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A/N: I do own my OC and plotline.

Reader's POV

He was so tired and she, so warm. He felt so safe next to her on the hospital bed as they slept side by side. He watched every rise and fall of her chest, he watched her stir slightly and then settle back into a deep slumber. Sebastian gently traced the deep purple circles under her eyes, without her concealer on, the dark bruising really showed in the moonlight that was shining through the open window. He loved the way her skin shon in the silvery glow. If he could, Sebastian would have watched over her for eternity. Next, his fingers lightly brushed over her jaw, following the curve and then he let his fingers run tenderly through her short, silky, turquoise locks.

Had he ever looked at her in this much depth? Had he ever just taken the time to really look at Valerian, the vunerable Valerian who had no barriers to hide behind.

Looking at her, it reminded him of a quote he had read in a story Valerian had shown him. "I find myself falling for you more and more each day. It's like I'm suspended in mid-flight but I never want to come down. Loving you, it's like I'm on Cloud Nine. I know that one day, I'll have to fall back down to Earth and leave you, my angel in the clouds but that will only be the day I have to say 'Goodbye'. And I promise, even then, I'll be watching over you. Protecting you while you stare at the stars above, wondering which one I am." he kissed her head, inhaling her scent of shampoo and toast. Sebastian pulled her on top of him, so that she was lying on his chest, that way she would have more space to sleep.

She stirred again, the time, she moved her head to the space between his shoulder and neck. "Sebastian..." she sighed, mumbling in her sleep.

He smiled at himself. "F***, I love you."

"What was that?" Valerian unexpectedly whispered. She opened the eyes and stared up at her fiance.

"I said 'I love you'."

She smiled at him, kissing his jaw. "I know. I love you too."

He leaned back further into the bed, sighing contentedly. "I know."

Bucky stretched slightly, glancing over at the clock on the wall. "Damn, it's four."

"We should probably sleep more." she murmured with a yawn.

"Sure." Sebastian leant back further into his pillows, smiling as Valerian nuzzled at his neck.



"I don't want to sleep."

He looked down at his dying fiancee. "No?"

She shook her head. "I'm too awake." there was an uncertain pause. "Can I borrow your phone?"

Sebastian agreed, passing her his slender iPhone from the bedside table.

Sebastian watched her write for a few minutes.

"May I?" he indicated to the mobile with a nod of his head. She obligingly handed it to him. It read:

Valerian Cassanova's Let's-Complete-Everything List

* To get married to Sebastian

* The visit my family's grave in Ireland.

* To at least have one more date with Sebastian.

* To go on our Honeymoon

* To lie under the stars with him again.

* To help him become better.

* Somethings just cannot be written on paper (if you know what I mean). ;)

I Need You To Fix Me (A Sebastian Stan Story) Book 2Where stories live. Discover now