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A/N: Listen, I would just really like to say that if anyone, ANYONE is self-harming or feeling as if the entire World is against them and they want to end it all. Please, PLEASE STOP and RECONSIDER. Talk to someone, anyone, tell them how you feel. People DO CARE, you may feel like they don't or they won't but they do. Everyone cares. Please just TELL SOMEONE. Human life is precious, YOU ARE PRECIOUS. Please choose to LIVE, don't give up. We care about you.



Valarian's POV.



"Hey, Val?"

I open my eyes and frown, feeling disoriented. "Sebastian, Sebastian. Iubirea, tu ești?" Sebastian, Sebastian. Love, is that you?

"Val, it's Lee."

My sleep-affected eyes fall upon the figure of a young man, with soft honey-brown hair and ice blue eyes. Lee. I sigh, feeling my tense muscles unknotting, I sit up and realise that I am on the sofa. I don't even remember being in the living room. "Hey, is everything okay?" I ask whilst rubbing my eyes.

Lee Pace smiles sympathetically at me. "Seb is all cleaned up now." I wait for the 'however' but it never comes. "We were lucky this time, he'd only managed to scratch his skin, there was nothing near the vital veins either. It doesn't look like he was trying to end this life this time."

I shake me head, bringing my knees to my chest as I curl into a ball. "It's all my fault." I murmur, burying my face away from veiw. "I should have seen this coming."

I sense that Lee is now sitting beside me on the sofa. He pulls me into a supportive hug, a much-needed supportive hug. "Don't you dare even think for a second that this is your fault. These things just happen sometimes. Seb can't help it, it's his coping strategy...which we're desperately trying to get him to change. What I'm trying to say is, neither of you are to blame. You can't start thinking like that otherwise...otherwise the guilt will consume you. Yeah, it consumes you."

I whimper as tears rush to the surface. "You sound like you've had experience with this sort of thing."

"More times than you know." Lee whispers, looking away from me.

I take a few moments to realise who he is referring to, then it all clicks into place, Indigo. "Lee, Indigo-"

"She was, she's, uh, she's been "clean" for a year." he smiles sadly and proudly. I know how he feels, it is a twisted proudness you feel.

"What caused it?"

He shrugs. "I don't know, she never really told me. I know that when she is ready, she will. We just need to give them time."

"I want to give him all the time I have left."

"And he knows that, Val." Lee holds me tighter. "He knows that. Seb is just having trouble with coming to terms with the time limit side of things."

"I'm the one dying though, I'm the one who only has so long to give him. I would do anything for Sebastian but I know I'm gonna be gone soon and I won't be able to support him anymore. I don't want to die! I don't want to leave my broken angel, my înger rupt."

"None of us want you to leave, Val."

I cry harder. "What am I going to do? He needs me!"

"Val, look at me." I do. The intensity of his gaze is almost uncomfortable. "We will take care of Sebastian, that is one thing you won't have to worry about. It doesn't matter how much he tries to push us away, we will always be there for him. We are also here for you. If you ever, ever need to talk to us, we are all here for you. We will always be at the of a phone line."

"Can I see him?"

Lee nods, smiling sadly. I know that look all too well. I hate it. It is pity.



I don't leave his side, I'm afraid to. Instead, we lie betwwen the sheets and talk in Romanian. I'm rather fluent now. I did it for him. I find we converse more poetically in his Mother Tongue than in mine.

I kiss his stubbled jaw, mumbling quotes and poems into his warm skin. "'Ești atât de frumoasă în această lumină Silueta peste mine Modul în care scoate din senin in ochii tai Este marea Tenerife'." You look so beautiful in this light. Your silhouette over me.The way it brings out the blue in your eyes. Is the Tenerife sea.

"'Și inimile voastre împotriva pieptul meu, buzele presate la gâtul meu. Sunt care se încadrează pentru ochii tăi, dar ei nu mă cunosc încă.'" and your hearts against my chest, lips pressed to my neck. I'm falling for your eyes but they don't know me yet.

I move to kiss his collar bone. " Ochii mei veți ști mereu." my eyes will always know you. "Mereu." Always.


A/N: Hello all. So I'm in two minds about the name of this book. I feel as if this is no longer a sequel to Awkward Girls Always Get The Guy. Which is fine, I actually feel as if this novels is better written that it's predecessor. What do you think? Basically, to cut a long paragraph short, I am thinking of changing the name of the book, any suggestions? Your input would be most helpful. Thank you. :)

I Need You To Fix Me (A Sebastian Stan Story) Book 2Where stories live. Discover now