An Unexpected Return

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A/N: Anime spoilers

"Zero just stay here. I'll take care of this"


"No buts" She runs off with her Katana, immediately attacking the beast I once met.

Ha, she said butt.

"Nice observation" I slowly shake my head and cross my arms.

It's the cursed spirit that got away with Jogo's head. We couldn't get to him because Yuji was falling to his death. Yep, great right? It's also when I learned how powerful my power can really be.

Well, Yuji's fine now and I kinda wanna rid of this beast. I see both Megumi and Maki have trouble with the guy, but soon they get some advantage.

I watch as they attack at the back in unison, thinking they might have a chance at winning. Though, when I least expect it, Megumi gets a hit in the torso, which leave me no choice but to act.

I begin to run towards them seeing Maki. She doesn't give up does she? Makes me like her even more.

"Maki! Move!" I tell her, but she ignores me and keeps going.

I look to Fushiguro who seems to be in immense pain, blood trickles down his mouth, somewhat like me not too long ago.

I shake my head "Maki! I need you to get out of the way!" I say soon creating circular motions to prepare my energy, forming it to electricity.

I sense the injured boy's eyes on me, and soon call out for Maki. "Maki! You need to move!" He shouts for his life.

Her head jolts to me and her eyes widen. I slowly walk up to the cursed spirit, wanting to ask a question.

"We've met before.. haven't we?" The cursed spirit asks me, in a defensive stance.

"We have, do you know the patched up idiot? The one with blue hair?" I ask, tilting my head and feeling more anger arise as the memories run around in my head.

"What if I told you I did?" The cursed spirit seemed to be enjoying himself.

"You would regret it" I run towards it, getting closer and closer.

"You're going to regret coming at me like that" The cursed spirit prepares for my charge with its right hand, giving me the best chance to eliminate it.

Before reaching it to the point where it could grab me, I point towards the shoulder, slightly more towards the bicep, shooting with two fingers out.

The electric surge surrounds my body before leaving me half empty. I try to keep my ground, feeling my legs go shaky and the same with my arms.

The cursed spirit screams, loosing its arm isn't so bad since they can heal anyways. Before the arm could heal though, I find my way to it. I place my arms on it's shoulders and look at it straight in where it's eyes would be.

"I hope you're friend warned you.. but I didn't get him too good" I smash my head against his multiple times, soon letting out more electricity.

We both scream on pain, though the pain won't affect me as much as it will affect this guy.

I let go, soon walking backwards, watching as the cursed spirit does the same.

It's body smokes as if it had been electrocuted, ha! it has been.

I feel a liquid sensation on my stomach, finally looking down to see my wound as reopened from the clot. "Nice" I look to my side and see both Maki and Megumi horrified, than to my other side a pink haired boy running with his arms out.

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