and natural, she had a bright smile. She stood at five foot five inches and she was skinny but curvy at the same time. If I was straight, Kat would have been the girl of my dreams. She was down right beautiful.

"Yeah but she's what every guy wants." She muttered to me. I shrugged and then smirked, nudging her again.

"Well I'm a guy and I don't want her." I joked. Katherine had known I was gay since I told her in the fifth grade. She had asked me out and I politely declined, telling her that I didn't like girls but instead I liked boys. I made her cross her heart not to tell anyone and she listened. She shoved me out of my seat as the bell rang for the final class of the day to be over.

"You don't count nimwit!" She teased and we both broke into laughter as she helped me up. I slung my bag onto my shoulder and walked out of class with her. We parted ways at the entrance of the bus loading area.

"See ya, Kit-Kat." I told her as she climbed on her bus. She smiled, brushing her lavender hair behind her ear, revealing her delicately freckled cheek.

"See ya, Jamie. Have fun." She blew me a kiss and disappeared onto her bus. I smiled, hapy with myself as I went to find my sister. Today had been the best day in a long time.

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