Shut up

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It was several hours before he came back through the door, and you had fallen asleep on his bed. He looked down at your sleeping figure fondly, then he realized what you had found in his closet. He fumbled the fabric between his fingers and gave a content sigh. 

You woke up when you felt his weight on the bed as he sat next to you. He was holding the skirt of the dress in between his fingers, and his deep, brown eyes stared into yours intensely.

"Whose dress is this?" You asked.

"Its mine." He replied without a beat.


"I'm not shitting you."

"How can I even believe you?" You asked, anger rising in your tone. You pulled away from him. "How the fuck can you even expect me to?" 

He licked his lips and looked you up and down. "Take it off." 

"Ec-fucking-scuse me?" You asked. 

"Take. It. Off. And I will show you." He didn't seem playful about it anymore. 

You hesitated, but pulled it off showing off your smooth (s/c), (b/t), body. 

Trevor looked at you, like you were a great majesty to behold. He didn't think that he was ever going to see you, lest naked, ever again.

"Hey." You snapped at him, his wandering eyes looking back up at your face. "Show me or I'll just walk out of here naked." 

He shrugged. "That's a choice we gotta make some days." He winked at you playfully and then put the dress on. The back didn't even zip up all the way. 

You scoffed at him, "See, it doesn't even zip." 

A deep anger swelled in his eyes. "Look. This is my fucking dress. Its not like they sell men's sizes, and sometimes I like feeling pretty. Now If you would stop FUCKING judging me, maybe I can have a good fucking day, alright? I just saved your ass. Again. What do I get, huh?" 

A spark of anger flamed in your own eyes. "You know what? Fuck you Trevor. And fuck whoever sees me naked." You got off of his bed, and started heading for the door, but he caught your wrist and pulled you back. He took his other hand and put it against the small of your back. You slapped him in the face, but got an opposite reaction from what you were expecting. 

He bit his lip, "Slap me again." 

"W-What?" You asked, caught off guard, your (e/c) eyes wide.

"You look so fucking sexy when you're mad at me." He growled lowly. 

You blushed at his comment. You weren't sure whether to be more pissed off or flattered. He gave you butterflies deep in the pit of your stomach. Even now, when you were incredibly pissed off at him.

 You raised your hand, and swung, but slowed down right when you got to his face.  You didn't have the heart to do it again. You caressed his face softly. He shivered under your touch. That was when your emotions just took over. Your lips crashed into his. 

He responded to your touch instantly, giving another low growl as he pulled your body close to his. His lips melded with yours in a battle for dominance, both of you trying to better the other.

You gripped his body tightly as his tongue entered your mouth. 

He kissed you feverishly, desperately, passionately. He pushed you back onto the bed, your naked body hitting the sheets. He looked you up and down. "I never thought I'd get to see this beautiful sight again." 

"Shut up and eat me out." You demanded. 

This time, it was his turn to blush. Truthfully, he liked being ordered around, slapped around when he was in the right kind of mood. "Yes ma'am." He saluted you, and got in position in between your legs. His tongue graces your clit in a much more forceful manner than you expected. He ate you out almost angrily. He gripped your thighs so you wouldn't squirm around so much. 

You let out a long, drawn out groan. "T-Trevor uhn...." You let out a yelp when you felt a small bite on your clit. This time your voice was in a chastising tone. "Trevor! What the fuck was that?" 

He looked up at you, brow furroughed. "You don't like the way I eat you out, huh? Maybe I didn't like when you accused me of sleeping with another woman." 

You pulled away from him. "You slept with another man though..." You pulled your knees to your chest and looked down. 

He couldn't help but feel a pang of guilt. "I'm sorry." He said sincerely. "I'm not ever going to do that stupid shit again, not if it means that I have to loose you, alright? (Y/N), I love you. I LOVE YOU!" He repeated once more, in a louder, angrier tone before returning to a soft one. "I'm a jackass. A jackass who probably doesn't deserve you, but who loves you more than you can know. Please don't leave me again..." 

You looked into his entrancing brown eyes. It was like he really did have some sort of hold, or spell on you. "As long as you promise I'm the only person you'll sleep with." 

He cupped your face and planted a soft, long kiss on your lips. "I promise."

You kissed him back with an intensity you didn't know you had in you. It was like something had taken over, and all you really wanted now was to have hot, angry sex with him. You pulled the dress up and over his head, revealing his white underwear, and rippled, muscular body. Your hand trailed down his abs, making him shiver at your touch. You traced over the letters on his 'FUCK COPS' tattoo lightly with your fingers. 

He dipped his head down into the nook of your neck and started kissing up and down. He gave a light bite and licked the spot he bit. You moaned in his ear as his rough hands found their way around our body. He grabbed you by the small of your back and pressed your naked body against his. 

You pulled at his underwear until you got him to comply with taking them off.  He got ready to fuck you, but you stopped him. "Flip around, I wanna be on top." Your eyes gleamed with dominance. 

You could see a change in him. He was entranced by you. "Anything for you." He purred.  

He laid with his back on the bed, and you crawled on top of him, straddling him. You grabbed his erect cock, and stroked it slowly, earning a low groan. "Fuck (y/n)..." 

You gave it a couple more strokes before positioning yourself. You slid the head in, making yourself moan as you felt the thickness, and warmth of his cock. You moved your hips up and down, looking into his deep brown eyes as you did so. You quickened your pace, just wanting to fuck him for a change. Your breath quickened, and you could feel the sweat start to form in between the both of you. 

Trevor rolled his head back. "God, fuck baby..." He moaned.

"Shut up." You demanded. 

He growled and smirked. He really liked this little wild side of you, and it showed in his expression. 

You were fucking him as hard and fast as you could, your clit grinding against his pelvis, adding to your pleasure. You were extremely close. "F-fuck I'm gonna cum!" You exclaimed. 

Trevor thrusted into you as you moved your hips, adding to the pleasure in an intense way. He knew exactly what he was doing, he grabbed you and kissed you hard. His tongue over took yours as your lips battelled. 

You pulled away and made a long, drawn out moan as you clenched against him and came. You collapsed against his chest, panting. You listened to his heartbeat start to slow down and he pulled out of you. "Did you cum?" You asked softly. 

"No, but don't worry about it..." He responded. 

Not really what you expected at all from Trevor. 

Honestly, he didn't feel like he had the right to cum in your just yet, so he held back. Later he was going to cum in the toilet while you were gone or sleeping but that was beside the point. He was just wholeheartedly happy, and relieved to have you back. 

Before you knew it, you had drifted peacefully back to sleep, as you had exhausted all of your energy. 

Trevor Philips X Reader (Stepping into his Dangerous World)Where stories live. Discover now