You Gonna Blackmail Me?

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If you do not know how an X Reader works its simple, and here's a guide to help 

(y/n)= Your Name (e/c) = Eye Color (f/c)= Favorite Color, (h/c)= Hair Color, (h/l)= Hair Length (Ht)= height (s/c)= Skin Color

Time lapses will be shown with a line of '''''''''' Enjoy!


Two men were slovenly fighting in a dirty, dim lit bar. One man in a green vest shoved his knee straight up into the others stomach. The bartender, was keeping a watchful eye on the two fighting, not concerned about stopping them. She was an older looking woman with fiery, short, red hair and an attitude to match.

"Trevor." She spoke in a stern tone as the man in the green punched the other in the face. "You're still banned."

He glanced over at the two oafish men fighting, "And what about these two?" He asked and raised a brow. The winning man took a drunken swing at the other, who was wearing grey, edging him closer to a bar counter barrier. The man in grey stumbled back to miss it.

"Whoever wins, gets banned." She said simply.

Casually he walked over, as if the fight might as well not be happening. He got in between them, and took the man in grey by his head. Forcefully, he slammed him hard into the bar counter, knocking him out cold. Before he hit the ground the other man let out a shriek of victory and rose his hands above his head triumphantly. The other drunks in the bar clapped to the best of their ability. Trevor grabbed his and rose it up, "He's won, ban him."

"I can't ban him, he's my god damned husband." The older woman crossed her arms in her jean jacket.

Trevor gestured to her husband with a slight look of amazement, "He's young enough to be your son."

She smirked at his comment, "Ain't the internet a beautiful thing, honey."

"Anyway I saved your husband." He sat down on a bar stool, "Now get me a drink." He said it as a request but knew it was a demand. "I got a meeting."

"Okay" She replied, earning a look of surprise from Trevor, "But if anymore bodies turn up in my bar, I swear. I Will. Not. Serve. You." She turned around to get him his drink.

"Mr. Phillips!" A small, Asian man in a suit walked through the front door of the redneck bar.

"Here he is." Trevor got up to shake his hand, "Yes, Mr. Chang a pleasure to meet you."

The man in a suit put a hand up to his chest apologetically, "Oh, no, I am Mr. Chang's humble translator." Another Asian man burst through the door, speaking what sounded like some kind of nonsense in Chinese, stumbling around and... weirdly excited. He was wearing those shitty blinder sunglasses too. "Mr. Chang now." The translator motioned to the other man, who headed straight for the jukebox, "Mr. Chang is pleased to meet your acquaintance." 

"Oh yeah he seems it." Trevor said sarcastically. Mr. Chang continued to say shit in Chinese that he had no idea, and hugged him like he was a long lost brother. Out of the whole rant the only thing that Trevor could make sense of was the words "life invader wall" as the man bounced around like a giddy toddler on acid. "What the fuck is wrong with him?" He asked the translator. 

The translator, short in stature looked nervous and shifted in his shoes a little, as his boss danced around like an idiot.

"I'm out." Trevor pointedly began to walk out of the bar.

"No! Don't go!" The small man in the suit panicked followed him out. "Please! I beg of you! If you go, his father kill me." 

"Why do I give a fuck?"

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