Goodwin (Part Two)

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A/N: I do not own the Avengers but I do own my OC and plotline.

This is dedicated to @hailhydra_

I am blindfolded and have been warned 'not to peak'. I am not entirely sure who's leading me but I am trying to have absolute faith in them, even though I am slightly nervous about what is going to happen next.

“Ready?” a low voice whispers in her ear.

The blindfold is gone and I am suddenly face to face with a huge projection of Sebastian and I. I remember the photo, it had been taken on our first date. How long ago that was. I notice the arrangement of sofas, set out like a movie theatre. I turned and looked at Sebastian, who is now beside me.

“I know that you don't have a family to help you plan your wedding, or a Dad to give you away, so I am going to give you some of mine. Valerian, I want you to have the most amazing wedding. So, this is from me to you...” he guides me to the sofa at the front, I recognise it from our home. How did I not notice it missing when we'd left?

There's a shuffling sound, I turn to find the rest of the Avengers joining us, all them  beaming at me.

“Sebastian, this is...this is amazing but I-”

“Tom actually was the one who helped me out, I just told him my plan and he assembled the others and got the plan into motion.”

I shifted in my seat and try to find Tom in the small gathering, I find him smiling at me. I mouth the words 'Thank You' at him before looking back at Sebastian. “I can't believe you all went to so much trouble.”

"There were some wedding details that still needed to be sorted out. This was the only way I knew how to sort them. You need someone to give you away, so I thought that maybe you'd like to pick? You need bridesmaids, well, these are the people I have to offer. This is my gift to you."

As we sit there, Tom Hiddleston, Robert Downey Jr, Clark Gregg and Samuel L Jackson step forward. My eyes widen when I realise what Sebastian means. He wants me to pick one of them to give me away. I stare at them all for a moment, completely and utterly shocked. "I...I don't know what to say..."

"Well, usually this is the part where you say 'I want Clark Gregg to give me away'." "Coulson" smiles at me.

"Usless she picks me, which she should." Samuel L Jackson adds.

"Now, wait a moment, she could pick me. J mean, why not? Surely it is an honor for a mortal to be given away by a Norse God?" Tom winks at me.

"Look, people, please. She's not going to pick any of you. It's gonna be me. Afterall, 'I am Ironman'."

I don't think I need to tell you who said that.

Whilst they are "arguing", I smile at Sebastian and whisper in his ear: "Seb, can I borrow them all from you?"

He turns his head towards me, smiles, nods and the kisses me gentle on the lips. "Hey!" he yells, silencing the four men. "My lady has made her decision," I feel his arm wrap around my waist. "she wants all four of you to give her away."

None of them protest, instead their smiles broaden and the run over and smother Sebastian and I in a giant hug. "Guys, guys, seriously, you're crushing us!" I hear my fiance laugh. The guys move back, sitting in a row of sofas behind us. "Okay," Sebastian rearranges his crumpled suit. "bridesmaids, you're up!"

Persephone, Jenna, Gennifer and Cobie Smulders all move to stand before me.

A/N: @hailhydra_, you are still a permanent character from AGAGTG.

"Look, we know that you're going to pick us all anyway, so we're just going to give you the option of what colour and style dress you want us in."

"Actually," Sebastian interrupts. "that's all been planned." he looks at the knowingly.

Persephone's eyes widen and then ahe understands what he means. "Oh yeah, I forgot!" she clears her throat and motions of Gennifer to switch off the lights. The girls move to vacate a row of seats behind the boys.

A projector is turned on and before me, on the wall, in a powerpoint presentation layout are the words:


Then from the darkness, an oddly familiar scottish accent fills the room. "For you're venue," the slide changes to a picture of a quaint little church. My eyes immediately fill with tears. "a small church in Ireland, where you used to visit your Grandma before moving to the USA."

She is also dead, my Grandma.

"I know that your family are buried there but I wanted them to be able to be present on your wedding day." Sebastian whispers to me, pulling me closer and kissing the top of my head.

What he says probably sounds creep to you but for me, it's perfect. My family will be there on my wedding day. Mum, Dad, Mark...Tabitha, my twin.

"Next," the slide changes to a variety of food. "you need to pick either a delicious Vegetarian catering company, who supposedly make the most amazing chocolate cake and buttermilk soaked...does that say cheese?! Urgh! Or, or this other catering company that sounds way better!"

"Umm...the...the vegetarian company?"

Everyone around me cheers, whereas our voiceover man groans. "Yer really are a wee mad, lass!"

The slide changes to a picture of a large home, one I haven't laid eyes on in years. "Your reception shall be help at tour Grandma's home in Ireland. It has been fully restored to it's former glory as instructed in her will. It has been left to you, Valerian, for whatever you may need ir for."

There is silence for a moment before the final slide appears. The screen is dark but in bold, white letters the word:

'SURPRISE!" fills my vision.

"Your man there, yep, the guy your wearing has decided to keep your Honeymoon location a secret but since I know where it, I just want to say, you're gonna love it, lass!"

Actual tears are now falling freely from my eyes. Sebastian, my Sebastian has been so good to me. He's set the whole thing up. “I love you so much.” I whispered, placing a hand to his cheek, caressing his jawline. “I love you, Sebastian Stan.”

He pulls me into a tender embrace. “I love you too, Valerian Cassanova.”



I Need You To Fix Me (A Sebastian Stan Story) Book 2Where stories live. Discover now