Dinner By Itadori

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"Unfair! You cheater!" Itadori pushes me.

"Huh? How! You're just butthurt I won most of the games" I nudge him and Gojo laughs.

"You kept pushing me while we played mario cart!... And Gojo was helping you!" Itadori shouts.

"Because I wouldn't have a chance against you if he didn't help! Plus, it was fun, you gotta admit" I snicker.

He sighs holding a smile, but what he cannot conceal, is his blush, matching his hair. "Well, since I lost, I guess I gotta make dinner" He smiles down at me.

"We never asked for that.. but I mean, how can I say no" I giggle and Gojo claps as he laughs.

Back Home...

"Heya! I'm Kugisaki!" Gojo stands at the door and makes a peace sign by his face as he mocks one of his students.

Both myself and Itadori cry due to our uncontrollable laughter.

"Gojo! You kill me!" I fall over as I hold hug my stomach and laugh even harder as he keeps going with his impersonation.

"Itadori! Idiot! Go make dinner!" Gojo says in a high pitched voice.

We laugh more and Itadori gets up with a salut. "You got it Kugisaki!" He marches off, really going to prepare dinner.

"I'll be back!" Gojo zooms off, I assume he's changing back into his pants and giving back the girl her pants.. who is most likely beating someone up for them.

I sit and laugh for a moment more. It's nice to have these two, I mean, I've never smiled so much in the past month compared to my entire life.

I'd like to say I'm thankful, because they are always there for me too. I also now have figured my connection to Gojo Satoru. I'm still in shock about the fact that they are literally blood related.

I just need to ask Gojo what her first name is. She never told me oddly, and I wonder if there was a reason.

"Zero?!" I hear Itadori ask for me.

"Yeah? What's up" I get up and walk to the kitchen.

"Help me out, please" He holds a large bowl and gestures to the smaller bowls and utensils.

"Of course" We bring everything to the table and sit, waiting for Gojo.

"It looks good, you're very skilled in the art of cuisine" I say, looking into his eyes.

He laughs and also blushes. "Well, I can't wait for you to try" He smiles.

"Me too... Can I try something?" I felt an urge, I've gotten so close to him, and I yearn for more than just the touch.

"S- sure?" He seemed confused.

I hold his face in one hand, and he doesn't mind it at all. He liked the touch, and wanted more oddly.

I pull him, and kiss his cheek for about three seconds. I giggle and separate my lips from his cheek, noticing his face has gotten a tomato red.

He stares for an unknown amount of time, and his mouth begins to open by the slightest.

"Yuji? Are you okay?" Gojo walks into the room, holding a smile because he's probably assumed what had happened.

"Y- yeah.. w- why?" He tries to cover as much as his heated face as he can, placing his face in his palm as if it's rested on it.

"You're as red as a tomato" Gojo pokes his face.

"Oh? I- I don't know" He shrugs and moves on "Let's eat!"

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