A New Acquaintance

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The ground shakes for a moment, it startles me, but it's not something I haven't experienced. I crouch down and hold the back of my neck, in concern of my life. My breaths grow heavy and I feel sweat all around myself.

"Huh? Did the ground just shake?" I hear Itadori say.

"Yeah, it did. Intensity two or so? Why are you crouched down like that?" Yoshino asks.

"There's no bombs?" I look up and the both slowly shake their heads, confused.

"N- no.." Yoshino says.

"Oh, alright" I nervously laugh.

"Are you okay?" Itadori places his hand on my shoulder, looking in my eyes with concern. I simply nod. "Okay, good. I'm gonna call Ijichi"

Both Yoshino and I sit on steps, watching Itadori hold the weird flat rectangle he calls "phone". He uses it a lot, but I'm still not used to it. He even made me try a game or something one time, I was terrible. He also watches anime at night on it, and I also watched something called Naruto with him.

"Nope, Ijichi's not answering.. Come here, Zero" I walk up to Itadori after smiling to Yoshino.

"Should I really be the one to ask this? No, you do it" Itadori says.

"But is it really okay to just ask him straight-up about that, though?" I ask, he goes into thought.

"How much are we allowed to reveal about Jujutsu Tech, anyways?" He asks.

"The number you have dialled cannot be reached at this time" The box Itadori holds, startles me.

"Why is the phone stupid, why can't we reach?" I ask, poking at the phone.

"N- no.. He isn't picking up his phone, so he can't speak right now of course" Itadori laughs.

"Oh, I see" I nod.

"I wonder what's going on" Itadori says.

"He's probably doing something stupid" I shake my head.

"So should we ask?" Itadori asks

"Ah.. I don't know, you choose" I say nervously.

"Ah! Forget it! I'm just going to ask!" Itadori raises his hands. He turns around "Listen, there were people who died at the theatre you went to the other day. Did you happen to see anything?" Itadori asks straight-forwarded. The boy seemed to have a reaction, we're getting somewhere.

"A creepy thing like this maybe?" I grab Itadori's wrist and bring it up, his hand holds the cursed spirit that was chasing Yoshino earlier.

"No, I didn't" He says nervously. "I've only recently started seeing those clearly" He says, but I feel like he's not entirely telling the truth.

"I see" Itadori says.

"Yeah.. uh huh" I cross my arms. Yoshino takes my sarcasm into account, but he doesn't say anything.

"Well, I've got nothing else to ask, then!" Itadori smiles.

"Huh? That's it?" Yoshino looks up at us as we near him.

"Can you still wait though? Just until our boss shows up?" I smile, standing beside Itadori before sitting down.

"Yeah, sure" Yoshino complies.

"Thanks!" Itadori sits down with me, and Yoshino seemed to rather have his space, flinching. I move away slightly, trying to stay friendly. I end up having my leg meet with Itadori, he stares but I look towards Yoshino to break the silence.

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