Late Night Drive

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I lay in bed, unable to feel tired enough to actually sleep. I've been having pretty good sleep lately, which should help with mental health.. apparently.

*thumbs up and awkward smile*

You're weird. What are you doing?

"What am I even doing?!" I smack my head and look away from the mirror, plopping back into bed.

I take out my phone, now bored out of my mind. I feel my stomach growl and my eyes widen. "Didn't eat all day, except that one bite from Yuji" I scratch my head and walk out my dorm.

I begin walking, trying to figure what even to do. It's still early, so hopefully I'll be able to grab some food from the lounge area.

I feel my phone vibrate aggressively, soon making a loud melody play. Out of panic I take it out and try turning off the phone. Satoru's name pops up on the screen and two buttons below appear. One red and one green which are obviously to decline or pick up.

I press the green button and bring the phone to my ear.. wait it's upside down. Yep, there we go.

"Hey lil cuz! You hungry?!" Satoru basically has read my mind and I begin to laugh. His voice was filled with excitement and joy.

"Actually yeah, are you stalking me?" I look around the dim hallways, holding an uncontrollable smile from a held laugh.

"Well, no hehe. I'm outside, we can find a place to eat!" Satoru seemed to be excited, having some time to spend with his family. I feel the exact same way, quickly going back into my room to change into something warmer for the cold night.

"Sounds like a plan, I'll be out in five" I say my goodbye and trip a few times as I change. Thankfully no one else woke up.

I wear a baggy hoodie — which yes belonged to Yuji and now belongs to me because I said so — and baggy sweats with untied sneakers.

I run without a sound around the school and towards the exit. I leave property, soon finding a car parked out, with my cousin inside.

I get in and shiver, the cold air just came at me all at once the moment I got inside. Satoru laughs and begins to drive.

"I knew you'd be hungry, Megumi told me Todo said he's your boyfriend.. He didn't seem so happy about telling me that either. You ran away before you could eat and went straight to rest" Satoru chuckles.

I feel my face turn red. "Y- yeah, well we made amends and now we are "besties"" I chuckle, slouching into my seat and trying to keep myself warm.

Well, anyone who knows can assume why I'm red, and it's not because of the situation he mentioned, but because of what unraveled afterwards.

"Oh that's great. I would have hated to beat up such a strong kid, filled with potential" Satoru says jokingly, but I know he wouldn't hesitate.

I giggle, trying to conceal the fear of my future. I'll have to tell him soon enough about Yuji. "Todo isn't my type anyways" I say casually, looking through the front window. I watch as we pass bright streetlights and zooming cars from the opposite side.

"That's even better... WAIT... Type?" Satoru speeds for a moment by accident, but soon regains his normal speed.

"What? Type? What's that?!" I scratch my head and look through the window by my side, seeing the reflection of Satoru looking at me as clear as day.

A long silence sits between the two of us. It was as if Satoru was trying to find the words to say something, while I tried to pretend nothing wrong happened. 

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