Chapter Sixteen

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I was stuck in the most wonderful fantasy once everything blacked out. I mean at first it was nothing but swirling darkness and then it was bright and warm and I was standing in the path of the natural trail in early summer. I smiled and looked at the grass and the bright green trees, enjoying the scenery of this green wonderland. It was a lot prettier than the white of winter but a little less colorful than the pastels of spring or the fiery colors of Autumn. I was just beginning to enjoy the solitude in the trees when I realized, I wasn't alone.

"Jamison..." A mans voice rang in my head and I looked around, confused when I didn't see anyone. Then he appeared. Aiden. I frowned, growling under my breath and clenching my hands into tight fists. My eyes were on the verge of tears and I was biting my lip to keep myself distracted from crying.

"What do you want?" I asked him through gritted teeth. He looked perfect as usual and he had on basketball shorts and a cut off shirt, both of which accentuated his muscles very nicely. I gulped a little, beads of nervous sweat starting to form. I averted my eyes from him and he walked right over to me.

I stared at his feet and my feet which both jutted out from the bright green grass oddly. The next thing I felt was his hand under my chin, tilting my face towards him. I didn't have time to relax as he leaned down and....

My eyes jolted open and I gasped. I could hear the steady beep of a heart monitor and I glanced over at it, then at myself. I was in a hospital gown and my jeans and had a couple of medical devices attached to me. I looked around and no one was in the room. I sighed, leaning back against the pillows trying to recall the events that had happened leading to me getting here. All I could remember was the overwhelming cold. I shivered at the thought.

The door opened to the hospital room and I was expecting family but who I saw caught me off guard and I narrowed my eyes in an angry way.

"What are you doing here?" I demanded heatedly. The jock was caught off guard by my voice and he looked up from his cell phone with a gentle smile on his face but when he saw my cold, serious look, he frowned. He took a couple of steps forward but I motioned for him to stop. I was angry again.

"I brought you to the know you really shouldn't go out in the cold with just a t-shirt." Aiden told me. He rubbed the back of his neck. I rolled my eyes and looked away out of the window.

"Maybe I wanted to die?" I suggested in a dismissive manner. I could hear him shuffling and I glanced back, glaring. "Get out." I told him. His eyes went wide for a second before he nodded slowly, starting to take a step out but then in walked my mom and my sister and he was stuck in their gaze and mine. That's when my sister kicked him straight in the groin.

"That's for hitting my little brother, asshole." Eve told Aiden. The jock had doubled over, clutching his crotch as he nodded, not saying a word. He walked out of the room. My mom followed for a second and I could head her voice from the hallway.

"Thank you for bringing him here." Her voice was tender and kind but then she walked back in and shut the door behind her. Her gaze went hard and I flinched, looking away. "What were you thinking? You could have gotten yourself killed!" She was angry and her voice was not holding the emotion back. I winced at her tone.

"I'm...sorry." I said slowly and she just shook her head at me.

"Don't ever do this to me again, got it?" She was saying and then in my dad came, having just parked the car. He placed a hand on my moms shoulder and hushed her softly.

"Cedes, calm down." He kissed her cheek and strokes her hair. She laid her head on his shoulder and sighed. Eve was upon me in an instant. Hugging me and scolding me

"You're so stupid! You know that? You're crazy. You've completely lost it." She was telling me. I nodded and smiled a little laughing. She smiled, cupping my face tightly in her hands, squeezing my cheeks.

"Eve! Stop, you're smothering me." I laughed. She grinned and hugged me once more.

"Good. You need all the love you can get." I sighed a little at her words. I felt desperate and alone and she knew that more than anyone. I wanted someone to love me for me which is exactly why I had been so ready to fall in love with Aiden in the first place. All I had gotten was nothing but pain. I hurt myself by falling so hard for people.

Soon my family left to go get lunch and I was stuck in the hospital. They said they would probably release me before dinner once they knew my body had heated up and I wasn't going to gain any serious viruses. When my family was gone, Aiden came back and I was glaring again.

"What?" I snapped at him. He didn't flinch but he had this look of humiliation and shame on his face. I didn't surrender and I kept my position.

"I wanted to apologize...for hitting you." He told me. I rolled my grey eyes and looked away.

"Apology not accepted." I told him honestly. He didn't sigh or anything in fact he just kinda sat down in one of the seats in the room.

"I didn't think you would forgive me. I was an asshole." He admitted. I smiled for a spilt second but then resumed my angry look.

"That's an understatement." I told him. I turned to look at him again and I got caught up in his eyes and my face started to feel a little hot so I looked past him instead of at him. He nodded.

"I understand...." He trailed off and then appeared to be thinking for a moment. "Why'd you go to the park, Jamie?" He asked me. I frowned and raised an eyebrow confused.

"When?" I asked. He rolled his eyes.

"Yesterday." I thought for a minute and then shrugged. I was honestly a little taken aback though. I had been in the hospital all night apparently.

"It's the only place I can think." I told him. He seemed disappointed and he started fiddling with the zipper of his hoodie. I watched him for a good minute.

"I thought maybe you had got my message..." He said. I frowned, becoming more confused by the second.

"What message?" I asked.

"The one I sent on Facebook." It dawned on me. I bit my lip.

"Honestly I didn't read it. I saw it but didn't look at it." I admitted honestly. My anger was ebbing away the more I talked to him.

"Oh." His voice was disappointed but I was still angry enough to not care how he felt about me reading or not reading it.

"What's that gotta do with anything, anyway?" I questioned. He shrugged his shoulders and then stood up and walked to the doorway.

"Why don't you read it and see?" He left after he spoke and I frowned more. Man was he mysterious. I groaned a little to my self but didn't care to check it.

Time passed slowly and my curiosity peaked while I waited for my family to come back from lunch. I pulled my phone out of my pants pocket, at least the medical staff hadn't taken to moving that. I opened up the Facebook Messenger app and looked at the message Aiden had sent me.

Meet me at the park...if you'd like...I'll be there from 4 to 8 tonight waiting. I want to person. It's more meaningful that way.

I couldn't believe my eyes. My phone slid onto the bed and I felt guilty. I swallowed hard and sighed. I had been so rude to him just then. But to justify my actions I reminded myself that he had punched me in the face. He got what he deserved but it was just as I thought that, the nurses ran rushing down the hall, pushing a bloody looking Aiden to the ER.

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