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Megumi still isn't back yet, and the sun has fully set. I'm not worrying too much, since I'm well aware of what he may be up to. Always wanting to take control or leave others out simply for their safety. Though, he still doubts his own ability... Now, how does that make any sense?

He cares for us, but he worries me. I can only wonder if he'd ask for help if we were on less awkward terms.

I continued to think about it, wondering what would be on his mind as he went down to that bridge. I began to think of how to leave without informing Kugisaki and Yuji.. since they like to snoop into everything I do that seems "sus" to them, it'll be a bit of the challenge.

I'll probably pretend I'm taking a nap and leave out the win-

"ZEEEEROOOOO" I get a harsh poke on my arm from Kugisaki.

Was I really zoned out? Odd.

"Oh- We're here?" I look over to her as she nodded eagerly.

We swiftly got out the car and headed to our dorms. "When do ya think Fushiguro will be back?" Yuji brought his arm around my shoulder as we walked.

"Hm.. probably after my nap" I said with a soft smile.

"You're gonna take a nap?" Yuji whined, where I answered with a simple nod. "But I wanted to watch a movieeee" He whined again.

"We can watch one tomorrow okay?" I pinched his cheek. "Why don't you watch with Kugi?" I suggested moments later, almost interrupted immediately by the two who almost began to bicker.

Thankfully I ended it before it could get worse enough where it couldn't be stopped and we all headed to our dorms.

I truly craved a nap, though I really couldn't with Megumi on my mind.

I went off to my room and stood by my window. In my training, I remember vividly how often we would simply stand still and observe. We observed like jaguars watching their prey, a place they would never expect us to be. If we moved, our life was at risk. The superiors thought it was the best way of adapting an ability of staying completely still. I mean it worked, but there had to be a better way.

I hear a knock interrupt my thoughts. I don't move, though I speak moments after. "Yūji?" I speak softly, but loud enough for him to hear.

The door creaks as he slowly opens it, peaking his head through. It was adorable, seeing his reflection through the window I stood in front of.

"Babe!" He whisper shouted, believing it was slick.

I finally turn to him and sigh in a smile, plopping into bed.

"Yes?" I blush at his cuteness, I could never get over it.

"Why are you staring at the window? It was creepy" He shook his head and spoke clearly while walking into my room and closing my door.

"Creepy? Damn" I chuckle a little, wondering if it was truly.

"I'm only teasing, but what's keeping you up?" He poked my cheek as he sat down beside me, speaking in a soft tone.

"Nothing, I just think I got distracted by the birds outside" I hum happily, in hopes he would believe me.

"Hm.. alright. Well I'm going to take a shower... Stay here and uh sleep well!" He patted my head and ran off. Did he just want to check up on me?.. Nope, something is up.


Finally, I open my window and head out, making my way to the bridge we recently investigated. Megumi still hasn't gotten back yet and I grew curious of what had kept him there. I was definitely not worried.. definitely.

AN: hi i'm back me thinks. tho i doubt i'll be consistent, i might reread this all and edit stuff or do it just to remind myself of wtf is actually going on

anyways, i hope ur all taking care of urselves. i missed this app but i jus lost motivation

don't forget to stay hydrated !!

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