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It was a week and a half later since you had your sweet, slow fucking session with Trevor. You were sitting in a car staking out some members of the Lost MC with him. He'd been really paranoid about them trying to pull something again after they had kidnapped you. You didn't really want to pay much attention to the bikers, you both had been there for quite a while. Instead you turned to the nature and night life of Sandy Shores. Vehicles could be heard buzzing on the distant highways, as the crickets tried to drown the sound out with their sonnets of summer. 

The Lost were actually a pretty boring bunch from the looks of it. They sat around on their bikes, drinking, and talking about random bullshit. Deep down you harbored a little hate for them still. All of them and their stupid fucking tattoos, and gang like mentality. Stupid ass "brotherhood" shit just reminded you that they were probably all a bunch of washed up, or dropped out frat boys. 

Trevor's voice broke the silence after hours of waiting. "Do you wanna get married?" He asked. 

Your head snapped from the window to his face. "Didn't you already ask that?" You questioned.

"I mean like tomorrow." He looked deadly serious. 

"The fuck? Tomorrow? I mean isn't that a bit soon? I'd really like to plan it out a little. I mean I gotta invite my grandma and-" 

He interrupted you. "How about a week to plan, and then we just get hitched?" He asked. It was almost like he was scared of something. But what he was really scared of was losing you. 

You blinked. A week? That wasn't much time but he seemed really insistent. He hadn't smoked much meth and you knew he was grumpy from withdrawals, if you said no he might get mad, cause a scene. God only knows what the Lost would do. "I mean I guess I could make a week work but Christ. Why all of a sudden?" 

He shrugged, and intense and unreadable expression was drawn across his face. He didn't answer until he drove away from the stakeout spot. "I just really want this, okay?" 

You thought about it for a moment, "Is there anything that you want?" 

"Other than your fine ass?" He asked, a smirk drawing across his face.

"Like for the wedding, is there anything specific that you'd like to have?"

His eyes wandered, but not too far off from the road. "I dunno I mean, why the fuck do we gotta have a cake? It so..." He got a disgusted look in his face. "All of those normal bumfucks out there get cakes." 

Amusement filled your eyes. "Well then? Come on tell meee." You shook his arm slightly. 

"Alright, alright! I just- I want wedding pies alright? ALL different kinds!" He actually sounded excited for a moment before his tone twisted into that weird rage. "And I specifically want some cream pies, so if anyone doesn't like our wedding they get a FUCKING PIE TO THE FACE!"

You couldn't help but burst out laughing, earning a curious look from Trevor. "I'm sorry." You sputtered out in between your laughs. "I've never heard anything like that." 

"Oh, so you think my pie idea is dumb?" He sounded offended.

"No, no!" You protested before he escalated the situation, "I love it really. Pie whoever you want in the face, just please not me. I want to keep my wedding dress kinda nice..." You never really thought about your wedding until now. There were so many little details. The planning, the catering, inviting, location, ect. "Are we going to have it in Sandy Shores?" You asked. 

"Abso-fucking-lutely we are." He answered with confidence. "Mikey's just gonna have to deal with his fat ass making the drive. No matter what that prick promised if I ever got married he'd be the best man."

Trevor Philips X Reader (Stepping into his Dangerous World)Where stories live. Discover now