New Year's Kiss

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A/N: I do own my OC and plotline.


She looked at him, smiling. This was it, the end of 2014. The end of another year.


Her last ever New Year's Eve.


Her last ever January 1st. 2015 would be her last year. After April, she would no longer exist.


She would be leaving her husband, her husband who she had only just married on the 24th of December.


This would be their first and only New Year's Eve together.


Next year, he would either be alone or be with someone new.


He would continue to live whilst Valerian lay dead in the ground, her corpse rotting in the soil. Her soul elsewhere.


Would he always hold this moment dear to him or would he eventually forget? Would Valerian Cassanova become just a faded memory to him?


She didn't know.


But she knew that she had to make this moment count.


Sebastian scooped Valerian into his arms, kissing her forcefully on the mouth. She kissed back whole-heartedly, wrapping her arms around his neck. She broke away and laughed as he spun her around.

The other couples in their friendship group were also expressing a similar reaction.

Persephone caught Valerian's eye and cheered as Chris held her to him.

Dominic and Devon were kissing in the corner, celebrating their moment privately.

Marihah and Liam too were kissing, Valerian smiled at the sight.

Jenna and Ben were chatting anumatedly and laugh with Louise and Andrew.

Pixie and Jeremy were slow dancing to the romantic song playing over the speakers.

Tom had his arms wrapped around Caroline's waist as she tugged at his jacket's lapels. They were smiling and quietly conversing.

Valerian searched around the room for Indigo and Lee, locating them on the sofa. Indigo was sitting on Lee's lap, kissing her boyfriend, pulling away every so often to whisper something to Lee. Valerian assumed it was their version of 'Dope'.

"Happy New Years, dragul meu." my love.

Valerian smiled at her husband, leaning on her tiptoes to kiss him gently on the lips. "Happy New Years, Soț." Husband.

"Soție." Wife.

"Ar trebui să fie uitat veche cunoștință ,

și nu a adus în minte ?

Ar trebui să fie uitat veche cunoștință ,

și zile de mult timp în urmă ?" Should old acquaintance be forgot,
and never brought to mind?
Should old acquaintance be forgot,
and days of long ago?

"Pentru zilele de mult timp în urmă , draga mea,

pentru zilele de mult timp în urmă ,

vom lua o ceașcă de bunătate încă ,

pentru zilele de mult timp în urmă ." For days of long ago, my dear,
for days of long ago,
we'll take a cup of kindness yet,
for days of long ago.


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