Itadori's Dream

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The girl in my arms yawns, moving herself closer to me. I felt an overwhelming sensation of butterflies surround my stomach. I don't ever want to let her go. I bring her closer, holding her tighter. (Y/n) had no problem, her hands rested on my bare chest. "Goodnight Yūji" The words made my heart beat fast and my face heat up. I'm so lucky to even know this girl.

I mean, look at her. She is so strong, and kind. Even with all she's been through, I see so much brightness within her. She looks so peaceful as she sleeps in my arms. I move her hair behind her ear, and kiss her forehead. I uncontrollably smile and soon feel my eyelids grow heavy.

"I hope someday you feel the same as I do about you,(Y/n)" I whisper before dozing off.


The sun shines brightly on (Y/n)'s perfectly toned skin. The water on our right was clear and clean and the jungle on our left was as green as a jungle could get, filled with wild, friendly animals.

I look back to the girl in front of me. It's as if she runs in slow motion. Her body looks amazing, she's so beautiful.

She runs majestically and her hair flows in the wind smoothly. Her smile is beautiful and her eyes reflect the sun perfectly.

"Come on Yuji! You're so slow!" (Y/n) giggles as she purposely kicks sand at me, running ahead.

"Hey! Rude, I need my eyes" I shield my face from the sand and soon catch up to her.

She's slowed down due to her uncontrollable laughs, bending down and hugging herself.

"Who's the slow one now!?" I pounce at her, causing her to fall on the sand beneath us.

"You're still clumsy though" She says as I hover above her. My fingers dig into the hand on either side of (Y/n)'s head.

"Let's not talk about that" I chuckle and get up to help (Y/n) get up as well.

"What a gentleman, I thought you were going to throw me in the sand again" (Y/n) slowly brings her arms around me, lazily holding me close by my torso. She grins as she looks up at me.

"I was thinking that, I was very tempted actually" I laugh, looking down at her. Her grin turned to a frown. She pushes herself off me and slaps my bare chest playfully.

"Hey! I'm sorry! I didn't do it did I?" I hold her waist from behind as she looks into the jungle ahead.

"No.. I guess you didn't" She turns around and smiles up at me. "You're cute, you know that?" She blushes and tries to hold back a wider smile.

"No, I didn't. Thank you for the compliment m'lady" I bow and she giggles. I take her hand and kiss it.

"Once again, such a gentleman" She brings my head up and leans for a kiss. She plants a kiss on my cheek and soon, she grabs my hand and drags me to the clear water.

"Come on!" She looks back at me with a smile, the scene was beautiful.

"You're basically dragging me (Y/n)! Of course I'm coming" I laugh, following her lead.

We don't slow down as we run into the water, making large splashes. Giggles, laughs, seagulls and splashes fill the silent, peaceful air.

Automatically (Y/n) begins to attack me as the water reaches her belly. She jumps on me, in attempt to push me into the water.

I fall in but I pull her in with me. I grab her by her thighs and pull her up. We finally take a breath of air and breathe heavily. My hair covers my eyes and (Y/n) laughs uncontrollably.

"You're so goofy" I regain my sight and see (Y/n) close to my face.

"I know" I say under my breath, laughing slightly.

"But you're cute too" She says, sliding her hands from my shoulders to my hair. As she spoke, the overwhelming rush of butterflies surround my stomach as always.

As I move deeper into the water, her fingers slowly move around through my head and she smiles lightly. "Can I kiss you? Yuji?" She looks at my lips like candy. She bites her bottom lip and slowly moves close to mine.

"Please, I've been waiting for a while now.. (Y/n)" My breath trembles as my lips near hers. I see her do the same, like she's been waiting a long time for this.

I finally push my lips against hers, it was better than I imagined. Her lips were so soft against mine, and she moved like she knew exactly how I'd like it.

After a few kisses, we both move away. "I like you, a lot... I understand if you're not ready" I say, looking towards the sun set.

"Yuji, I like you too. You make me feel like I've never felt before" She turns my head and begins to kiss me again, taking me by surprise.

I hear a door close, and soon the world goes dark. I open my eyes by the slightest to see the girl of my literal dreams in front of me.

I realize my dream, it was never real.. maybe in the future it can be... No, Yuji.. what are you thinking- that's impossible.

Pathetic of you to have hope.

(Y/n) seemed to have just laid down, she's in a different position as when I fell asleep.

"Where were you" I say, barely being able to speak, my throat feeling a bit dry. 

"I went on a walk with Fushiguro" Zero turns around and seems to feel some guilt since she woke me up.

"Why wasn't I invited?" I whine, feeling sleepy still.. a bit jealous.

"You were asleep Itadori" Zero giggles quietly in the cutest way possible.

"That doesn't matter, wake me up next time" I grunt and act angry at Zero.

"Okay, okay, sorry. I'll make sure to do that next time" She giggles again and unexpectedly hugs me. My body fills with butterflies.

"Good, I like night walks too" I whine.

It's better than the damn dreams anyways. I'd rather watch feeble humans bleed in my dreams.

"Okay, Itadori, I understand. Now get some sleep, I'm sorry for waking you up" She pouts as she looks up at me.

"Tch.. It's fine I guess" I smile. "You interrupted an amazing dream" I say, remembering how heated it had become.

I didn't like the dream, it was not my Nariko. Though, this (Y/n) girl is quite the meal.

"Oh, no.. What was it about?" I ask him.

"Uh- It- Well.. Y- you were in the dream" My face goes hot and I know she can tell as I stammer.

What's making you so nervous! Man up you idiot.

"Was I? What were we doing?" She asks curiously and innocently.

"N- nothing.. Let's sleep" I pretend to play dead, which causes Zero to stifle the cutest laugh.

HAHAH! You embarrassed brat! You better fess up to her sometime soon. I want to feel Nariko's lips against mine too.

"Okay Itadori" She says, soon snuggling in my arms. I hold her close and fall back asleep.

A/N: Itadori's dream was requested and I honestly hope I fulfilled the request.
I hope it was good, I mean, would Itadori really wanna miss out on a dream like that? WOULD YOU? I wouldn't. Anyways, I hope I actually have this dream tonight.

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