Take A Deep Breath

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Everyone breathes heavily after a nice morning jog. I insisted for everyone to join me so we can pick up a routine once again... even if I wasn't aware of what they actually did for training. They just didn't like the idea of working as hard as I was.

Everyone was talking about where they'd want to be instead of working out, speaking about amusement parks, or another country, or something as simple as the mall. Anyone can guess who said the mall.

"What's the beach like?" I sit beside Yuji as we all converse on the grass. The Kyoto students have all left, including buddy Aoi.

"What?" Maki narrows her eyes at me.

"You've got to be joking" Nobara says with a laugh.

"Uh.. Sorry" I feel embarrassed, not knowing that the beach is like. I've heard stories and I almost had a mission at a resort where some rich CEO of a big company was staying at. The mission was cancelled because another team took the job instead. It was from the boys only academy. How stupid now that I think about it, we started getting boys in our academy so why were they only guys? Whatever.

"Oh, no! Don't be sorry!" Yuji sticks his tongue at Nobara.

"I thought you were kidding. Who can explain?" Nobara seemed too lazy to explain as she payed in the grass.

"I know what it is, I just want to know what it's like" I chuckle. "I'm not an idiot" I chuckle, feeling sort of hurt at their belief I have a lack in knowledge of common sense.

"Thought you were" Yuji chuckles but it's short lived by my hand smacking his head. "Ow!" He pouts. "It was just a joke!" He whines.

"It was just a joke!" I mock him and the group laughs.

"Bully... This is what I had to deal with for two months" Yuji pokes my face while he looks at everyone else, but I take his finger and stick it up his nose.

"You love me" I ruffle up his hair and chuckle as he does the same.

"Two months, that's a while" Fushiguro says.

I nod and hum in agreement, taking a sip of water from my water bottle.

"What did you guys even do?" Fushiguro asks, causing me to spit out my water, thinking about the dates we went on and the heated make out sessions that almost led to more.

"Hm?" I casually hum, soon coughing from the choked up water, getting my back patted and rubbed by Yuji.

"Uhh, I asked what did you guys even do all that time?" Fushiguro seemed confused and suspicious.

"Same as you guys, lessons and training" Yuji says, trying to throw away the awkward and mysterious energy I gave off.

"Bear whispering" I add.

"Mhm, watching anime!" Yuji brings his finger up to the sky.

"Yep, trying new things too" I remember when I first tried bubble tea, absolutely delicious.

"Wait, pause" Maki brings her hand out with her palm facing us. "Bear whispering?" Maki raises an eyebrow.

"Yeah, we saw a mama bear" Yuji leans back and moves his feet around like a child.

"We also helped her find her cubs" I smile, feeling myself show a bit of pink flushed on my cheeks.

"Salmon!" Inumaki sits up.

"Yeah, tell us more" Panda says as he lays on his stomach with his legs up and moving back and forth.

"What else do we tell you?" Yuji chuckles, sitting back up.

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