Spill The Beans

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There was no doubt in your mind that Doctor Friedlander was a man who had money. He lived on a beachfront in one of those houses you only see in magazines and TV. It was brown and modern looking, almost ominous in appearance. Today was the day of your appointment, Trevor had some "Business" to take care of. You figured this was his way of keeping you out of trouble.

You had intentions of following him when you got alone, but later that night as Trevor thought, he didn't feel comfortable leaving you alone anywhere. He said some guy named Frank would be there to pick you up. You frowned and wondered what exactly he was up to. With a large sigh, you entered the beach home. It was a lot more warm and inviting than it looked on the outside, something you enjoyed about it. Living in a home like this would be an absolute dream. You remembered thinking the same thing the last time you were here to fill out paperwork.

"Ah, and here we have Miss (Y/N), please, please come in." A tall man who looked like a Jewish knockoff Bob Ross.

You nodded your head and entered into his office space, or at least what you assumed his office space to be. It was entirely possible that he didn't even live here.

You sat down on a couch across from him, he crossed his legs and maintained a neat posture. "Now, thank you for coming and realizing that Therapy is the best course of action. That's the first real step in recovery. It may be costly, but I assure you, every penny goes into your health and well being. I see on the chart here..." He looked down and lifted up some pages, his brown, sunken in eyes scanned over words. "...I see here that you've been having some violent thoughts, and nightmares? Tell me a bit about that."

You cleared your throat. "Well, uh, doc- Can I call you that?" You asked.

He smiled and nodded, "You may."

"U-Uh, well..." It was hard to put into words what you were going through.

"Anything you tell me is in complete confidence, I can't say a thing to a single soul." He put his hand over his heart.

You couldn't put your finger on it, but there just seemed to be something ingenuine about this guy. But never the less, you had to spill the beans.

Your (e/c) orbs shined. You almost teared up, but something else welled up inside of you. It was more than sadness. "I'm fucking pissed off, doc. Some fucking biker thugs kidnapped me, and one thing led to another, and now I'm having nightmares about my fUcking fiancé!" You huffed. It was almost weird to refer to Trevor as your fiancé. The words just seemed all too normal for a man like him.

Doctor Friedlander didn't even really seem phased by your sudden little outburst. "Well did you call the authorities about being kidnapped? What exactly happened?" He asked.

"N-No..." You looked down. "You can't say anything to the cops if someone was already killed, r-right?"

"That's right. I only have the power to do anything if you plan on killing someone, and I know about it." He assured you.

"Well, uh... He came to save me from these biker guys, and he killed them. But to be fair, they were going to kill him too, so... But I mean he just, he was soaked in blood. He came in looking like an entirely different person, like... It looked like him and all but it was like some entity had crawled inside of him. I'm starting to wonder if- I should be scared? And there's got to be something wrong with me for being with a man like that."

The man in front of you cocked his head to the side, he wrote something down in his notes before addressing you. "Well, he did rescue you, didn't he? Maybe you are simply into the alpha male. One who goes against society."

"He sure fuckin goes against society." You rolled your eyes and crossed your arms. "I think that maybe I'm attracted to him, because deep down-"

Doctor Friedlander cut you off before you could finish your thought. "And I think that's really all we have time for today." He got up from his chair and patted you on the shoulder, before walking the short distance to the door and holding it open with a smile.

"O-Oh. Okay..." You got up and started out the door, and he spoke once more as you left.

"Look." He stopped you briefly, "We made some really big breakthroughs today! Keep on the path and you will see the light eventually. We'll dive deep into that mind of yours and get to your center, great work today." He patted you on the shoulder and shut the door behind you quickly. His receptionist made you another appointment and sent you on your way.

You exited the building and wandered out on the beach. You knew you were supposed to meet some guy, but the sand was so close you just wanted to put your toes in it. Behind you it almost sounded like someone said your name, but you dismissed it, thinking it was just someone else they were asking for. Then you heard it again, from the same voice, this time asking a different person.

"Uh, Yo baby, are you (y/n)?" He asked a woman walking your way.

"Psh, you wish honey." She flipped her hair and dismissed him.

You turned around to see a handsome black man, around his 20's by the looks of him. You walked closer to him. "Hey, are you Frank?" You asked.

He smiled and met you with a handshake. "Franklin Clinton, nice to meet you. I've heard a bit about you from Michael, he did say that you weren't goin to look like Trevor's type... But shit, I don't even know what the hell T's type would look like anyways. You ready to go?" He asked.

You breathed in the salty air. "I guess, wouldn't mind getting something to smoke though..."

"Nah, I don't do that crystal stuff." Franklin shook his head.

"Neither do I." You looked up at him, and he knew. All stoners have a way of knowing.

"Hell yeah man, you ever been to smoke on the water?" He asked.

"No, but I've heard they have great fuckin weed." You smiled a little bit. Nothing like smoking a fat ass joint after getting out some feelings.

"Shit yeah, come on baby, I'm buyin." Franklin led the way. You knew instantly you were going to be great friends.

All while you were safe and sound, some serious shit was going down in a motel in Sandy Shores. Trevor certainly was more than glad that you weren't there...

Trevor Philips X Reader (Stepping into his Dangerous World)Where stories live. Discover now