Made For Each Other

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You felt sick as you walked up to the familiar trailer. The man who you still painfully loved was most likely inside. You were covered from head to toe in blood, and were thankful it was night time. You were able to easily stay in the shadows and avoid any unwanted eyes. Your chest tightened as you knocked on the door. You looked left and right to make sure no one saw you. There was a slight rustle from inside of the trailer. You knocked again, this time hearing a disgruntled grunt before he yelled. 

"RON, I thought I told you to leave me the FUCK ALO-" he whipped open the door, and looked down at you. His hardened gaze softened. "(Y/N)..." He spoke slowly. It took him a second to realize that you were covered in blood, and he quickly ushered you inside. He seemed more twitchy and hyped up than normal, and it smelled like cat piss inside of this trailer. "I, uh... What happened to you?" He asked. His eyes wandered all over your body fondly. He quite enjoyed seeing you covered in blood. 

"I... I killed someone." You looked at him seriously.

A smile arose on his face. "I can see that, sweet tits. Who'd ya kill, huh? Tell me, tell me, tell me!" He sounded like an excited toddler. 

You were kind if embarrassed to say it out loud. It was like a morbid version of mutilating someone's favorite toy, because of jealousy. You looked down at your feet. You still felt overwhelmingly comfortable in his presence, but you really didn't want to say. 

He stepped closer to you, and put a hand under your chin, tilting your head up to meet his eyes. "Tell me." He said more seriously. Intensity burning in his eyes. 

You spoke through gritted teeth, "The guy you fucked." You weren't quite sure what you expected from him next. You watched very carefully at his expression though, in case you needed to make a run for it. 

His expression turned to... Amusement? He took his hand away from your chin and flopped onto his couch. "God, don't you see?!" He asked, his tone changing quickly from amused to desperate. Tears were starting to form in his eyes. "Don't you see we were made for each other?" He dropped from the couch to on his knees, kneeling at your feet and sobbing. "I love you so much..." His body was shaking. 

You weren't really putting any of it together. He was happy you killed that guy? How the hell did that exactly make you "made for each other?" You couldn't deny though, he had tried to make up for what he did... albeit a pound of weed sitting on your kitchen table. When he cried, tears seemed to form in your own eyes. You wanted to tell him that you loved him too, but it was like the words just got stuck in your throat, and refused to come out. 

He used his hands and climbed up your legs, clinging to you. "Don't you see? I killed someone for you, tons of guys but that's not the point- You killed someone for me." He looked up at you, brown eyes shining.

You weren't really sure who you had done it for. It just kind of... happened. But if it wasn't for Trevor, you wouldn't have even killed anyone in the first place, right? You weren't sure. Your thoughts were all jumbled up in themselves, it was hard to tell left from right and up from down. 

Trevor could see what you were doing. Even though he was high, he remembered what it felt to have truly killed someone for the first time. He stood up, his tone changing once more. He held you in his arms, consoling you, blood smearing on this own clothes as he did. "I know how you feel baby, its okay... Its alright." He cooed. 

That was when you just broke. You melted in his arms, and embraced him back. Tears flowed from your eyes. Everything was not okay. You were supposed to get married, it had only been three days since he cheated on you, and now someone was dead in all the midst of it. You knew that this was going to turn into some fucked up crime drama on dateline. And you just bawled into Trevor's chest. 

"I know, I know." He held you just a little tighter before stepping back and putting his hands on your shoulders. "Now." He started, and wiped the still flowing tears from your face. "I need you to tell me where the body is, because its pretty fuckin' obvious you did not plan this out." He gestured to the blood covering you, and him. 

You sniffed. "What?"

"The bo-dy." He said more slowly, and seriously. "You take a shower, and I'll go take care of it. As much as I'd like to stay and shower with you, time is of the essence here." 

You told him where it was in the beach. You were kind of embarrassed that it was so close to both of your houses. 

"I'm on it." He nodded at you and walked out of the trailer swiftly. 

He started his truck and drove right on to the beach, finding the run down shack that, even he liked to go drinking in sometimes. He saw the dead man. His throat was cut, and he had several stab wounds. 

"Tsk, tsk." Trevor spoke to himself. "Dick sucked anyways." He hoisted the hobo in the the bed of his truck and covered him with a tarp. He drove back to the trailer, and went in the room that was build next to his bedroom, sealed off from the rest of the place. This was his kill room. Padded and protected by sound proofing. A bathtub to cut up his victims, and everything to dispose of them. He never really expected to be bringing someone in there that he didn't kill. For him it was a strange, and exciting feeling. He got to work while you were in the shower. 

You didn't like the idea of showering there, but once you were in, the water felt nice slipping down your body. You half expected him to come back at any minute and stare at you, but he never did. You were able to enter and exit without any disruption. When you got out, however, you knew you couldn't just put your bloody clothes back on. You had to wear something from Trevor's closet. You dug around and found a floral dress? You questioned whether or not he was sleeping with other women now as well, but put it on anyways. You wanted to test his reaction when he came back through that door.

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