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A/N: I own my OC and plotline. Dedicated to @heidikat7.

Day Seven.

"Hurry up, Samantha! The pizza is getting cold!" she heard her boyfriend yelling at her from the living room.

She rolled her eyes as she finished towel-drying her hair. Damn, he was so impatient! "I'll be there in a minute!"

Samantha finished quickly with her hair, feeling awfully hungry at the prospect of cheese, dough and tomato.

Walking into the livingroom, wearing her baby pink, flannel pajamas, she was extremely surprised to find Matt (Smith) wearing a onesie. And not just any onesie, but a TARDIS onesie. She rolled her eyes once more, asking herself why she would be surprised at his particular attire. He was of course, a ex-Time Lord.

His whole home was covered from floor to ceiling in Doctor Who memorbillia. From actually Dalek costumes, to Cybermen helmets, to parts of the TARDIS console. It was like living within a Doctor Who museum, which contained on of the thirteen most precious artifacts of them all, the eleventh Doctor. Which she hoped oneday would be stolen and moved into her apartment.

Curling up beside him, Samatha selected a large slice of cheese pizza and took a bit. It was heavenly. "Ohmhygwosh, thwis phizza is swooo ghood." she mumbled whilst chewing.

"What?" the brown-haired male laughed.

"THIS. PIZZA. IS. SO. GOOD!" Samatha declared whilst taking another bite.

Matt laughed again, wrapping his left arm out her. "Oh, I am glad. I thought that my girl should have a nice, relaxing evening after spending all day slaving over a stove."

"Matt, I am a cook, what do you expect?"

"I expect my girl to sit back, relax, eat pizza and watch classic Doctor Who episodes with her wonderful boyfriend."

She paused, considering his expectations. "There's just one problem with your plan."

He raised an eyebrow. "Let me 'wonderful boyfriend'?"

She shook her head. "I have eaten my entire pizza silce."

Matt stared at her a moment before grinning like the Cheshire Cat. "Well, I think that we can solve that!"


To: X

From: Y

Hi, I won't be able to come over today. I am currently out on a date. See you tomorrow?

To: Y

From: X

No problem. Have fun. I'll be fine.


A/N: Guess who is back with a new chapter? Me! So, Seb has found Valerian. Exciting! Only nine more days until you discover where she has been hiding!


I Need You To Fix Me (A Sebastian Stan Story) Book 2Where stories live. Discover now