Chapter Six

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I woke up to the loudest thud on my door, made by my over excited sister before she blantly pushed through the door.

 "Wake up!" Eve practically screamed at me. Somehow in the middle of the night I had thrown my blankets to the floor and was halfway off my bed. How I managed to sleep like that, I don't even know.

"No...five more minutes." I pleaded, grabbing the blanket and curling up under it and fully on the bed. She wasn't going to give me the luxury of sleeping though because she pulled me out of bed, literally.

"Jamison Night, no." The fact that she used my full name made me peek out at her in curiosity. Her look was serious and I grew concerned.

"What's the matter, Eve?" I asked, slowly waking up and pushing myself up off the floor and tossing my blanket onto my messed up bed. She put her hands on her hip as if thinking I already knew the answer but my face must've said otherwise.

"Nothing is the matter, Jamie. But you need to get ready so we can go roller skating! You've slept practically the whole day away." I frowned, listening to her words and looked over at my alarm clock. It was two o'clock in the afternoon. I stared at the numbers. There was no possible way I had slept so long. But apparently I did.

"Okay okay. Out so I can get dressed." I told her, grabbing her shoulders and walking her out my door. I closed the door behind her and yawned, going to my closet to pick out clothing. A pair of purple skinnies, a graphic tee, and an oversized hoodie later and I was dressed, pulling on my converse just as my sister burst back into my room to make sure I was still awake.

"Hurry up, or I swear I'll convince everyone to leave you." she threatened. I didn't believe her. None of them would ever leave me behind. I ran a brush through my messy hair and put together my messenger bag and pulled it over my shoulder and followed her out of my room and to the Civic. I was too tired to join in on the family conversation with my sister, aunt, and mom. I was the only guy in the car. Dad was at work, as usual. Sometimes I'm sure none of us, including myself, counted me as a man of the family. I was just as bad as the rest of the women sometimes.


It took an hour to drive to the roller skating rink, my aunt Bela insisting that we go to the really nice one that everyone went to. And I mean everyone. It kinda had me on edge but everyone was telling me that it would be good to socialize since I had been so anti-social all week and had stayed home from school. I was staring out the window, watching the rink come into view and I shrunk down in my seat, terrified of seeing people. They still encouraged me to relax.

Mom pulled into the parking lot, parking in the closet open space available which was a good distance away from the building. I looked at the cars in the parking lot, spotting lots from people I knew and even feared. I sighed unhappily and decided to leave my bag in the car, just in case and grabbed my roller skates, chewing on my bottom lip nervously.

All four of us walked in the doors and paid our fee then laced up our skates, sticking our shoes in a locker for later. Mom held onto the key then started skating with her sister. I stayed off the rink and looked at my sister nervously. She was waiting for someone I could tell.

"Waiting for your boyfriend?" I inquired and her face turned red as she nodded. I chuckled. "Knew it." I looked at the people skating and my heart sank. I could see Adam which could only mean his group of friends was around her somewhere too.

"Why don't you go skate?" Eve suggested and I turned my attention back to her. I shook my head and looked down at my skates, swinging a foot back and forth.

"Don't want to run into people I know." I admitted. She shook her head and pushed me onto the rink with ease since I was on wheels.

"Skate. You know you're great at it." She said with a smile. True. I could do lots of things while skating. Skate backwards, do tricks, skate really fast. It wasn't my favorite thing to do an sometimes I fell but it was still fun. I sighed and nodded in agreement and started skating in the natural circle. I purposefully caught up to mom and my aunt, hoping I'd be safe from Adam's eyes there.

"Having fun, Jamison?" My aunt asked me. Mom was skating backwards while she was skating forward and I nodded, trying to look convincing.

"Yeah." I murmured. They both smiled and disappeared on me. Skating away. They were still on the whole 'Jamie needs to be social' kick. I huffed and kept skating, my eyes scanning for the guys.

Once or twice I would pass them but this was too much of a public place for them to actually pick on me and I relaxed, becoming more comfortable. I was thankful my family was there too, because Adam must've noticed them too cause a couple times I caught him glancing at my mom, my aunt, and my sister like they were all going to attack him at once. However, that wasn't the case.

I was just starting to finally enjoy myself when that one face walked in and Adam went to greet him at the door. I faltered and ended up falling flat on my butt. I winced cause it was a hard fall and instantly the two of them looked in my direction. I got up and practically flew off the rink, switching my skates for shoes and going to the car. Why I couldn't look at...him, I didn't kno but I couldn't. And seeing him talking to Adam made my stomach churn. I locked the car doors and pulled my journal into my lap. I hadn't written in it all day and it was already five thirty.

November 20, 2010 5:32 pm

Roller skating has been fun. I slept until two o'clock this afternoon. I've been skating for about two hours. I've only stopped because whats-his-name walked in. God he makes me so nervous. Not like scared-nervous but just....butterflies in my stomach nervous. I don't even know him and I can't stop...thinking about him. Make it stop, please? Before I get hurt. I can garuntee I'll get hurt, wanna know why? Because I'm almost certain that he's going to be like the rest of them; Adam, Darek, Michael, and Liam. Those four plus this new guy. My life is torture and my heart is now in the midst of this battlefield.

I sighed, closing the journal and putting it in my messenger bag and that's when my family came out, having saw that I left. Well more like my mom and my aunt came out. My sister was probably going to get a ride home with her boyfriend. I unlocked the car for them.

"Is everything okay, Jamie? You left in a hurry." My mom spoke as she climbed into the driver's side. My aunt climbed in the back with me and I was thankful. I laid my head on her shoulder.

"I'm fine mom." I lied through my teeth but I sounded thoroughly convincing. I smiled to defend my words and my aunt wrapped an arm around my shoulder, then mom drove us home.

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