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"I'm going, Nanamin" Yuji speaks to the phone at his ear.

I shake my head and massage my temple, noticing Ijichi is doing the same. "I'm not letting him, and same goes with you, (Y/n)" Ijichi says.

"I understand" I say calmly.

Yuji turns around as he brings his phone to his pocket. He stares intensely into Ijichi's eyes. "Please step aside, Ijichi" He orders.

"Our job is to help others. That includes those who are still students, like yourself. You must not go, Itadori" And with Ijichi's last words, Yuji runs past him.

"Don't follow Zero!" Yuji says, which makes me somewhat irritated.

I scoff, gesturing to the boy with my hand then turning to the wall I will soon bang my head on.

"You let him go so easily" I whine, slouching against the wall with my head against it, looking towards it.

"It's not like I can stop him, and neither can I with you. My words are the only form of encouragement that I'm capable of with you two rebels" He crosses his arms and sits down, knowing I won't try anything.

I move towards him, planning to sit in front of him "That's valid, I barely listen to your orders. Sorry, I'll do it this time" I felt bad, he is older than us, but we don't treat him with full respect. His eyes widened when I told him what I felt.

"O- oh.. th- thank you" He smiles softly.

I hear multiple thuds and my worries grow.

I sit down with my legs crossed and smile "I hope he's okay" I sigh, beginning to feel extremely anxious.

Another thud enters my senses, but slightly louder.

"I'm sure he is.." He looks around the hallway we sit in.

"I want to say one thing" I pause, bringing my index finger to point at the ceiling.

"Go on" He says.

"If I think he needs my help, I won't hesitate. Understand?" I had a feeling something might happen. Like he's calling me. I don't know what to do, where even is he?

"Okay, that's fine.. I can't stop you anyways. Thank you for the warning though" He chuckles.

"No problem" I get up and begin to walk "Till next time Ijichi" I walk past him, without looking.

I calmly but cautiously walk through the halls, sensing for any threat. My footsteps are unheard in the empty, quiet halls.

I begin hearing laughs, but from an unfamiliar voice. I quicken my pace, but continue to walk. The laughs end, though, I keep my pace. "Yuji?" I speak clearly as I look through every classroom, making sure I don't miss a single inch of this high school as I walk through it.

I begin to run, hearing screams from the boy. I feel my heart grow heavy, what's even going on? The worst ideas run around in my head and I can't help but feel fear for the first time.

I see broken glass, and a curse? It's on the ground, and I presume it's dead. I turn it around and realize how familiar the eyes and hair are. "Yoshino" I bring my hand to my mouth, shocked at what I see. This was what happened to those guys from the movies.

I wanted to feel for the boy, and I did, but not as much as a human usually would, or should. I put him down, after closing his eyes, and run upstairs. I see the ground and walls are torn apart.

A whole wall is broken down and I hear shouts from outside. A large ball of smoke surrounds the voice I hear. I jump down, and as I see the smoke clear, I see what I never wanted to see.

Yuji has his torso pierced with three sharp and large spikes, which come from the person in front of him. The figure had a smug look on his face, the spikes came from his torso oddly. This didn't faze me, my boyfriend was hurt, and that's all ai could think about. My heart beat faster and my body boiled with multiple immense emotions. I felt like my legs were going to give out any second.

I slowly walk to the scene, still unnoticed. My head tilts and my eye twitches. I never thought I'd be this angry, but fearful at the same time.

"You can't beat me, swap out already..." The boy places his hand on Yuji's face as he speaks casually.

I take a deep breath, finding the energy within me to shoot at this figure. I make circular motions and soon direct them at the figure. The world lights up as my lightning charges and hits the boy. He brings in his spikes and falls to the ground. Yuji also falls to the ground.

"He's not letting anyone out" I speak out of breath, walking towards the boy who had a large smile displayed on his face.

"And what about you? Will you let Tsukiyomi out?" He smirks wickedly.

"I won't need her" I watch as he steps to the centre.

"Oh, you will" He laughs maniacally.

I watch as he prepares to fight me. I come close to him, but begin walking circles around him, but am I walking? Or am I running? He seemed confused as he watched after images of me surround him.

"What is this?" He seemed concerned.

"This is me" I pounce, going straight for his heart. I try ripping it out, but nothing comes into my hand. He holds my arm for a moment. Only a large hole displays on the boy's chest. "You're not human.. are you?" I look at my bloody hands, walking towards the boy.

"N- no.." He feels out his slightly healed chest. It was not fully healing.

"I'm still mad" I jog in place and switch. All I'm focusing on is this boy. I'm going to kill him "I'm going to kill you, whatever the fuck you are, I'm going to kill you" I say and I notice his eyes widen.

He loses the concerned expression and forms a deadly weapon with his hand. He tries to hit me with it but Nanami comes out of nowhere and slices it.

The boy steps back and so do me and Nanami. "I'll lecture you later. Tell me the situation" He says.

"I couldn't save two people" Itadori says, causing me to jolt my head his way. He looks into my eyes with regret. Who else? I saw Yoshino... This makes me more mad. Not at Yuji, but at this cursed spirit.

"Explain your physical state first" Nanami says.

"I'm fine. Though I'm full of holes" Itadori says casually.

"That's not fine" I look at him angered. His eyes widen, noticing my different expression.

"Also, everyone from this school is unconscious in the gym" Yuji adds.

"Hey, you're alive and well, 7:3 sorcerer! Glad to see we both survived" The figure I was fighting begins to form something on his other arm, after healing the other one easily. The hole in his chest stays though. "Shall we share a hug, in celebration of our reunion?" He says, and I soon notice not only is his chest bleeding, but his nose too.

"Why is his nose and chest bleeding?" Nanami asks the both of us.

"Huh? I punched him in the face and Zero pierced through his chest like last time with the other cursed spirit" Yuji stammers.

"When?" Nanami asks immediately.

"I punched him at the start of our fight" Yuji says.

"And I punched him a few moments before you came" I say.

"Did his hand touch you?" He asks.

We both nod and say "Yes."

"My attacks won't work on him" Nanami says.

"Huh?" I look up at him.

"What?! Why?!" Yuji asks.

"I'll explain while I'm lecturing you" Nanami points his index finger to the sky. "However, I can halt his movements. Once we've created an opening, we'll shower him with blows. We'll make sure to exercise him here" Nanami says.

"Yeah!" Both myself and Itadori say in unison.

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