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After the departure of the Kyoto students...

Gojo Satoru POV:

"Guys I don't think we should be doing this! She should have her privacy when she can!" Yuji whisper shouts, acting cautiously and nervously. He seemed desperate to make us all leave, as if he knew something we didn't.

"Ah, don't worry! We are all just curious to know what's bothering her! We care, that's all" Panda speaks for me.

We all peek from the corner of one of the buildings. We watch as she jogs around the grass field. My students continue to babble about leaving or staying.

"Tuna!" Toge points and we all jolt our attention to (Y/n) who's now speaking.

"You can guess why" My cousin turns as she jogs, now jogging backwards. I notice all her eyes open. This is normal for her, it doesn't mean that Tsukiyomi is moving.

She furrows her eyebrows as if someone was speaking to her. Is she on the phone? I don't see her phone.

"Who is she talking to?" Nobara asks quietly, in a train of deep thought and curiosity.

"Well, no. The opposite actually" (Y/n) speaks again, shrugging and turning back around finally.

She was completely silent, it scared me. What must be going on in her head? Is she okay? Why is she speaking to herself... or wait, ah! It's definitely Tsukiyomi.

"It could be Tsukiyomi, right?" Yuji says, looking up at me as I still stare at (Y/n).

"I... I'm not sure" I notice her hold her chest, she falls over and turns around immediately.

She looks around as she sits on the ground, breathing heavily. "Who said that?!" She says in a very scary, stern tone.

It causes us all to flinch, still cautious to even get close to the field she's been working out in.

"She couldn't be speaking to Tsukiyomi. She looks shocked" Megumi says in full concentration.

I see her get up and dust herself off. She leans forward and takes out her hand. She seems to pat the air but freeze.

"Why is she patting the air like a child is there?" Panda chuckles.

"Where did you go?" (Y/n) looks around and soon she begins to breathe heavily. Even from here I could tell she was trembling.

"G- guys?! Get back here now! Teacher's orders! I'll hunt you down if I have to!" Her eyes... they seem so.. mad.

"Teacher?" Maki speaks for the first time.

"Armano! Have you seen my students?!" She turns around and begins to jog again. She trips over her steps, pushing up from the ground.

"Armano? Who the hell is Armano?" Yuji whispers but I hear him, well, everyone did.

"Where the fuck did you go?! I'm your captain damnit! Oh wait, the main court" She begins jogging her laps again.

"I'm scared... should we go up to her?" Nobara looks up to me with a pouty face.

"N- no.." I massage my temple and bring my attention back to my cousin. I'm worried, why is she speaking nonsense? What did that place do to this poor girl?

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