Chapter Eleven

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Needless to say I was distracted all of that day. I couldn't focus right and every time I passed Aiden in the hallway, he would flash a brilliant, blinding smile and wink at me. I would naturally turn bright red and find myself staring at my feet, each time. It was the strangest feeling. This nervousness wasn't fear and it made me a little dizzy but I pushes through, becoming anxious and excited.

I drummed my pen on the desk and gripped the strap of my bag as I watched the clock, as the last period of the day was coming to a close. I chewed on my soft bottom lip. 5....4....3.....2...1. The final bell rang and sprung up from my seat like a Jack in the box. I swung my messenger bag onto my shoulder and quickly scurried out into the hall. Sure I was still tired from my lack of sleep but the thought of Aiden wanting to meet up had my head spinning with energy.

"Why are you in such a hurry?" My sister came up from behind, grabbing my sides, making me squeal like a child. I blushed a deep crimson color and felt my light grey eyes trail to look over at her oddly colored ones. She grinned at the look on my face which only made me blush harder.

"I'm meeting up with Aiden...." I murmured quietly so no one else could hear me. Eve smirked and nodded in understanding as she put a hand on my shoulder.

"You're going to tell me all about it later." She told me before breaking away from me and linking arms with a bright eyed boy, her boyfriend that was. I smiled a little and wait by the doors to the school parking lot, searching the passing crowd for the devilishly handsome football player.

"I would have thought you wouldn't come." I suddenly heard that voice that turned me to puddy. I bit my lip and looked in the direction o the sound as Aiden slowly made his way through the crowd of students. I looked at him curiously and cocked my head to the side.

"Why would you think that?" I questioned softly. He looked at me strange and I shrunk down a little, feeling more like a mouse than anything in that moment.

"You've been avoiding me all day.." Aiden explained and I shook my head quickly, denying that.

"I haven't been avoiding you."

"Then what?" He asked me and I thought carefully.

"I'm just shy...and the note made me nervous." I admitted. I looked down at my feet, biting my lip softly and then peeking up at him through my eyelashes. He chuckled softly and placed his hand under my chin, tilting my head up.

"No need to be nervous." He told me and I rolled my eyes easily.

"Yes there is." I told him simply and he raised an eyebrow at me, wondering how I could be nervous. "See, I don't have people skills like nervousness comes easily to me."

"Then let me help you relax." He said and held his arm out for me like a gentleman would. Huh? Would you look at that. A guy who's not a complete jerk. I awkwardly took his arm and he led me out to his car. It was a nice 68' Ford Mustang, a cherry red color, and it had obviously been redone a couple of times. No one in my family had a car like this. Not a muscle car. Everyone had some hybrid and Eco-friendly vehicle. This...honestly was a little scary. I had never been in something with such power.

"Nice car." I commented and he opened the passenger door for me. I climbed inside and looked around. It was a lot roomier than the newer modeled Mustangs I had seen before and this, was an actual muscle car. The newer models weren't as powerful. Aiden smiled as he climbed in the drivers side and patted his steering wheel.

"Isn't she just gorgeous?" He said with a laugh. I nodded and smiled, glad to know my family wasn't the only people who considered vehicles to be living things. I turned to look out of the window while Aiden pulled out of the parking lot. He turned the radio he had installed on and I glanced over, noting the AUX jack. He noted my eyes and plugged a chord in and handed me the other end. "Play what you want, I don't mind." I smiled.


"Yes." Aiden flashed the bright smile of his and I easily took the chord, plugging it into my iPod and setting it on shuffle mode. The first song to come on was a Paramore song which okay and I naturally started singing along like a fool. I felt Aiden's gaze every now and then and a pink color came to my cheeks as the music kept shuffling and I kept singing. Sometimes he'd join in and it made me smile.

"Do you want me to bring you home, Jamie?" He asked me softly and I looked over at him and bit my lower lip.

"Not yet no." I admitted, looking down at my lap, embarrassed. He smirked, I could see it from the corner of my eye. I glanced up at him.

"Good, because I'd like to take you to dinner."

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