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Valerian's POV.

I am at home waiting for my family to return from the Pizza parlour, I was supposed to go with them but I didn't feel well, so my Mother said that I could stay and set the table. I look out of the window, the snow fall in a lot heavy than it was when they left. The Jeep should be okay to navigate through the fall.


Three hours later.

Where are they? They should have been back by now. It has been three hours since they left. Maybe it there is a lot of traffic because of the snow?

I absent mindedly turn on the television, wondering if there is anything to watch whilst I wait.


Reader's POV.

That was the moment that Valerian's world fell apart and crumbled to dust. The words, 'BREAKING NEWS' filled the screen. The image of a silver Jeep, smashed and dented beyond recognition, burned into her retinas. A young, male reporter broadcasted from the scene of the accident. Valerian Cassanova immediately turned the volume of the electronic device up. The solemn, measured words of the newscaster filled the room.

"Yes, I'm here now, live from the scene of the accident. Police say that the Jeep was driving in these terrible conditions when it collided with the truck, also behind me."

The image of a red truck- which was in the same condition as the Jeep- replaced the reporter for moment.

He continued his broadcast. "Four of the five involved in the accident have been pronounced dead on the scene. They have been identified. If you take a close look now, their profiles will appear on screen for you viewers at home."

The driver of the truck was first, a man named Waldo Treyer.

Second, Tabitha Cassanova.

At that moment tears streamed down her face and she was trembling from head to foot, trying to contain her emotions. Her twin was dead. The person she was most connected to...was dead.

Next, the image of Mark and her Father appeared on the screen.

She collapsed to the floor, her cries of distress echoed throughout the whole house. Valerian kept screaming their names, willing for her family to walk through the front door and comfort her. H

She knew that they couldn't though because...

...because they were dead.

'Dead', the word threatened to suffocate her, to cause her mind to cave in because she just couldn't imagine a life without them. They were gone. Gone. Gone!

"The survivor of the accident is said to be Mrs Hyacinth Cassanova. Police say that she is in critical condition and is unlikely to make it through the night."


Valerian hadn't left her Mother's  side for hours and she wasn't about to now, especially since she was most likely never going to wake up. "Mum," she croaked, her throat already constricting as she started the speech she had rehearsed over and over again in her mind. "I'm hoping that you can hear me because I just..." she watched the slight rise and fall of Hyacinth's chest. "I just want you to know, I'm rooting for you. I'm rooting for you more than ever right now, I need you to be a constant in my life and I'm not ready to give you up yet." tears formed in her eyes. "I'm not giving you up unless you feel ready to leave. If you want to let go, then it's your choice, I'll understand but if you want to stay, then fight this. Life is for the living, and boy, you sure as hell know how to live." she wiped her tears. "I love you, Mum." she swallowed back a sob, not wanting her Mum to hear her cry. "I just...I just wish that this hadn't happened." Valerian trailed off.


She had slipped in the night, slipped from the world, silently. She had crept from the bonds of her body and returned to the celestial patterns in the sky, reunited once more with the galaxies.

Charles Cassanova, Hyacinth Cassanova, Tabitha Cassanova and Mark Cassanova were dead. All four of them, dead. The living Casanova was at a loss, unsure how to cope with such a lose.

She had no Mother.

No Father.

No brother.

No twin.

She was all alone.



Valerian's POV.

I wake up with a start, coming face to face with darkness. I am disorientated, unsure where I am. Only when Sebastian's arms tighten around me am I brought back to the present. I am in our bed. At home. Safe. Sebastian is beside me. I am safe.

It was all just a horrible, horrible memory.

I lie in the darkness, listening to my husband's breathing. His steady signs of life calm my racing heart. I cannot fall back to sleep, not if I am to be met with a similar memory.

I just cannot face their smiling faces again, knowing that they are dead.

Carefully, I slip out of the arms of my beloved and walk over to the desk in the room. Silently, I turn on my laptop, hoping that the light won't disturb him. I open up a new document and begin writing.

Valerian Constance Ramona Cassanova's Will.

* Sebastian Stan, my wonderful fiance, I have already left you something. My heart. You have given me everything that I could have possibly wanted and for that, I am so grateful. I have memories that I would never trade for anything. I have had my best times with you. Sebastian, I've given you my heart and I don't want it back. 'The best love is the kind that awakens the soul and makes us reach for more, that plants a fire in our hearts and brings peace to our minds and that's what you gave me .' I love you. I love you. I wanted to spend the rest of my life with you. I've, I've never felt like this about anyone before. I love everything about you, your smile, your laugh, your wonderful personality. 'Last night I looked up into the stars and matched each one with a reason why I love you. I was doing great until I ran out of stars'. Seb, 'I would rather share one lifetime with you than face all the ages of this world alone.' Stay safe my love. I will always be with you. Dope.

A/N: Since the chapter is set in an melancholic mood, the QOTD shall follow the same spirit.


I Need You To Fix Me (A Sebastian Stan Story) Book 2Where stories live. Discover now