Before Battle

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"Todo will definitely come straight at us to crush us. Mai might even ride his coat tails to come at me, too" Maki says, planning carefully and pondering.

"Who's this Todo guy?" I ask, leaning on the wall with my arms crossed.

"Todo is a monster. Even if we all go at him, worst case we get annihilated. So we're gonna leave only one person to slow him down, which was gonna be Panda or Fushiguro. But... Itadori I'll leave it to you, and from what I've heard of Zero... you can stay back and watch, and if Itadori needs you, there you are" Maki points to us, standing side by side.

We both point to each other and look to her awkwardly. "You don't have to win, just waste as much as time as possible" Maki adds.

"But you can be daring! Honestly, you're an unexpected reinforcement, so we don't mind even if you retire" Panda says, meaning our deaths.

"Heh" I feel my left eye twitch.

"That's mean" Yuji sighs. "Sorry Megumi, you probably wanted to fight Todo, right?" Yuji says all innocent like.

"I don't really care..." Fushiguro says blankly, not really caring, which is expected.

"Aren't you super dry..." Panda says, something I would have said.

"Well, you shoulda met Zero when she first enrolled in Jujutsu Tech" Fushiguro says looking over to me with a light, unexpected smile.

"You don't know how much I'm pushing myself today" I sigh, standing up straight and looking at the second years who seem confused.

"What's that supposed to mean?" Maki asks, fixing her glasses.

"It means she's a killing machine with no remorse" Everyone looked confused except Yuji, who sighs and massages his temple.

"Wh- Who was that?" Panda asks, looking around.

"Nariko" I slap my face and the second years were even more confused.

"Tsukiyomi?" Maki asks.

"Yes, it's nice to meet you all. Kidding, I hate it here" I lift my hand which shows the mouth belonging to the cursed spirit in me.

I then clasp my hands together and sigh "No one likes back stories so let's not get into it" I force a smile and nod.


The room that was once filled with students of our school, is now empty, with only myself and.. yeah just myself.

Actually I'm here

Okay well yeah, but it just is so normal to have you with me so it doesn't count.

Anyways, I watched as everyone left, and I think I just needed time to process seeing my friends again. I also need to talk myself into not killing anyone I guess.

What's the problem with killing? It's fun!

"It was.. when I had no remorse. Nariko" I sigh, face palming.

"Conversations with Nariko again? Mind if I replace her for a bit?" I hear a familiar voice, I look up to see my boyfriend walking into the empty room I sit in.

"Sure, I don't mind" I chuckle, patting the cushion beside myself.

"Good, cos I want you all to myself" He leans close to me, removing hair from the sides of my face and bringing them behind my ears.

"Do you now?" I smirk, soon letting my lips gravitate towards his.

"Mhm" He kisses me slowly, taking deep breaths through his nose. I do the same, smiling and enjoying the sensation of his lips against mine.

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