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All I have to do.. Is just buy time. That's all, and when they are out and safe, I can let Nariko out. Then we all live happily ever after. Even if I don't really understand the concept of happiness..

The beast only laughs to itself which leaves me to stare at it blankly as I await an attack. Since I'm supposed to just distract it, it would be easier just to let it do it's thing till it tries to fight me.

Before I could think much more, the beast sends an air swipe my way. I attempt to dodge it, but it's too large of a swipe for me to escape. I get slammed into a wall and more blood exits from my mouth.

The curse laughs as I crouch to cough more. "Bitch.." I run towards it, nails ready to claw at the beast. I feel a surge of energy run through my veins as I prepare an attack with my left than right hand.

I pounce at it but the curse creates a weird energy around its fist and punches my abdomen. I get thrown across the room and crash through a wall which barely slows my momentum. I roll into another room and stand up still sliding backwards due to the force.

I finally come to a halt and await the presence of the laughing curse. I hear it's weird noises and soon, electricity lights the fog the curse steps in.

My eyes widen to its ability as it shows itself. The electricity surrounds its hands and many discharge from all around. It then creates a large bolt of lightning towards me.

My eyes widen, this is unbelievable. I cross my arms in front of myself as I prepare to brace the unsurvivable impact.

I don't want to die.. This isn't my time, is it? I want to do more, I want to tell that woman, I'm sorry for her loss. I barely know her, but I want to make someone feel better.. I want to let people know that they aren't alone. That they aren't alone like I was. I have people now, and I won't disappoint them.

The lightning charges at me and it's not as strong as I expected it to be. It's because of the ruthless training and electrocution torture I've experienced. The attack sheers away my skin and muscle, leaving to show my ulnar bones on the side of my forearm. Blood quickly covers my arms as I stand here out of breath.

The curse walks closer, and closer towards me. I feel my heart race.. This isn't fear is it? Ha! I'm having an adrenaline rush!

I hop around in place, having a happy jog as I watch the curse grow fearful of why I may be so content. I feel like the electricity that was charged towards me, was all absorbed, maybe that's why it didn't hurt as much as I thought it would. It could also be from training but, who knows. I've never had an unbeatable opponent, so this is something new, something that excites me.

I focus energy on my fists as I take a deep breath. Pure energy releases from my hands and stays where I want it to be. I run towards the curse and charge my electrified fist to the curse.

Guess what? It caught my hand. The impact was immense as the ground crumbles underneath us, but the curse only laughs at my feeble attempts.

Let me out

"Not ye-" A howl interrupts my response to the voice inside my head.

"You know what.. Why not" I let go of all my control, for the first time in months.

A smile grows on my face as the curse loses theirs. It steps back from me/Nariko.

"Feels good" Nariko feels her forearms as they heal with ease.

I watch as she begins to toy with the curse. She runs up walls and hangs on the ceiling, then jumps down on the curse. Nariko throws it around and laughs as she does so. The curse attempts to blast her but with a single finger, she cuts through it and the blast deflects.

Soon the curse is teared from limb to limb. "(Y/n) is right.. That whole ranking thing on grades is kinda stupid. We're both special-grade, but look at us, you're an insect waiting to get stepped on" Nariko maniacally laughs.

Finally, Nariko slices the curse and reaches in for an eyeball. "Weird.. I'm eating my own eyeballs" She shivers than swallows the thing whole.

I loose my view, and control.. I feel the world going black.. For good.

All I did was prove how weak I am. I thought I could do this, I thought that years and years of torture and training would have helped me some what in this world. I wasn't cocky, but I was confident in my skill. Now look at me.

I barely used my over practiced techniques on this curse, this is a whole new world I don't think I'm preach to deal with.


"We thought together.. what should we do?" Nariko's
voice wakes me from the weird slumber I was in.

I see Ryoumen reach into me for my heart, then Nariko reach into his. They kiss as they do so and man I want to throw up.

"We're taking them hostage" Ryoumen tells Fushiguro that I now notice is here.

"Hostage?" He seems to be scared

"Mhm.. We can live without this.. the brats on the other hand" Nariko laughs, holding Itadori's heart.

They throw the hearts some place else and I couldn't care less if I died. As long as that meant Fushiguro got to live. He will die if I stay here..

"You just don't get it" Fushiguro gets into a fighting stance. "They... Itadori and Zero are coming back. Even if that means they'll die. That's why they are"

"I don't know about her.. but you give him too much credit. This guy's just a little tougher and denser than other humans. Just a moment ago, he was scared out of his mind, on the verge of death, and prattling on about his regrets and all that nonsense. I know for a face he doesn't have the guts to kill himself and she doesn't either" Ryoumen says.

Just to prove this bitch wrong for his accusations, I'm going to take this damn body back.

"Ryoumen.. You piece of shit, you don't know me well enough obviously" Blood pours from my mouth once again, not due to my abdomen injury- no, that's gone. My heart is also gone for that matter.

"Z- Zero.." Fushiguro stares at me with fear, and worry.

"I guess I didn't hm~" Sukuna lifts my head by my chin.

"I'm sorry I can't help Fushiguro, but this is the most I can do" I focus the same energy once again, electricity still runs through me and I focus it to my hand.

"Huh?" Ryoumen raises a brow before I punch him in the face. Causing, once again, the ground to crack up underneath us. He takes a few steps back.

He seemed shocked, but soon he conceals it. "I'm impressed" Is the last thing I hear from him.

I turn to Fushiguro "Tell Gojo.. I'll be back'" I lean forward and impersonate The Terminator. Fushiguro seemed confused and scared.

I collapse onto the ground, and watch as the world goes dark, and my blood pools.

A/N: I'm dead.. I'm alive... but I'm dead

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