Netflix.. and Chill?

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"Watching movies?" Me and Itadori say in unison.

"Yup. Everything from masterpieces to C-grade horror films and terrible french movies. You two will be watching them nonstop as long as you're awake. Of course, you won't just be watching them" Gojo presents two teddy bears that wear boxing gloves.

"You'll be watching them with these guys" He happily presenting them.

"What's with the cute and creepy doll?" Itadori asks.. cute? yes creepy, but cute?

"It's cute?" Both me and Gojo question the pink haired dude on his odd opinion. "They're curse corpses the principle made" Gojo hands us the stuffed animals.

"Ah, I knew it! It has his sense!" Itadori says then begins to examine the teddy bear as I just calmly hold mine. After a few tries at activating the teddy bear he seemed to look confused. "And? I don't understand what you're getting at here" Itadori says

"Don't be hasty, now. You'll see soon" Gojo concerns me.. What's going to happen?

I look at my teddy bear and weirdly it changes it's face, not long after it gives me a harsh uppercut. I stand still and stare at the teddy bear after it's punch.

"That cursed corpse will wake up and attack you, just like that. If you don't keep pouring a set amount of cursed energy into it" Gojo says.

"Ow!" Itadori crouches down in pain.

I massage my jaw and furrow my eyebrows at it.

"Like I just said, we have all kinds of movies available here. Heart-throbbers, thrillers, exciting ones, ones that'll make you cry, laugh, or feel disgusted.. Your first goal is to watch the entire movie, from start to finish, without waking the cursed corpse. This trains you to maintain a steady output of cursed energy, no matter what emotions you feel. You can't use too much or too little" Gojo explains to us.

I watch as my teddy bear tries to punch me again and then falls back asleep, the same happens with Itadori when he takes his back.

"I have it set to the faint level of cursed energy you can produce right now, but it'll steadily start demanding greater output, so don't let your guard down" Gojo says as he goes through the pile of movies.

"I don't think we could even if we wanted to" I say blankly as I walk towards the couch.

"What do you want to start with?" Gojo looks at me as he holds up one movie. "I recommend this one. The heroine's annoying, but she dies spectacularly in the end" Gojo basically spoils it.

"Major spoilers" Both me and Itadori say annoyed as we look towards each other blankly.

"I say we start off with an action.. What do ya say Zer-" Itadori smiles cheerfully in my direction, but gets interrupted by a punch to the face

"Sure!" I ignore the punch and then get punched by my teddy.

"Oh, come on!" Itadori throws the teddy and I just rub my nose and sniffle as I fix my posture.

"Hey, even if you're irritated keep the cursed energy steady" Gojo mentions.

"Got it" I get punched again. "It's not going to be easy for me to get irritated, but I don't know, today might be the day things change" I shrug

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