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A/N: I do own my OC and plot line.

One Month Later.

Doctor Miles looks at me with such concern that I immediately feel anxious. He's obviously unsure of how to take my news but I don't care. I am not changing my mind. I am leaving his practice, I no longer want to be attending his therapy sessions. I thought about lying to him, saying that I feel better enough to manage on my own but we both know that that isn't true. I do need these sessions. It's just that Sebastian needs me. I need him just as much and that's why I am putting my sessions on halt. We support each other and I know that once he becomes accustomed to his medication, he will be able ti take care of himself, allowing me to visit Doctor Miles once more. 

He sits opposite me, his greying eyebrows knitted together. "I can't stop you from leaving, you've done the set amount of sessions that your Doctor subscribed to you. I'm not agreeing with your decision but I cannot stop you."

I knew he would say this.

My Doctor pauses, leaning back in his desk chair. "I hope he's worth it, this Sebastian Stan."

I nod. "He is, he really is."


I cannot wait to get home. I hope that Sebastian was okay without me, I wasn't gone for too long. One of the main problems we're facing is his exhaustion, waking him up in the morning is a chore in itself. He is just so lethargic. I always worry about him when I leave him at home alone, even when I'm buying groceries. I know that this is only temporary though. Things will get better. 

I walk up to the door of our home and I feel a rush of relief, I am home. I run up to the cherry red door and unlock it quickly. Slipping into my home, I find myself pausing, listening to the strange queitness that has gulfed the building. I assume that Sebastian is sleeping, he does that a lot. He needs to save his energy for tomorrow, Persephone and Chris are visting! 

I have only met Chris once and that was when Sebastian ended up in hospital. I have never met Persephone but according to Sebastian, she is very friendly. I am always nervous about meeting new people but if Sebastian likes them, then there won't be a problem. 

I leave my keys and gloves on the small silver table in the hallway and hang my heavy, wool coat on the coat hooks on the walll to my left. I still listen out for signs that Sebastian is awake. I wander upstairs to our bedroom, there is no one in there. 

"Sebastian?" I call. Still I receive no reply.

Then I hear his scream from the bathroom. I run down the landing, trying as quickly as I can to reach the bathroom. I try the handle, it's locked. This is my worst fear. "Sebastian, Sebastian!" I pound on the door. "Sebastian, open the door!" 

That's when it opens and he's standing there, dripping wet, a towel hung low around his hips and clumps of his hair in his hands. I want to be sick, he's losing his hair. We always knew that this would happen but just not so soon. I take a step towards him but he steps away, shaking his head. "Don't, it's awful...I look hideous."

I shake my own head, words caught in my throat. I take another step towards him, this time he lets me embrace him. His hot skin shivers beneath my cool touch. I kiss his bare shoulder before leading him back into the bathroom. I sit him on the bathtub side and place a kiss on his forehead. "You'll never be hideous to me."

Before I pull away, he wraps his arms around my waist. "Can you please help me fix it?"

"Of course, darling."

I know how I am going to solve this problem.


Later That Day.

I sit beside him on the edge of the bath tub, We stare at the mess at our feet, Sebastian's hair, it's all gone. He refuses to look at in the mirror, he doesn't want to see himself without hair. I keep reminding him that he's handsome to me not matter how he looks. "Thank you." he whispers, not meeting my eye contact.

"I love you."

He smiles slightly at this. My heart lifts, I am able to at least make him smile, even if I cannot stop him from suffering with the tablets. "I love you too."



I love him, Reader, I love him. And I wish that he didn't have to suffer so much.

"Are you looking forward to seeing Peris tomorrow?"

A/N: See what I did there?

His smile broadens. "Yeah, it should be fun."

I nod. "I know that Chris has missed seeing you."

"I've missed chatting with him too."

I pull him into my arms. Kissing the top of his bare head. "It's all going to be okay, Seb."

I feel him nod, agreeing. "We've got each other, right?"

"Hell yeah!"

"'Til the end of the line'?"


A/N: QUESTION OF THE DAY: So, I am thinking of adding Tom Hiddleston to the story. Does that sound okay?

I Need You To Fix Me (A Sebastian Stan Story) Book 2Where stories live. Discover now