Going With The Flow I Guess

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"Will you come with me to confront some scoundrels?" He says as he brings his glasses upwards with his index finger. He smirks, as if he were catching some bad guys in a film.

"Sure?" What a weird guy, I need to make these so called friends soon.

Hell yeah you do

We walk down the bright and empty halls that were once filled with many students. An overwhelming feeling I would like to say. I disliked it, having multiple guys whistle as they looked me up and down one of them even touched me. Bleh.

"Hey! Occult club!" The four eyes pushes the door open and startles the three figures as he turns the lights on.

"Hey, it's the plankton council president... and- oh.. h- how's it going?" A boy with a cute smile and pink hair stares at me as his smile shrinks away. It was an odd energy I got as I looked deeply into his light brown eyes, they sparkled of wonder, making me curious to know more.

I wave to the trio with a forced smile. One girl is a part of this group, she has short hair and is wearing glasses. The other boy is tall, having short dark hair. The greetings are interrupted by the president slamming a paper onto their desk.

"This room is going to become the changing room for the women athletics team. So get out!" He crosses his arms and looks away. I feel like telling him off, but it seems rather inappropriate to a boy with certain power in this school.

I'm not sure how school works, for my academy is said to be very different from regular school. I'll have to do my best in blending in, for there is no school like mine.

"I get the impression that you don't take us seriously..." The cute boy turns to us after reading the paper, which was the one slammed onto the table by this boy beside me. I raise my hands in defence and shake my head as I back away.

The girl gets up and takes a book from the shelf behind her. She slams the book onto the table. Why is everyone obsessed with placing things on tables so aggressively?

"What is that?" I ask. A smirk grows on the whole group, making me slightly concerned.

"Do you know why the rugby field is closed?" The blue eyed girl asks with a bright smile.

I shrug, because I've only been here for a couple hours. How would I know the ins and outs of this school?

"Yes... most of the players were hospitalized" The boy beside me says.

"Don't you find that a little bizarre?" The girl says. I nod aggressively, but she was asking the boy which I knew. She still giggles at my reaction.

"Why could've happened to those people?" She continues. "Right before the players started getting sick... they heard strange noises and voices. That's where the newspaper article from 30 years ago comes in!" I begin to zone out and accidentally stare at the big eyed boy with pink hair. He was nice to look at, his facial expressions put me at ease.

I feel a pat on my shoulder after god knows how long I've been zoned out. "Come! Watch me out there" The boy I had been staring at grabs my hand which completely startles me. He begins to lead me through the hallways. "What's your name?" He asks me as we speed walk.

"Zero (Y/n)" I say after a bit of hesitation, unsure of what to call myself even after having documents with this name and writing this name on my transfer sheet.

"Nice to meet you.. Zero! I'm Itadori Yuji" He shakes the hand he is already holding causing me to chuckle. He seemed hesitant in saying my name, as if he were to think it was made up. Nevertheless he did like it.

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