A Bit Of A Break

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"(Y/n)! Come on now! Rest is just as important as training. You need to find some peace within, instead of torture twenty four seven" Master Gojo raises her arms and lazily brings them back down as she slouches.

"Rest? How come? The only way to improve is to keep practicing and training.. no?" I tilt my head, confused at the jolly woman.

"Well, let's just say your rest is the training. Sound any better?" She wiggles her eyebrows.

"I guess" I scratch the back of my head, feeling an extreme rush of confusion, which isn't normal at all.

"It's not normal, I understand. I'll be here to help you experience the new, and better things in life" She jumps into her couch and sighs. "Come on, what are you waiting for?" She smacks the couch at her side. Why did she even do that?

"Okay.." I walk and sit in my best posture. I watch as Master Gojo sits lazily, slouching and pointing the remote to the tv without effort.

"Relax, you must be tired of keeping a pose for so long!" Master Gojo gently pushes me so that my back would lay on the back of the couch.

"It's not that tiring" I shrug, looking towards the tv.

"Whatever you say Zero" She giggles, playing something.

"This isn't a documentary.. What is it?" I narrow my eyes at the tv, seeing the screen black. It soon shows a moutain and stars, with the words "Paramount" plastered on it all.

"No, listen" She says.

As the screen goes black again music begins to play, it was beautiful and it made me feel so calm.

"I believe in America.." A man shows up on the screen, the light was dim, and it only showed noticeable features. His eyes were glossy, and his expression showed of somewhat sadness. He has a regular moustache, ending at the edges of his lips.

"America's made my fortune and I raised my daughter in American fashion. I gave her freedom, but I taught her never to dishonour her family. She found a boyfriend, not an Italian. She went to the movies with him, she stayed out late, I didn't protest..." He spoke with expressions on his face. His eyebrows would raise and furrow at times.

"What is this?" I turn to her, she simply shakes her head and points to the screen.

"Two months ago, he took her for a drive with another boyfriend. Made her drink whiskey and then, they tried to take advantage of her. She resisted, she kept her honour, so they beat her, like an animal" His voice had turned more of a growl as he said "animal", as if it had hurt him to say it.

"When I went to the hospital, her nose was a'broken. Her jaw was a'shattered, held together by wire. She couldn't even weep because of the pain. But I wept. Why did I weep? She was the light of my life -- beautiful girl. Now she will never be beautiful again" The man became emotional, he coughs and I look again to Master Gojo.

"Master, is there any reason to watch this? Or did you choose this specifically" I ask her, watching as she pauses the film.

"This movie is called The Godfather. You have faced the mafia, on multiple events. This movie is about the mafia... When this man talked about his daughter, many parents can relate to him" She says, speaking as if she, herself, could relate.

I tilt my head and furrow my eyebrows "Parents? Do I have that?" She sighs and looks away for a moment.

"Everyone does.. Some are fortunate to still have them. You can have siblings, those can also be the light in your life. Hopefully teaching you better ways to life, instead of some.. some, rando.." She seemed emotional, but she tried her hardest to conceal it. She hated the idea of someone other than a sibling or parent to guide a child.

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