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A/N: I own my OC and plotline. :)

Dedicated to Lady_Loki_00

Day Seven.

Louise was excited, so excited in fact that she could not outline her eyes properly with the black eye liner she had chosen for tonight's date. Abandoning the liquid liner, she proceeded to paint her lips with dark blood red lipstick, dangerous and alluring. Only, she didn't feel alluring, nor dangerous. She sighed. How did some women manage to act so confident and well, femme fatale?

Wiping away the red, Louise decided to forget about other women and just be herself. Making sure all hints of lipstick were gone, she coated her lips with a rose pink gloss instead. Cleaning away the lopsided eye liner, she dusted her large eyes with bronze and gold eye shadow. When she was finished, she looked at herself in the mirror and smiled. Yes, that was more her.

Glancing at the clock, Louise realised that she only had twenty minutes before her handsome “Prince Charming” came to collect her for their date. Trying desperately to keep calm, Louise exited her bedroom and made sure she had locked all the doors and windows (it was a habit of hers) and then she sat on her cream leather sofa, unsure really what to do for the remaining fifteen minutes. So, Eva switched on her television set and moved her suede black pump clad feet onto the sofa. Flicking through the various channels, there was something on the news that caught her eye. She went back a few channels and watched in horror as her dates face appeared on screen. Quickly scrambling for the remote, she turned the volume up.

The newscaster’s voice filled the apartment. “And breaking news, today at the Smithsonian love was certainly in the air. On lookers watched in awe as a mysterious masked man, dressed as Spiderman, hung a banner from the front of the well-known museum.” there was a close up of the banner. At that moment, Louise could feel her heart rate race and her eyes widen in shock. The banner read:


He did not just...

It couldn't be...

Had he really...

The banner...


Suddenly there was a knock at the door, causing Louise to jump. Rising to her feet, she pause the television, the banner filling the screen. Numbly walking over to the front door, she took a deep breath and unlocked the heavy bolt and chain and swung the door open. Still wearing his Spiderman outfit, Andrew Garfield stood lazily leaning against the door frame, carrying a duffel bag. “Hey.” he grinned as if he had not been on top of the Smithsonian that afternoon, as if her he had not proposed to her (again), he was acting like this was a normal date.

“H-Hey.” she stammered.

His smirk got even bigger as he took in her appearance. Louise was wearing a fitted emerald green top, black cigarette pants that ended at the ankle and her suede pumps. She had ringletted her hair earlier so that it would drop out slightly for the date, causing soft waves. “You look wonderful.”


“Ready for our date?”

“Umm, sure?” why was she answering everything as a question?!

Then they lapsed into an awkward silence.

So far, so not great.

He raised an expectant eyebrow. “Can I come in?”

Louise nodded, moving aside so that he could make his way into the apartment. He brushed passed her. As she shut the door, she heard him ask:

“Do you mind if I just get changed in the bedroom?”

“Sure.” she called over her shoulder. When Louise turned to question him about what he did at the museum, he was already in the bedroom.

With a sigh, she walked back into the living room and stared at the screen. The words 'Will you marry me?' burning into her retinas. She had stared at the banner for so long that the words began to blur and her eyes water, blinking her eyelids a few times. Louise put her hands on her hips and frowned, unsure really what to do. If life was a sit-com, then...

...then the audience would be sat there in suspense, wondering about what she was going to do.

Before she could come to a decision, Andrew had walked into the room. She turned to face him, this time he was wearing a fitted black t-shirt and a jean jacket, black jeans that were fitted in all the right areas (enough said there) and red converses (he was obsessed with converses). He truly looked gorgeous.

His eyes travelled to the screen behind Louise, they widened slightly but the grin playing on his lips broadened. “You saw that, huh?” he asked, completely not fazed by her expression of disbelief.

'You saw that', really? Was that all he could say? “I think most of Washington saw it.” she mumbled.


“'Well', what?”

“Will you?”

OH! “I-I-I...” what a perfect time to stutter, she told herself off.

That was when he got down on one knee and took her hand in his. If this had been a sitcom, then the audience would have 'oohed' and gasped. “Louise,” he began. “ They say a picture tells 1,000 words, but when I see yours all I see is three: I...love...you', and that's why I'm asking you, will you do me the honour of being my wife?”

Then the “audience” gasped further and muttered.

“Yes.” she whispered before clearing her throat. “Yes!” she herself gasped, tears of joy runnning down her cheeks.

The “audience” cheered!

Standing up, Andrew kissed her hand and then pulled her into a kneeling-buckling kiss, the kind that you only see in sit-coms. Pulling away, momentarily, he slipped a ring of emeralds and diamonds onto her ring finger. “Diamonds,” he purred. “for my girl and bestfriend.” then they kissed again.


To: X

From: Y

Hi, I won't be able to come over today. I am currently out on a date. See you tomorrow?

To: Y

From: X

No problem. Have fun. I'll be fine.

A/N: Awwwww. :) So, only seven days to go until Valerian's secret is revealed. I am planning to end this book in the chapter after her big secret BUT there will be a sequel! A temporary name has been chosen for it, it will be called:

Do You Love Sebastian?

I'm not so sure about it. These are the other options:

1) A Long Way From You.

2) Disappear.

3) I Can't Stay.

4) Runaway.

Could you all vote for one? Help a confused writer? Eheheh.

I Need You To Fix Me (A Sebastian Stan Story) Book 2Where stories live. Discover now