Crossing Over

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I made my way to the bridge we investigated, where else would Megumi be? I begin my walk through the forest nearby underneath the bridge, heading down a hill with fresh marks, as if someone had slid down. The foot size seemed to be around the same as Megumi, though I couldn't yet assume it was him.

Proceeding with caution, I climb on one of the tree when getting down the hill. Hopping from tree to tree without a sound, I hear a heart beat.

That must be him-

No, two more. Accompanied by the whispers of two people I was not looking for tonight. I look back to see them quite the distance away, and when I look forward, I see Megumi find himself outside the forest.

Yūji and Nobara reached him once they found him in their view. I stayed back and watched, it's what I do best.

"You really don't tell us enough about yourself" Nobara spoke up, crossing her arms as she watched Megumi.

"Sure don't.. like someone else we know" Yūji said right after.

Megumi groaned, then sighed, looking down at his feet. Megumi is in his own world, and I understand why, his thoughts have grown too heavy.

"If you didn't notice us until now, you're seriously lost in space" Nobara commented. She's right, he is 'lost in space,' in his own mind truly.

"We're not saying you have to tell us everything, but come on. At least let us help. We're friends aren't we?" Yūji had a point.. he always has a point. Somehow, Yūji is amazing at this friendship thing.

"Tsumiki.. is still bedridden" Oh so dramatic Megumi, good job, you finally opened up. Knowing this already, I did not have the same reaction as our two friends.

"The curse of the Yasahachi Bridge, only appears to it's victims. Since she can't communicate herself, I have no idea when she'll be killed by the curse. So I want to exercise it right away. But now that our mission's danger level's increased-"

Before our emo boy continued, I decided it was time to announce my presence. By now, I had stood a few feet behind Nobara and Yūji, my hands stuffed in my pockets while I spoke clearly in a monotone.

"Alright Sasuke, I think we got it-"

"AHH" The three shouted in surprise. I thought I had been subtle enough for them, but I guess not. I wait for them to calm down, and let out a soft chuckle.

I turn by my heel and start to walk forward, knowing the rest would follow. "You shoulda just told us all that from the start, Fushiguro" Yūji said with a smile in his voice.

I glance back to see Yūji already staring at me. He winks, and I couldn't help but have to hold back a giggle. I was so serious only moments ago, but simply seeing him brought up my mood so much.

We make our journey through the canon, soon finding the area we had investigated from above.

We crossed the river, crossing the border as well. It acts as crossing into the afterlife, apparently carrying great meaning in the life of sorcery. Insert spooky music.


Nice one Nariko.

"There it is" Yūji commented, as if we all didn't just witness the curses appearing the moment we crossed the border.

"I'm lookin' forward to this" Nobara brought her hammer over her shoulder, prepared to fight.

I feel the steps of a heavy curse rumble the ground beneath us. It laughs maniacally as it jumps and lands in front of us. It looked a little different from the usual curse.

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