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DEDICATED TO @hailhydra_

To: J

From: B

Mornin', beautiful. X

To: B

From: J

Hey, handsome. X

To: J

From: B

Where are you? X

To: B

From: J

In bed. You? X

To: J

From: B

In bed. I'm bored, let's go on a date today. X

To: B

From: J

Can't. We're visiting Valerian today. X

To: J

From: B

Can't it wait? X

To: B

From: J

No! D:

To: J

From: B

I was kidding! X

To: B

From: J

Just shush and bring me a cup of tea. XD x

To: J

From: B

But I'm in bed! X

To: B

From: J

So am I! X

To: B

From: J

Please? X

Ben Mckenzie rolled onto his side in their bed and pulled Jenna closer to him, kissing her bare shoulder. "Oh, all right." her murmured against her warm skin. "Since you asked so nicely." he slipped out of their bed, a mischievous grin playing on his perfect lips. Without warning, the duvet was suddenly pulled off of Jenna, leaving her in just her pajamas. Ben exited the room, duvet and all.

"BEN!" she cried after him, laughing as she did so.


Jenna lay in her bed, reading Fanfiction when her phone buzzed, signalling a text. She ignore it though, as she was in the middle of reading a rather intriguing chapter.

"Honey," Clint Barton walked into his shared apartment with his wife, Marcy. "I'm home." he grinned to himself as he called out a cliched greeting. When he realised that he hadn't received a reply, Clint frowned, wondering where his wife was. "Marcy?" he placed his arrows on the sofa, wandering into their bedroom, hoping to find her in there.

Marcy Barton was lying curled up on the bed, wearing one of his deep blue hoodies, she always wore his hoodie when Clint was away on a mission. He walked over to her and sat carefully on the bed, trying not to wake Marcy. Clint leant in closer and brushed away a stray lock of blonde hair from her face.

"Mmm, Clint?" Marcy stirred against his touch. She opened her eyes and blinked a few times, adjusting her gaze to the light. The blonde-haired female looked up at her husband, smiling happily. "Hey, hun." she sat up and pulled the archer into a hug, kissing his cheek. "How was the mission?"

He sighed, lying them both down upon the bed, Marcy's head resting ob his chest. "It was...lonely, I missed you while I was out there."

Marcy curled herself against him, tangling their legs together. "I missed you too."

"So," he kissed her forehead. "what did you do while I was away?"

"Oh, just hung out with a few friends. I mainly spent my time helping Pepper with interior design plans for Stark Towers."

"That sounds like fun."

She scoffed. "Don't get me wrong, Pepper is an amazing friend byt get her in a work setting and she transforms into Miss Neurosis."

Clint could not contain his laughter, Marcy wasn't being harsh about Mrs Stark, the woman was a control freak.

Just like Natasha.

He quickly removed that painful thought from his mind, now was not the time to be thinking about her.

Marcy could sense Clint's moment of unhappiness, he was thinking about Natasha. "You miss her."


"You're thinking about Natasha. Don't say you're not, I can tell. You know, I don't mind if you want to talk about her, you two were so close."

Marcy knew how much Clint missed Natasha, ever since that fatal day in Budapest...

He shook his head. "I don't want to talk about her."


"No, Marcy. I just...I just don't feel ready to talk about her, it's too painful."

What had happened in Budapest? Natasha Romanoff died. She and Clint had been on a mission to intercept a HYDRA cargo train, it should have been a simple mission...

...except that the two SHIELD assassins had been out gunned and out numbered.

They had been captured almost immediately and taken back to HYDRA's base, where they were tortured repeatedly for information. Clint Barton remembered being dragged into an underground cellar

"Okay," his wife caressed his cheek with the pad of her thumb. "well, if you ever do, you know I'm here."

Clint smiled sadly down at her, pulling Marcy closer to him. "I know you are." he tenderly kissed his lips, causing her heart to flutter.

The blonde female pulled away for a moment to catch her breath, eyes still closed. "I'll always be here for you, Clint Barton. Whenever you need me, I'll be ready to comfort you."




I Need You To Fix Me (A Sebastian Stan Story) Book 2Where stories live. Discover now