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4:30 AM

As we walk back to our temporary and secret home we call basement, we make small comments about the forest or the encounter we had with wildlife.

We decide to walk through the school property instead of entirely in the forest since it would have taken longer, our lack of sleep has gotten to us.

"Yuji" I say softly and drowsily.

"Yes?" He looks down at me, almost lazily.

"How are you?" I yawn.

"I'm alright.. Tonight has helped" He says with a hum afterwards.

"I'm happy then" I pull his face as I cup it and kiss his lips softly, humming to the satisfaction of his lips against mine.

"You're such a good person" I smile, looking down as each foot goes in front of the other.

"Pfft.. I wish" His voice was quiet and hidden.

"No, really... The way you were with that bear. You were so gentle, and kind. I couldn't stop thinking about how lucky I am to have found you at an occult club calling the class president some sea plankton" I giggle to myself and so does Yuji.

"Yeah, you caught my eyes immediately" He smiles uncontrollably and turns a light shade of red.

"I thought you were cute too" I hug his arm and rest my head on his shoulder as we near the school.

"Thought?" He whines.

"I knew.." I kiss him but soon freeze in place.

"Shit shit shit shit... Come on" Yuji drags me to the side of the building.

"Why is he out this late!?" I whisper shout.

"I don't know! He doesn't seem to have seen us, but he looks like he's talking to himself.. look" He points and stifles his laugh at the same time.

"Wait.. listen" I whisper and we both peak from the side.

"I knew them for such a small amount of time... but it hurts so much to know that they're gone for good" He says quietly, in remorse.

"Fuck" I turn, fully loosing sight of the hurt teenager. He continues to talk and soon stops, almost choking on his words as a feminine voice enters my senses.

"Can't sleep either?" I hear Kugisaki say.

"Nope.. Ha" Fushiguro responds.

"What's that laugh for?" Kugisaki asks.

"Just a similar situation happened a bit before... (Y/n) and I went for a walk this one time. It was so late too, just like now. We both couldn't sleep or whatever, but oddly I feel like I'd never forget that night" He sighs.

"Th- then let's go" Kugisaki says cheerfully, but it was as if she was concealing her sadness.

"Let's go Yuji, they'll see us" I whisper, taking Yuji's hand and we carefully run away.

I felt extremely bad hearing the pain in their voices, it was like getting stabbed multiple times. I've missed them as well, Kugisaki and Fushiguro made us all a full group. It was like a dream come true to have awesome friends like them.

I wonder if things would have been the same between myself and Yuji though. I'm pretty sure this would have happened eventually, me loving Yuji..

Loving? Do I even know what love is? Shit. I'm doing it again. Now my thoughts are going haywire.

We get inside the basement, and plop into bed. I quickly take off my sweatpants leaving me with my shorts, but keep Yuji's hoodie on. It was like he was constantly hugging me with this, even if we had been together all this time.

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