A Normal Day?

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"Look at that" Yuji moves my hair from my shoulder and grazes his hand on the single bruise. I didn't mind it, and I enjoyed it. For some reason I didn't find it odd that he did it.

Looking at myself now, I realize how weird it is. "What is it?" I look up at him as he stands behind me. We both stand in front of a mirror.

"They're called hickies.. It's just to show my liking towards you. Not that many people will see it, but it also shows people you're mine" He smirks, kissing my neck and looking at me from the mirror.

The thought of being his, made me feel so fluffy and light. I couldn't help but smile and blush to his words. What made me more flustered was him kissing my neck. It feels like a weak spot, and I think he knows that now.

"Sorry if I got carried away" His arms wrap around my waist, he lowers himself, nuzzling into the crook of my neck.

I hold his hands, interlocking our fingers. "Carried away? When?" I turn my head, finding my eyes on his pink, fluffy hair.

"In training.. I shouldn't have done that" He sighs, hugging me tighter.

"Hm?.. It's okay" I move by the slightest so that he can move his face and look to me.

"Are you sure?" He furrows his eyebrows, looking at my eyes, each one multiple times.

"Of course" I cup his face with my hands and pull him in for a kiss.

"Okay.. but don't hesitate to say stop. I- I'll ask you next time" He gives me a soft smile, bringing some of my hair behind my ear.

"Alright" I love the fact he's being respectful, but it also made me wanna cry out of the absolute adorable look he had given me when he asked for forgiveness.

"Wanna... go out?" Yuji places his hands on my shoulder and I nod. He smiles widely, so much his eyes closed.

"Okay, go change. I'll be waiting outside" He says, then walks out the door.

Change? What's wrong with-

Sweatpants and t-shirt? A lot.

"Well damn" I go into my clothes, in desperate need for something acceptable.

[I hope this is fine AH][Also like

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[I hope this is fine AH]
[Also like.. LOOK AT THE SCENERY.. beautiful]

I grab a few things, all my choice. It was because of Nariko I have this top though.

You shoulda worn the one with the v-neck

"No. This is fine, I'm fine" I pat down my clothes and take one last look in the mirror. I sigh, soon dragging myself out the door.

I see Yuji standing and smiling in the distance. I wonder what he's thinking about. He wears a baggy pair of blue pants, with a yellow t-shirt. He also has a black, small side bag.

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