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Several years later, I woke up in my big king sized bed, my hair in a mess and a super oversized hoodie on. My style hadn't really changed over the time. Really not much had. I yawned, stretching and then climbed out of bed, heading downstairs in my sweat pants in hoodie.

I stepped into the kitchen and there was a note on the refridgerator, telling me that coffee had been made, and my ice coffee was in the fridge already. I smiled softly to myself and grabbed it out, sipping at it slowly before making my way from the kitchen and out onto the balconey, watching the bustling city of New York below me. I turned around and accidentally bumped into the one person who had stayed in my life since high school.

"Good morning, love." I heard his voice and smiled to myself as he pulled me into a hug. I yawned tiredly and sipped at the coffee a little.

"Good morning." I murmured softly. He stepped back, handing me a letter that had come in the mail and I frowned, looking at it confused. "What's this?" I asked. I saw his shoulders shrug and I took it in my hands, opening it easily. As I read the enclosed letter my eyes went wide and the coffee dropped to the balconey floor, splattering everywhere.

"What's the matter?" His voice became worried and I looked up, smiling brightly.

"They want to publish my book." I told him simply. He grinned and picked me up, spinning me around carefully before setting me back down on my feet.

"That's wonderful, Jamie." he said quietly and I nodded, grabbing ahold of his shirt and kissing him softly.

"I couldn't have done it without the world's best husband." I told him. He smiled back down at me and kissed me again. Just like he had the first time at prom, Aiden's kiss sent shivers through my body and I was happy he was mine.

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