Do Not Disturb

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"Brother! You in there?!" I hear Todo knock on the door.

"No, I'm not!" Yuji breathes heavily as we make out intensely. It makes me giggle, he's trying so hard to keep this going and also keep Todo away. He's so caught up in it that he answered Todo instead of ignoring him.

"Oh, okay!.." His loud steps fade away, from what I can hear since my senses are occupied by our make out session.

"Hey!" He comes back, seeming to have realized. His loud steps returned and he knocks a few times.

We both get up as we sigh, annoyed by the boy. Yuji gets off the bed and looks me in the eyes, tired of the Todo figure already. Before getting to the door he kisses me once more and wipes my lips with his thumb.

He lazily leans on the door. "What is it Todo?" Yuji says lazily.

"Oh! Well, I was wondering if you'd seen my girlfriend" Todo says, causing me to internally gag. I walk to a wall and begin hitting my head slowly.

"You have a girlfriend?" Yuji asks, tapping his foot and trying his best to contain himself.

"Yeah! (Y/n), a true art" Todo speaks as if he's in love.

"She's not interested" Yuji deadpans.

"How would you know?! She ran away because she probably wanted me to find her!" Todo says, speaking out of nonsense and desperation.

I walk to the door and open it, gently pushing Yuji away and staring into the eyes of the scarred boy. "When did I agree to this?" I speak with my eyebrows furrowed.

"W- well.." I looses his confidence, and I immediately felt bad.

"It's okay.. Just a misunderstanding, I just don't see you like that, and we only met recently" I place my hand on his shoulder and a rush of pink hue show on his cheeks.

"O- okay.. I guess that's okay" His eyes get welled up with tears and he looks down at the ground.

I look back to Yuji who's eyes are wide. "What do I do?!" I whisper shout towards him.

"How am I supposed to know?! You did this!" He whisper shouts, slightly angry but he also felt bad with me.

"But you know I'm not good with these things!" I whisper shout again. I have a small panic, I've never been in this situation before, even with little kids.

"(Y/n)?" Todo calls for me and I turn back to him with a fake smile "Yes Todo?"

"Call me Aoi, at least" He pouts.

"Okay, okay I will" I nod and press my lips together.

He smiles widely and brings his arms out. I freeze for a moment, what does he want. "W- what are you doing?" I point at him.

"A friendship hug!" He exclaims.

I look back to Yuji who is slowly shaking his head. I shrug and hug the guy, I knew he wouldn't stop unless I did something.

"Yes, a friendship hug" I push myself off him

"Well, I'll be off then!" He begins marching away. Both myself and Yuji simply watch, just to make sure he doesn't turn around again. Well, he freezes again "See ya later brother and bestie!" He waves us off and we finally let go a hard held breath.

"Oh my god.. who knew I'd be stressed like that" I close the door and walk straight to Yuji's bed.

"Right, that was close" Yuji plops into bed beside me but lays down.

We stay silent for a moment. To be honest I'm so drained, and I just wanna lay down. I just don't know if Yuji wants to continue where we left off. I felt weird for being the first to speak, but I take the jump and simply look back to him.

As I find my eyes on him, I notice he has already been staring, for god knows how long. I sigh and lay beside him "Hi" I turn my head and look at him as my hands rest on my abdomen.

"Hey... I missed you" He smiles, fully turning around.

"I've been here this whole time..." I stare blankly at his sparkly eyes.

"Yes.. but we weren't talking for the past minute. So I missed you" He smiles and brings himself closer to me like a child. He seemed so excited to even be next to me, but I can't say I don't feel the same.

I giggle and finally turn my body towards him. "I missed you too" I give him a soft kiss and snuggle close as his arms wrap around me.

My smile grows as I feel his warmth, and his fingers trail around my back. Every time he would kiss my head I'd get butterflies and my unexplainable emotions grow.

"(Y/n)?.." Yuji spoke my name nervously, breaking the soft silence that was in his room.

"Hm?" I look up at him, and his light brown eyes find their way to mine.

"H... how do you feel about me?" His face wasn't serious, but it wasn't happy either. I think he feels nervous? He seems curious at the most.

"What do you mean?" I raise an eyebrow, unsure of what he truly means.

"N- nevermind" He looks away only for my to pull him back.

"Tell me!" I pout, looking into his saddened eyes.

"Well... Fuck, here it goes" He takes a few deep breaths which make me wanna giggle at his dramatic expression, but it wasn't the time. "(Y/n)... Do you love me?... Do you love me the way I do?" He looks me in the eyes, waiting for an answer, I do.. I really do, I don't know how, but I do. He loves me.. It makes me so happy.

"Yuji.." I place my hand to cup his face and I smile, taking away his feared emotions. "I love every single part of you... The way you laugh, the way you talk, the way you smile.. I love how strong you can be, but how much you can also show your true emotions, that you can be so vulnerable with me. You make my heart flutter like it's never done before and you're like a missing piece I've been yearning for my entire life.... Yuji, I'm madly in love with you" It was so hard to start speaking, but when I finally spoke the words flowed off my lips like a calm stream.

As I was speaking to him, his eyes gradually widened and his mouth slightly opened. His cheeks grew a flush of pink hue and his smile had grown the biggest it ever had.

"(Y/n)... W- wow.. I love you too.. and I'll make sure you are reminded every day. I'm so lucky to even lay my eyes on you" He didn't know what to say really, but he didn't have to tell me for me to know how much he really loved me. He's changed my life so much, making me a better person.

He holds me close, kissing the top of my head then saying, "I also love every part of you" He smiles, soon kissing both my eyes "Those beautiful eyes" Then every inch of my face "Your face, your nose... your... soft lips" He slowly and passionately kisses me, smiling halfway through and humming. "Maybe one more" He kisses again and we both giggle.

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