Chef Itadori

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"You sure this is your first time?" Yuji asked, a bit entertained.

"Yeah! You said the meatballs are easy to make, don't think I'm naturally talented" I huff.

Yuji stands behind me, letting his hands hover under mine as his arms gently wrap around me. He helps lead my hands and for him it's really just an excuse to be closer to me.

"Yeah, I guess they are pretty easy. Megumi learned pretty quick" Yuji says casually as his hands slide down to my waist.

I didn't mind so I let it be as I kept my attention to the meatballs. His chin rested on my shoulder and he would remind me a few things as I was making the meatballs.

We had finished up pretty quick since Yuji had started on the other things and Satoru later came and simply watched us with his mouth drooling.

"I thought you said you were bringing something from outside" I look back at Satoru as I wash my hands.

"Yeah, I did say that. Yuji wanted to make meatballs so that's why I brought groceries instead" Satoru shrugs, leaning back on the counter. So that's why he dropped off a plastic bag.

"Ah, I see" I look over to Yuji and narrow my eyes. He awkwardly laughs and looks away from me.

He couldn't get enough when we were out huh? He had to make another excuse to do something with me. I find it adorable.


"achoo" Yuji makes the cutest sneeze, soon with my loud one following afterwards.

"Ah" Yuji sniffles.

"Bless you... These meatballs are great" Satoru says with his mouth full.

"Oh, those are super easy to make" Yuji says with his index finger pointed up. He looks over to me with a smile. "Even Fushiguro can make them" He leans back in the couch and closes his eyes. "I taught him how and now (Y/n) knows"

"I can't wait to see those two again" I sigh, seeing Yuji nod, thinking the same as me.

"Well, you guys will soon enough!" Satoru speaks with his mouth full again, obviously enjoying the food.

"Mhm.. I wonder how they would react... I mean I've thought about it and Yuji basically made an impression. Though... how would they really react?" I scratch my head.

"Yeah, yeah! Sensei, I was like... "oh"" Yuji makes a blank face and sits up straight.

Soon enough both Yuji and Satoru had started to laugh hysterically. "That's a good Megumi impersonation!" Satoru nods and points with his chopsticks to his pink haired student.

I blankly stare at the both of them, I expected this, but I always end up looking at them this way.

"Look, look! (Y/n)'s doing it well too!" Satoru pokes me.

"Oh whatever" I swat his hand away.

The both of them laugh and just watching them smile makes me do the same. I can't wait to see the smiles on Megumi and Nobara's faces.

"Oh! (Y/n) taught me to drive!" Yuji raises his arms out of excitement and hops in his seated position like a child.

"She did? Were you guys safe?" He looks at the both of us and we nod.

"(Y/n) is so safe!" Yuji smiles with a light tint of pink on his cheeks. "A good teacher too" Yuji smiles over to me.

"Yuji, Yuji.. calm down" I put the car into park and he breathes heavily on the driver's seat.

"Calm?! I am calm!" He drops his head on the centre of the wheel and accidentally sounds the horn.

This causes him to shout and breathe even more heavily. I laugh hysterically seeing him to startled. He holds the wheel and looks up at me as his head was dropped. He stares blankly "How are you so calm?" He whines.

"So you admit you aren't?" I poke him and giggle.

"I was definitely calm! Right?!" Yuji's semi-raised voice startles me, causing me to flinch. He looks at me waiting for an answer, soon grinning.

"What?! N- no way" I hold my nape and look away, only having Yuji see my cheeks that display a pink hue.

"Makes sense" Satoru was too focused on the food to even look at us.

"Awe" Yuji whines.

"He was calm when he was singing "Kaikai Kitan" though" I giggle. Honestly his voice was so nice, he was so into the song it was obvious through how well he sang.

I didn't speak until the song was over, and he didn't even realize I was listening or how loud he was being. I could barely even focus on anything else, I was in love. I... I am in love.

"He sang?!" Satoru sits up excitedly.

We both spoke at the same time and we both knew who Satoru would believe.

"His voice was so angelic! I could listen to it all day" I fall back in my seat and smile.

"Y- you're just saying that" Yuji pokes me and pouts.

"Seriously, you've got some talent" I grin and witness his cheeks turn a darker pink hue.

"Now I gotta make Yuji sing soon!" Satoru says mischievously as he rubs his hands together.

"Oh god no" Yuji face plants into his palms and fake cries. I see the top of his ears turn red and my eyes widen. He's embarrassed, that's so adorable but I feel bad for bringing it up.

"Let's clean up hm?" I pat Yuji's back before grabbing a few things to take back.

"Uh.. yeah" He nervously takes the plates and all of us begin to clean, which wasn't much honestly.

"You guys go on I'll do the rest" Satoru pats my back and smiles towards Yuji.

"It's okay! We can do it!" Yuji says with a bright smile.

"I didn't clean last time... so" He shrugs, soon pushing us out the room.

I sigh "I'm so tired" I lazily walk over to the couch and plop into it, hanging my head back and laying my arms out. I close my eyes and take deep breaths.

Something that startled me was a weight on my legs and soon on my entire torso. I open my eyes to see a pink fluff beside me and soon realizing Yuji is on my lap.

"Yuji, whaaa" I giggle, hugging him back.

"I felt tempted, should I get off?" Yuji looks down at me.

"Tempted? I guess not, you seem comfy" I pull him close again, feeling him tighten his hold on me was oddly comforting on my end too. Is this how Yuji feels? I mean I'm not as tall as him, so it's slight different.

"Well we can't do this long, your cousin is just a few steps away" Yuji says so casually. I hear his chuckle and feel his smile through the way he spoke.

"Okay, we can continue later" I giggle. Both of us move and sit properly.

We begin to watch whatever we left on tv as we wait for Satoru to return. He didn't take long, which scared me. If me and Yuji were still in an embrace it would have been awkward.

"Heyo! I'm gonna turn in early so you guys do whatever" Satoru passes us and ruffles our hair before leaving.

"Bye!" The both of us wave and smile as we watch him leave.

"Ah, does this mean I get to sit on your lap again?!" Yuji hops up and looks me in the eyes with his sparkly ones that are filled with excitement and hope.

"O- of course, come here my child" I spread my arms for Yuji and laugh as he crawls.

Never would I have imagined Yuji wanting to do this. I assume he wants more comfort, but I'm always here for endless love. Forever I hope to be with him.

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