Chapter Twenty-Five

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I was sweating because I was nervous. Prom would be this coming weekend and I didn't even know if I would be ready for that. My sister was currently taking me home after our wonderful dinner at Olive Garden. It had been hard not to look away from Aiden after he "Promposed". Eve's eyes kept flickering back to me then to the road and finally I couldn't stand her silence anymore.

"What?" I questioned slowly. I was leaning up on the passenger side door pretty heavily as I stared out the window into the darkness.

"Oh nothing." Her voice said otherwise and I shot her a look that told her to tell me. "Well actually...are you two dating?" Her voice was curious and a smile crept onto her lips. I knew she wanted nothing more than for me to be happy and have a partner of my own. I shook my head.


"But he's taking you to prom..." She started.

"But we're going as friends." I assured her. She rolled her pretty little eyes at me and I went quiet, looking out the window. Soon the streets became familiar and street lights illuminated the sidewalks. We passed Aiden's house and I could see them already inside through their window. I smiled a little and soon we were home, pulling into out own driveway. Mom and dad weren't home yet. Eve climbed out and I followed behind her more slowly, tired. She opened the door to the house and I went inside first then she spoke up again.

"I'm gonna take you out tomorrow to get a tuxedo." I glared at her, crossing my arms over my chest like a pouty child. She laughed a little at me. "And we are so doing something about that long hair of yours." She added. My hands shot up to my gelled hair quickly and I backed away.

"You can't cut my hair!" I nearly yelled in panic. She crossed her arms over her chest and gave me a look that said otherwise. I huffed slightly. "Don't make me look stupid at least." I pleaded. She gave me a look of offense and I gave her a look. "Sorry but I've seen how your mannequin heads turn out." I laughed. My sister took some serious offense to that even though I was joking. It was her dream to become a cosmetologist and do hair and nails and such.

"I won't make you look stupid Jamison!" She snapped back angrily and started for the stairs. "And you're wearing a tux. You can't go to prom looking like that." Eve went up the carpeted stairs angrily and I trotted along behind her.

"But why?" I groaned to her and she stopped at the top of the stairs abruptly and I stumbled into her and nearly fell back down the stairs.

"Because it's prom you have to look yor best...Better yet it's my senior prom so I don't want my little brother being, well, you know different." My face fell and I took a step back down the stairs. I felt heartbroken just then.

"I thought you said different was good..." I trailed off and quickly ran back downstairs and locked myself in the downstairs bathroom. I could hear footsteps and then heard a light rasp on the door like my sister had leaned against it.

"Jamie you know that's not what I meant."

"Well that's how it sounded!" Tears streamed down my cheeks. I was overly emotional. Driven by emotions. This was a serious problem. "You know I thought my family would accept me no matter what." I hissed at her, wiping the tears from my eyes.

"I do accept you, but it's prom." she exaggerated the word prom again and I sighed, opening the door, looking up at my older sister with teary eyes.

"So? Why can't I be me?" I asked. She placed a gentle hand on my shoulder and smiled, wiping a couple of the stray tears off of my cheeks.

"You can, you'll just have to do it with class." She told me. I crossed my arms pouting again. She grumbled then sighed. "If I leave your hair alone will you at least wear the tuxedo?" She pleaded. I grinned, nodding.

"It's a done deal." I promised. She gave me a big cheeky grin and I rolled my grey eyes at her, pushing her to the side so I could go upstairs and to bed.

"Tomorrow, after school got it?" She asked. I nodded simply and waved a hand in dismissal.

"Yeah, yeah. Tomorrow." I told her and slipped upstairs and into my room. I set my alarm for me to get up tomorrow and then sat at my desk. My leather journal was right where I left it on my desk. It felt weird knowing I hadn't taken it with me for once. Usually this book was always by my side. I shrugged and took up my gel pen.

April 6, 2011 9:23 pm

Couple things before I get to the real juicy stuff tonight. One I left my journal at home for once, crazy I know! Is this my slowly weening myself of the need to have to write in it twenty-four seven practically? My reliability on my own thoughts? Am I finally becoming more open to people. SOCIAL INTERACTION? Who knows. Anyways, prom is this weekend on Saturday the nineth. I know I shouldn't care because I'm a freshman, but I care. My friend Katherine is going with her senior friend Rachel Ebony. My sister is of course going with her boyfriend Nyck. I wonder how long they'll be together? Now...I'm going to prom as well. I was asked by a junior. Someone I know very well. It was a BIG promposal. It was in Olive garden. Aiden Monroe asked me to prom and I said yes.

I yawned and set the pen in the fold between the two pages and went to change into pajamas so I could go to bed. I pulled my clothes off, leaving me in just my white boxer briefs and I just didn't care to put on pajama pants. I turned my desk lamp off and climbed into my bed. I stared out the window and at the stars from where I lay for an hour or two before I couldn't fight the darkness anymore and I fell asleep. That night I dreamt of Aiden and just like I had when I had first met him, I felt myself wanting to be his.

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